Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 183: The Happy Life of Peter Pettigrew

"You reminded me." Hermione said, "You forgot Scabbers' tonic, but fortunately Tiera bought it for you."

"Here." Tiera handed the red bottle in her hand to Ron and said, "You feed it now. The sooner you drink this tonic, the better the effect, right?"

"Oh... ok..." Ron took the tonic and opened the bottle cap—

"Why... why is there a smell of blood?" Ron said with a twitch of his nose.

"Bitter and good medicine," Tiera said, "Quick, feed him quickly, if it doesn't work, I can ask her to refund the money."

"Oh, oh, okay." Ron gently pointed the bottle at Scabber's mouth, while holding the back of Scabber's neck with his other hand—

Under Scabbers' miserable screams and struggles, the bottle of "tonic" was poured into Scabbers' throat and flowed into his stomach.

After seeing her own blood poured into Peter Pettigrew's mouth, Tiera smiled——


After Tiera got the tonic from the witch in the magical zoo, while Hermione and the witch were bargaining, Tiera secretly poured the tonic in the bottle into the mouse cage in her hand, and then let the tonic on her finger. The blood vessel burst open and let a little of his own blood in it.

If nothing else, Peter Pettigrew should have helped Voldemort plan a resurrection at Riddle's ancestral home in Little Hangleton by this time next year.

Tiera with "Parasite" is not only a master of flesh and blood magic——

He is the **** of flesh and blood magic walking on the earth!

Instead of letting any Death Eater sacrifice the flesh and blood of a servant for Voldemort, Tiera was more willing to uphold the original sentence and let Peter Pettigrew cut off his own hands—

Feeding the blood into Peter Pettigrew's mouth is just the first step to better control Peter Pettigrew.

Tiera will carry out the next step of transformation and flesh-and-blood integration for Pettigrew Peter in the third grade, ensuring that a sufficient amount of her own flesh and blood is mixed into Pettigrew—

To ensure that Voldemort's body is mixed with a sufficient amount of his own flesh--

Enough to allow Tiera to influence, control, and even puppet Voldemort.

Peter Pettigrew, who had drank Tierra's blood, seemed to be in better spirits, but still lay softly on Ron's hands.

"Banban!?" Ron shouted nervously, "What's wrong with Scabbers?"

Tiera controlled Scabbers and yawned.

"He might be sleepy," Tiera said, and then naturally reached out to Peter Pettigrew.

Tiera controlled Pettigrew and asked him to stretch out his two short front paws to hug his fingers, and then Tiera naturally lifted Pettigrew from Ron's palm.

"I'll put him with his kind." Tiera said, letting go of his spiritual dimension. "With his partner, he must be able to relax a little bit, which is also good for his absorption of tonics."

"Um... oh... well..." Ron said hesitantly.

But before Ron could finish speaking, Tiera had already opened the cage door and put Peter Pettigrew in.

After locking the cell door, Tiera silently threw a Silent Charm and a Breeding Charm into the cage.

The female mouse in the cage became more and more restless, and even Peter Pettigrew found that his little toothpick that he had never used stood up.

Then the cage was plunged into darkness—

Tiera put down the black curtain with a subtle expression.

I have locked the door, no one wants to leave.

Peter Pettigrew is less than a year away from sailing away anyway—

Save a few species before that.

James was married when he was in his twenties, which means Pettigrew, who was in the same class as James, was only in his thirties this year.

It is the time of the man's Ryoma spirit.

As a man, you can't say no.

I love you, Peter Pettigrew.

Thirteen big beauties are ready for you, please start your happy life.

come on.

After putting the curtain down, Tiera put the pet cage into the traceless extension bag she was carrying, and walked back with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

When they returned to the Leaky Cauldron, they found Mr. Weasley sitting at the bar, ordering a butterbeer, and reading the Daily Prophet.

"Hey, Harry!" Arthur Weasley picked up his head and looked at him with a smile. "And Tiera, Hermione, how are you?"

"Very good sir, thank you," Harry replied politely.

"What about you? Tierra," Arthur Weasley said with a smile. "Maybe I should call you Mr. Lockhart Jr.? How did Gilderoy Lockhart treat you?"

"My father is very kind to me." Tiera said with a smile.

"That's fine, that's fine," Arthur Weasley said.

Harry, Ron and Hermione sat down with Mr. Weasley with their purchases while Tierra chatted with Arthur Weasley.

Mr. Weasley put down the paper and Harry saw the familiar picture of Sirius Black staring at him.

"You haven't caught him yet?" Harry asked.

"No," said Mr. Weasley, looking extremely serious. "In the Department, they told us to drop our jobs and find a way to find him, but we haven't had the luck yet."

"If we catch him...will the Ministry of Magic give us a reward?" Harry asked.

"Don't talk nonsense, Harry," said Mr. Wessingley, looking nervously at him, "Black won't be caught by a thirteen-year-old wizard. He'll be taken back by Guard of Azkaban, you take my word for it."

At this time Mrs. Weasley came into the bar. With many purchases in hand, she was followed by the twins Fred and George, who were about to start their fifth year at Hogwarts, and the newly-elected Boys' Union president, Percy and The youngest child of the Weasleys and their only daughter, Ginny.

Ginny has always liked Harry--

Tiera knew this very well. Even if she hadn't read the original book, Ginny's admiration for Harry was beyond words.

And Ginny is still the real match in Harry's original book, but I don't know why Ginny seems to be quite hostile to herself——

So when Tiera saw this year coming, he took a wrong seat next to him, vacated the seat between him and Harry, and then reached out for Ginny to come over and sit—

But Ginny didn't sit up~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but blushed, muttered "hello", didn't look at Harry, and trotted away.

However, Percy Weasley—

The third young master of the Weasley family held out his hand solemnly, and shook it as if he and Harry had never met before: "Harry, I'm so glad to see you."

"Hello, Percy," Harry responded, but kept from laughing out of politeness.

"Hello, Tiera, it's a pleasure to meet you." Percy said to Tiera again, and then naturally sat between Harry and Tiera—

"Tiera, our talented little wizard." Percy said with a smile, "I have a small request... Could you help me get in touch with Mr. Lockhart, you know, Tiera, I'm graduating soon, If possible...I hope he can help me write a letter of recommendation."


Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation, my dears

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