Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 159: course selection

After the banquet, the rest of the summer semester was spent in dazzling sunshine. Hogwarts was back to normal, and Dumbledore canceled all final exams due to the petrified attack, which made almost all the little wizards cheer—

Except for Hermione, because Hermione felt that even if she was petrified for more than a month, she could still get full marks. After all, she had already finished all the lessons for this semester during the summer and Christmas vacations.

However, because she was petrified for nearly a month, Hermione felt that her preview plan had been seriously disturbed, so in the last period of Hogwarts, Hermione stuck to Tiera like candy—

Whether it's Tiera's body, or "Gidero Lockhart".

Chasing after Tiera and asking some questions about the third-year lesson preparation was more annoying than when she had a crush on Tiera.

Since Tiera was petrified at the end of January, Tiera still needs to take the third grade class——

"Hermione, what class did you take in the third grade?" After Hermione asked a question, Tiera took out the course selection list and asked Hermione.

"Me?" Hermione replied nervously, "I just chose as many classes as I could."

"Then which ones did you choose?" Tiera asked again.

"I chose everything I could," Hermione said.

"Did you choose Arithmetic Divination? Did you choose Divination? What about Ancient Runes? What about Protection of Magical Creatures? And Muggle Studies?" Tiera continued to ask.

"Oh yes." Hermione patted her head and exclaimed, "I suddenly remembered when you said that. Professor Lockhart and I made an agreement to teach me the mathematical calculation of arithmetic and divination for a while. I will first gone."

After saying that, Hermione hurried away—

Tiera:  …

Don't be fooled, I didn't promise to teach you any arithmetic or divination.

At the same time, Tiera hurriedly made "Gidero Lockhart" hide—

Although Hermione said that it was a temporary lie to ask "Gildello Lockhart", Tiera also had to prevent Hermione from simply pretending to be real and actually going to "Gidro Lockhart" ask questions--

He didn't want to be caught by Hermione and asked a lot of questions.

These days, Tiera is tired enough to deal with the endless stream of "admirers".

Most of them are girls, and they are all Lockhart admirers. They know that the gap between them and Gilderoy Lockhart is too great, so they want to save the country by curve-

If I can't be Gilderoy Lockhart's woman, then I'll be Gilderoy Lockhart's daughter-in-law.

Tiera has received more love letters and gifts these days than he has planted in his previous life.

Although there are normal gifts such as chocolates, scarves, gloves and shoes.

But there's also a strand of hair, a bag of nails, and even someone who gave Tiera her own underwear—

Whether it is a normal gift or these strange gifts, if Tiera throws it all to Dobby, it is a benefit to his employees.

After Hermione ran away, Tiera was going to ask Professor McGonagall—

He remembered that in the original book, Hermione applied to the Ministry of Magic through Professor McGonagall to get the Time Transformer.

Tiera looked around quietly and made sure that there were no girls, and then walked out of the door of the Gryffindor lounge, hiding and preparing to go to Professor McGonagall's office on the second floor.

When Tiera turned a corner—

He ran into an old grandfather with a gray beard.

"Oh, my little Tiera." Dumbledore said with a smile, "It seems that you are enjoying your fame more and more."

I don't know why Tiera always felt that Dumbledore was laughing meanly, with a schadenfreude expression.

"That's not my fame, that's Gilderoy Lockhart's fame." Tiera said with a sigh.

"Do you see that you don't know this very clearly?" Dumbledore changed his fierce expression when he faced Gilderoy Lockhart before, and said, "Then why did you agree to Gilderoy Lockhart's adoption? Your intelligence should know that he is not here to give you a family, nor can he bring you the warmth of a family."

"I want his money, I want his money." Tiera sighed and said, "But I regret it now. I was young at that time, and I didn't know that all the gifts of fate were secretly marked with prices."

Dumbledore stroked his beard, looked at Tiera silently, and sighed:

"You are too mature, Tiera, sometimes I almost forget that you are just a little wizard who has just entered school for two years."

"If you knew how Voldemort whispered in my ear, if you knew how I started living on the streets at the age of six, you might not be so surprised," Tiera said.

"Yes, Tiera, I can imagine it." Dumbledore said, "Although your past was dark, I hope your heart still yearns for the light."

"Oh, you look at me, the poor old man." Dumbledore suddenly patted his head and said, "Look at me, it must be extremely important that you choose to come out of the Gryffindor common room at this time. Got something to do? I even dragged you and chatted for so long."

"Yes, Mr. Principal, I'm going to see Professor McGonagall to inquire about course selection," Tiera said.

"Course selection?" Dumbledore stroked his beard, "Do you have any difficulty in choosing a course? Maybe I can help~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Um... well..." Tiera hesitated for a while and said, " It's like this, Hermione has been chasing me and I recently discussing the next semester's courses, and then I found out...she seems to have taken all the courses for the next semester...it is almost impossible, next semester There are several classes on the schedule that conflict with each other, so I wonder if there is a way for the school to get us all of them? Including the one that conflicts first.”

"Very keen observation." Dumbledore boasted, "I can tell you that your conjecture is completely correct, but I don't recommend you do it."

"Why?" Tiera asked.

"You are good enough, Tiera, you experienced horrors in your first and second year that most wizards can't experience in their entire lives." Dumbledore said kindly, "I think compared to knowledge, you What’s more needed is rest.”

"But Mr. Principal..."

"It's nothing." Dumbledore said with a slightly stern face, "I'm thinking of your spiritual safety. It's good to pursue knowledge, but knowledge is not the whole of our lives. Look up from books. Come on, Tiera, think about the sunshine outside, think about the flowers and grass, think about the breeze and the moon, and think about your Harry, he hasn't spoken to you in over three months, he must have a lot to say you say."

Wait, what is my Harry?

Tiera looked at Dumbledore a little weirdly, don't look at people with bad eyes, okay, you and Grindelwald are your business, don't always think about matching the little flowers of our next generation.

Harry and I are just friends. Okay.

Although it's been a long time since I read Harry's Heart, I'm sure Harry thinks so too.

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