Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 154: Veritaserum-flavored refreshments

Seeing Dumbledore's contemplative expression, Tiera knew—

Lame, lame, Dumbledore lame.

Tiera didn't expect Dumbledore to believe it completely, nor did he expect to be able to hide the 100-year-old fritters. Tiera only needed to throw out a plausible explanation before everyone came up with a reasonable explanation, then everyone would 's thoughts will be biased by this reasonable explanation—

This is called a misunderstanding of thinking. After you know a certain thing, it is difficult to return to the state when you did not know it.

Anyway, it was impossible for them to verify the several lies in Tiera's explanation, not to mention that Tiera also threw out two quite powerful arguments——

One is the Balrog who attacked Hogwarts, and the other is the deformed creatures in the waters of the Inner Hebrides.

It is believed that when the officials of the Ministry of Magic have dealt with the remaining mutant creatures in the waters of the Inner Hebrides, the credibility of Tierra's story will definitely be raised to a new level.

After that, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Cornelius Fudge, Alastor Moody, Rufus, Slingjack and Barty Crouch asked Tiera a few more detailed questions, and Tiera answered them fluently. When they really had nothing to ask, Tiera said—

"Mr. Minister, and Mr. Headmaster." Tiera said, "I think I should be worthy of a second order of the Order of Merlin?"

Cornelius Fudge glanced at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore sighed and nodded, "I'll write an application for you."

Seeing that Dumbledore had agreed, Cornelius Fudge naturally had no objection. When he finally left, he kindly shook hands with Lockhart, and even offered Gilderoy Lockhart an olive branch to serve in the Ministry of Magic—

Shows the true character of politicians.

But Tiera politely declined.

Now, although Tiera is wearing the identity of "Gidero Lockhart", the actual "Gidro Lockhart" is only Tiera's "parasite".

Now that Tiera is affected by the petrification curse, it's okay to lie rigidly on the hospital bed. When Tiera recovers, if Gilderoy Lockhart goes to work at the Ministry of Magic, and he himself goes to school at Hogwarts, at the same time Controlling two bodies to perform complex activities will distract her and cause Tiera to slow down some magic analysis progress, and paying such a high price is just a little bit of power in the Ministry of Magic, for Tiera It's really worth it for Laura.

Anyway, for Tiera, keeping the reputation of "Gidero Lockhart" is equivalent to grabbing the power he wants.

What's more, "Parasite" is still very useful in Tierra's third year, and it is necessary for "Parasite" to stay at Hogwarts for a long time. Naturally, it is impossible for him to check in at the Ministry of Magic every day.

"Professor Lockhart, please stay."

Just as Tiera was about to leave the principal's office with the other teachers, Dumbledore suddenly stopped him.

Snape and Professor McGonagall glanced at each other, then quickened their pace and left the room.

Tiera had to sigh and stay where she was—

He knew that the real battle had only begun now.

"Sit down, Professor Lockhart." Dumbledore waved his hand, and a chair flew over from the corner and stopped firmly across the table. At the same time, the teapot on the table automatically floated towards an empty cup. There was a pot of hot tea in it.

Tiera was helpless and sat on the chair carelessly.

"Have a cup of tea." Dumbledore poured himself a cup and took a sip. "Have you been thirsty for so long?"

"Don't say it, it's really a bit." Tiera picked up the teacup and took a sip—

This tea is wrong!

Tiera tasted it in one sip. Tiera is now using the body of the "parasite", which is naturally different from her original body. Many things that were colorless and tasteless to human beings are in the body of the "parasite". There was a huge difference in the eyes and on the tongue.

This tea is full of the smell of Veritaserum.

Tiera took another sip of tea and said, "This tea is really fragrant."

Anyway, the Veritaserum is useless to the "parasite", even if Tiera uses her original body, she can resist the effects of the Veritaserum with the help of the mental wall.

"Have another snack, you probably haven't eaten since yesterday morning." Dumbledore waved his hand again, and plates of cookies, small cakes and egg tarts appeared on Dumbledore's desk.

"Indeed, I'm hungry too." Tiera picked up a piece and took a big bite—

Well, it was still the smell of Veritaserum, so strong that it almost covered the sweetness and aroma of the cake itself.

When "Gildello Lockhart" had almost eaten, Dumbledore's eyes exuded a strange power, and then said:

"Is it tasty?"

"It's delicious," Tiera replied.

"Gildrow... Lockhart, right?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"I've read all your writings," Dumbledore said. "Did you write those stories?"

"It's all written by me. I wrote it word by word with my own handwriting." Tiera said.

"Is the story also true?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Yes, it's true," Tiera said. "It's all real things."

"Did it really happen to you?"

"Real..." Tiera's face suddenly became serious, her lips trembled slightly, she only said one word, and then she suddenly fell silent.

"It seems that you are very resistant to answering this question." Dumbledore smiled, and the strange magic emanating from his eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Then let's change the question. There are loopholes in the story you just told, right?" Dumbledore asked, "As the saying goes, the most perfect lie is 70 percent truth and 30 percent falsehood. So how much of Mr. Lockhart's story just now is true and how much is a lie?"

Tiera's lips moved slightly~www.wuxiamtl.com~ but she remained silent.

"In this way, I'll change the question." Dumbledore straightened his expression and said, "Our little wizard Tiera was controlled by Voldemort before entering the first year, right?"

Tiera pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Steal the Philosopher's Stone from Hagrid's pocket on his way to school, right?"

Tiera remained silent.

"Last summer, Voldemort apparently parasitized Quirrell's fake Philosopher's Stone, but it was actually for Tierra to secretly brew an elixir for him, right?"

Tiera: "..."

"But the effect of the elixir is still not enough to fully revive Voldemort, so he started to plan the next plan, right?"

Tiera: "..."

"Everything was going well, but as you said, Voldemort didn't think that Ravenclaw's crown would give Tiera the power to resist, which made Tiera begin to get closer to you, revealing some... ...things." Dumbledore looked at the still silent "Gildello Lockhart" through the half-moon glasses, smiled, and the power in his eyes suddenly burst out——

"But you didn't try to help him, on the contrary, you attacked him! Tierra's outstanding performance aroused greed in your heart! You vile, shameless, vicious robber! You ignored the pleas of a poor child for help You are still possessed by your greed, and you have stolen Ravenclaw's crown!" Dumbledore's beard and hair were stretched out like an angry lion.

Lame, lame, Dumbledore is lame!

Tiera was ecstatic.

But on the surface, he still pretended to be frightened, as if the last line of defense in his heart had been breached.

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