Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 180: This **** old man is so annoying

After the cooperation talks with Xenophilius ended, Tiera's summer vacation life gradually returned to normal.

The calculation and analysis of the basic magic configuration of the demon summoning ceremony has also come to an end.

Just in the last few days, Tiera Tiera successfully communicated the **** world of the Lord Spirit using the courtship and curse letters sent to Gilderoy Lockhart, and from there summoned several succubus and little demons, and sent them Sealed in purple and red quartz stones, respectively.

But in contrast, the search for the entrance to the fantasy dreamland did not go very smoothly.

The experts from the University of Greenwich are still in the stage of collating data and researching, and they have not achieved any actual gains. There is still a long way to go before they can actually find the cave in Merlin's notes.

The same is true for Umbridge. In the process of searching for the dreamland, she repeatedly encountered obstacles. Obviously, she overestimated the role of the power in her hands. Her power is not very easy to use when it comes to things that require human favor. As a result, her progress in searching for the dreamland was still nothing.

However, Tiera is not in a hurry. He believes that although the sinister villain Umbridge is temporarily frustrated, he will definitely find a way to achieve his goal.

Two days after Xenophilius was placed, Dumbledore visited.

Apparently Dumbledore was here for Sirius to escape.

Although Dumbledore did not have any proof that Sirius escaped and Gilderoy Lockhart was related, but with his centenarian intuition, Dumbledore still found Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Professor Dumbledore!" It was Tiera who opened the door with a look of joy, "Why are you here?"

"Oh, little Tierra," said Dumbledore, stroking his beard. "I've come to Mr. Lockhart. Is he there?"

"I'm so sorry, Professor Dumbledore, my father packed up and went on a trip last night after dinner."

Tiera has long been prepared. You "Gidero Lockhart" just finished visiting Sirius Black, but they escaped from prison the next day. According to Dumbledore's character, he must come to visit.

He said that Tiera had asked Gilderoy Lockhart to go to the Department of International Affairs of the Ministry of Magic to make a record yesterday.

"Travel?" Dumbledore asked in surprise. "Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know, Professor Dumbledore." Tiera shook his head and said, "He didn't say anything, he just said he was going to investigate something."

"Guidero Lockhart"'s filing at the Ministry of Magic was to go to Albania, but obviously, Tiera couldn't know that much.

"Okay..." Dumbledore said, "So you're home alone right now?"

"No, and Mr. Dobby," Tiera said. "Do you want Professor Dumbledore to come in for a cup of tea? Dobby's craftsmanship is amazing."

"Oh, no, thank you, child..." Dumbledore smiled mysteriously, "I have something else to do, so I won't bother, please tell Mr. Lockhart that if he comes back, please ask him Contact me immediately, I have something important to discuss with him."

"Good professor," Tiera said. "Goodbye professor."

After saying that, the door slammed shut.

"Hey...why is little Tiera being so cold to me?" Dumbledore sighed helplessly and turned away.

After that, Tiera lived a relatively peaceful summer vacation for about two weeks.

It wasn't until one morning two weeks later that Tiera heard a knock on the door.

Because Tiera lied to Dumbledore that Gilderoy Lockhart was out on a trip, and Dobby was cooking breakfast at this time, Tiera had to open the door herself.

Tiera opened the door—

The door was empty.

But Tiera was sure that there was someone standing in front of him—

Although Tiera could not see, but through the spiritual dimension, Tiera sensed that there was a spiritual dimension in front of him, and it should be a person he was familiar with.

"Harry?" Tiera asked tentatively.

"Pfft-chh-" A laughter suddenly came from a few centimeters in front of Tiera's eyes, the air there rippled, and the curtain fell off, turning into a silver-gray cloak.

Harry Potter's red-lipped, white-toothed teenage face leaked out from under the cloak, and Harry rolled the Invisibility Cloak into a ball and tucked it under his arm--

Only then did Tiera realize that the tip of Harry's nose was only a few centimeters away from him, and he had to take a few steps back.

Harry is still taller than himself now, with a messy hair like a bird's nest. Although Tiera has grown a little bit longer in the two months of summer vacation, but now Tiera's head can only reach Harry's forehead .

"Long time no see, Tierra!" Harry said with a hearty smile, "I wanted to scare you, how did you see through it?"

"Guess." Tiera said depressedly, "How do you know where my family lives?"

"I was going to take Mr. Lockhart to visit the Dursleys." Tiera said again soon after.

After being adopted by "Gildello Lockhart", Tiera, in order to prevent certain people from—

Like Harry.

Interrupting his own study and research, Tierra did not tell anyone the address of Gilderoy Lockhart's house, whether it was Harry, Hermione Ron, or Ron's troublesome brothers.

"I met Professor Dumbledore at the Leaky Cauldron," said Harry. "Professor Dumbledore told me, he said you're alone at home, it must be boring, so I'll come and play with you when I have time. ."

Tierra:  …

This **** Dumbledore is so annoying

"Come on~www.wuxiamtl.com~Tiella, I ran into Ron at Diagon Alley, and Hermione, she's about to buy a new pet, let's go together," said Harry, "By the way, I I can take you to buy the textbook for next semester, let me tell you, there is a book in the textbook for this semester, but…”

"Okay, wait until I finish breakfast." Tiera sighed, and had to put down her work first, "Wait for me to change."

For the convenience of studying at home during the summer vacation, Tiera was wearing a set of modern-style shorts and short sleeves, and a pair of flip-flops on her feet.

In line with the purpose of wearing how comfortable it is, Tiera's short-sleeved shorts are very thin, soft and loose, but if he wears this to Diagon Alley, he will definitely be regarded as a lunatic or exhibitionist by conservative wizards.

But Tiera couldn't refuse, so Tiera had to go upstairs and get dressed, went to the kitchen to grab two sandwiches and followed Harry out.

Since Dumbledore asked Harry to come to him when Sirius had escaped from prison, no one could say whether he would just squat in a corner and watch.

Alas...that **** old man is so annoying.

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