Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 175: Xenophilius Lovegood

Sirius has escaped from prison.

Before Sirius escaped from prison, Tiera heard howling all night. Even in the movies of her previous life, Tiera had never heard such a desperate howl—

It was anger, pain, remorse, mixed with roars of despair—

It was the last voice of Sirius Black whose sanity was at stake—

The deaths of James Potter and Lily Potter did not obliterate his sanity, nor did the ten-year prison life obliterate his sanity—

But Tiera's simple words became the last straw that broke Black's sanity——

That night, Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban before dawn, having vented his emotions by roaring.

And just as Tiera expected, Sirius took the album with him—

I also want to know, with the character of Sirius Black, how could it be possible to give up this album full of Harry Potter's growth.

This is more precious to him than the Black family's tens of thousands of wealth——

This also allows Tiera to locate Blake's location anytime and anywhere based on this album, and at the same time, if Sirius Black keeps the album close to his collection——

Just like now, that album of Tierra is being carried by Sirius in a form that is more intimate than skin-to-skin—

Now Sirius Black is stalking from Azkaban to the coast in dog form, and the album is merged with him in black dog form because of Sirius' Animagus magic—

So now Tiera can not only read Sirius's mind, but even to some extent—

Tiera can affect Sirius Black's body.

But Tiera didn't do that.

Tiera has now controlled a vest of "Gidero Lockhart", and controlling a puppet of "Sirius Black" is too much for his mental burden——

This would prevent him from concentrating on a lot of magical research and ritual analysis.

And... Tierra thinks it's far better to let Sirius Black move around with his pure Gryffindor flair than to make him a puppet.

Three days after Sirius Black escaped from prison, while Sirius was still digging for voles to eat in the wilderness of northern England, Tiera had asked Dobby to prepare a sumptuous lunch——

Today is the day he and Xenophilius Lovegood agreed to meet to discuss the magazine cooperation in detail.

The place is at his house, it's lunch time.


"Let me go!" Just as Dobby was about to open the door, Tiera stopped him.

"They may become our allies, don't hide it," Tiera said.

"Okay, sir," said Dobby.

Today, Dobby was wearing a suit, a baby clothes that Tiera had specially made to order at a Muggle clothing store, so that it fit Dobby.

There are five seats at the table—

Xenophilius Lovegood wrote back that he would take Luna Lovegood to visit.

Two for the Lovegoods, two for the Lockharts, and one more obviously reserved for Dobby.

Yes, Tiera is going to have Dobby serve and dine together in front of the guests today.

He even had a suit custom made for it.

This may be an insult or provocation to other wizards, but Tierra believes that Xenophilius Lovegood will definitely not think so.

Naturally, Tiera would not cooperate with Xenophilius Lovegood unprepared. In the three days since she returned from the Ministry of Magic, Tiera has relied on the fame of "Gidero Lockhart". Newspapers in Diagon Alley, bookstores, and other older wizards asking about Xenophilius Lovegood—

The results were surprising.

Xenophilius Lovegood graduated two years earlier than Sirius, at the beginning of Voldemort's rise.

But Xenophilius' talent for magic spells was not very strong, and his grades were mediocre, so he did not join the Ministry of Magic after graduation, but fortunately, he was well-informed and knowledgeable during his schooling, read enough miscellaneous books, and also wrote and written. good.

As a result, Xenophilius was hired by the Daily Prophet as soon as he graduated, and was dubbed a "Rising Star" by both the Ministry of Magic and the Daily Prophet for his sharp and critical writing during Voldemort's reign. .

For a while, she fell in love with Pandora Hephaestus, who was at the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Creatures at the time.

But with the post-war reconstruction of the Ministry of Magic and the gradual completion of the trial of Death Eaters, Xenophilius Lovegood's decision to lightly sentence Death Eaters such as Lucius Malfoy to the Ministry of Magic came into being. Dissatisfied, he publicly wrote an article in the Daily Prophet accusing the officials of the Ministry of Magic of being a gang—

"A miser who knows no right or wrong."

Then Xenophilius Lovegood gradually drifted away from the mainstream voices of the Ministry of Magic and the wizarding world, and subsequently published-

"On the Protection and Rights of Werewolf Wizards", "How to Protect the Rights of Centaurs whose Habitats Are Destroyed", "The Status Quo of Half-Blood Wizards Discriminated in Today's Society" and several other articles.

And finally Xenophilius detonated the entire wizarding world with an article "On Voldemort's Embodiment in Enslaving House-Elves".

In the article, he likened the enslavement of house-elves by wizards to Voldemort's behavior in ruling the Ministry of Magic, and justly condemned this as an immoral and unhuman behavior.

As soon as this article came out, there was an uproar in the magic world, and countless letters of intimidation and curses were sent to the mailboxes of the Lovegoods one after another.

Those ancient families in the wizarding world expelled Xenophilius from the Daily Prophet, took back his "Rising Star" medal, and blocked his voice.

At this point, Xenophilius broke with the mainstream voices in the wizarding world and founded the Quibbler magazine with the support of his wife.

In addition to publishing sightings and non-mainstream news about creatures that are said to not exist in the world, The Quibbler will also publish articles criticizing the current affairs of the Ministry of Magic.

The main audience for The Quibbler is therefore low-level wizards who are unacceptable to the Ministry of Magic—

That is, werewolves who were discriminated against by the mainstream wizarding society, vampires hiding in Tibet, half-blood wizards, people who wanted to integrate into wizarding society, goblins who were expelled from Gringotts, dark wizards who really wanted to change their ways, and who competed for power in the Ministry of Magic During the process, he was forcibly framed as a Death Eater by his political opponents and had to hide in Knockturn Alley.

Originally, Tiera just wanted to support "The Quibbler" to gain the right to speak for herself, but now that she learned that "The Quibbler" actually has such a huge base of group owners, Tiera found that she seemed to be able to use this bottom-facing version. The wizard's journal has gathered a considerable force in the magical world against the Ministry of Magic.


As long as he does it right, he can also split the second Ministry of Magic from the United Kingdom when the credibility of the Ministry of Magic in the fifth year is declining.

It may not be necessary for Tiera to cultivate her own power in the magical world, but if there is enough power, it can indeed save Tiera a lot of things.

For example, the search for materials, the capture of test items, and the acquisition of information.

It's like exploring the fantasy world this time.

If Tiera had a group of capable assistants in the wizarding world, there was no need for him to throw fifty thousand dollars into the Muggle world.

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