Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 150: grand finale

At Hogwarts after five in the morning, all the students, teachers, staff, and the Ministry of Magic investigators were fast asleep—

Suddenly, a high, loud whistle pulled everyone from dreamland back to reality.

Outside the Hogwarts castle was ablaze with flames, one after another flaming giants were sluggishly raising the flaming greatsword in their hands, and slashing at the outer protective shield of Hogwarts castle again and again——

This was already the cheapest ensemble cast Tierra could find, and it took Tierra hours to get enough flames to use the "parasite"'s life power to create a spectacle outside of Hogwarts. Five Balrogs, and ordered them to swing their great swords and chop the outermost shield of Hogwarts.

Since these were just Balrogs born from ordinary flames, those flaming swords had no effect on Hogwarts' shield, but only added a few sparks.

But the visual effect is excellent. The ferocious Balrog frightened almost all the little wizards, and even many officials of the Ministry of Magic rolled from the bed to hide under the bed with quilts and pillows.

After everyone was awakened, a hoarse and vicious voice pierced the sky——

"Damn it! Gilderoy Lockhart! How dare you hurt my pet!" A tall, pale, hairless figure stood on the head of a large green snake—

Tiera used the power of "Parasite" to change Dobby's image:

Dobby Classic Skin - Voldemort Limited Edition.

Voldemort, who made a friendly guest appearance by Dobby, waved the branch in his hand—

The ritual of summoning Yoggsothoth and the ritual of summoning Shabu Nicholas destroyed three of Tierra's wands: one from Gilderoy Lockhart, one from Lucius Malfoy, and one from Merlin 's staff.

So Tiera had to let Dobby pick up a random branch and make do with it.

Acting anyway.

Dobby waved the branch, and a green light shot out from the branch.

"In that case, before I kill Harry and Dumbledore, I'll have to cut you open—" Dobby roared frantically.

"No one will die, Voldemort!"

"Gildello Lockhart," or Tierra roared back, "Your ambitions are over with me! I will protect Harry, Dumbledore and Hogwarts!"

The conversation between the two was like honking a loudspeaker, and every corner of Hogwarts Castle could hear—

Tierra's cry of Voldemort was like pouring water into a hot oil pan. The whole Hogwarts exploded, and the teachers roared loudly, trying to maintain order—

But the students shoved, screamed and ducked, scurrying around like headless flies.

The officials of the Ministry of Magic hurriedly put on their clothes and packed up their things, some continued to hide under the bed, and some tried to escape from Hogwarts in the chaos——

Only a very small number of Aurors drew their wands and came to the main entrance—

"Listen, listen, Fox." In the headmaster's office in the eighth-floor tower of Hogwarts Castle, Dumbledore sat up helplessly from the bed, picked up a Lemon Snow Treasure on the bedside table and put it in own mouth.

"Listen, he actually said he wanted to protect me." Dumbledore put on a pair of star-patterned wool socks, then stood up from the bed in slippers, walked slowly to the window, and watched the fiery fighting scene at the castle gate.

"Look, Fox, how much our little genius is capable of tossing." Dumbledore sighed, "I woke up a hundred-year-old man in the middle of the night, knowing that there is such a crazy hidden in his little head. I should have strangled him directly in the Mirror of Erised—"

"Ah—, ah ah—!" Fox said.

"I know, I know." Dumbledore said cursingly, "I know I can't kill anyone, but can't you let me fantasize by myself when things have developed to this point?"

"Ah—" Fox said.

At the same time, the battle at the gates of Hogwarts has entered a white-hot stage.

The huge basilisk has "slammed to the ground" under a powerful spell of "Gidro Lockhart", and the furious "Voldemort" waved his "magic wand" and personally ended up with "Gidro Lockhart". Wire.

The spells flew everywhere, and the brilliance was overflowing. "Voldemort" made a move, and "Gidro Lockhart" received the move. The movements of the two using magic were dazzling and dizzying—

Not to mention meddling.

The Auror inside the Hogwarts shield had already pulled out his wand, but he found that he couldn't stick it in at all, so he had to stand there stupidly watching the battle between "Gilder Lockhart" and Tom Riddle——

Tiera scoured almost all the special effects she had seen in her previous life in her mind, and then let the "Heir" use the Phantom Spell to show it.

Common ones such as Transfiguration, Fire Spell, in addition to your weapons, there are all kinds of colorful rays of light coming and going between "Gildello Lockhart" and "Voldemort".

Seeing that she was almost done, Tiera signaled that Dobby was coming to an end—

Dobby nodded, indicating that he had received Tierra's instructions.

"Voldemort" poked the "Wand" forward--

A sturdy, thunder-like beam of light hit "Gidero Lockhart"—

But the thunder beam stopped a few inches in front of Gilderoy Lockhart, as if it was blocked by something.

"Gidero Lockhart" seemed to be enduring great pain, the muscles on his face were shaking——

"Gidero Lockhart" put the "Wand" across his palm, and the "Wand" instantly burned to ashes, leaving a complex pattern on "Gidero Lockhart"'s hand.

The space in front of "Gidero Lockhart" presents a gem-like edge, and "Gidro Lockhart" raised his hands and pushed forward——

The space prism took the purple thunder light and went back the same way.

"Voldemort" just picked the "magic wand" lightly, all the lightning, all the space prisms converged at the tip of his wand, turning into a black hole the size of a broad bean.

"Voldemort" waved his hand, and the black hole rushed towards "Gidero Lockhart", which became bigger and bigger in the middle, and when he was about to inhale "Gidero Lockhart"—

"Gildello Lockhart" poked both hands, and an orange-yellow magic circle with fire light appeared between his palms—

"Gildello Lockhart" threw the magic circle forward and turned it into a giant magic circle with a height of two people.

The collision between the circle and the black hole——

The black hole transformed into countless flying blue-gold butterflies.

Butterflies gather towards "Voldemort". He briefly blocked his vision—

When "Voldemort" finally waved his wand and drove the butterfly away from his eyes—

"Gidero Lockhart" who was standing on the opposite side was already floating in the air~www.wuxiamtl.com~ his hands made a white crane and bright wings——

Countless arm ghosts generally appear behind "Gidero Lockhart"——

Then one life, two, two, three, three, and all things, one "Gidero Lockhart" split into countless "Gidero Lockharts" and surrounded "Voldemort".

Each Gilderoy Lockhart threw a crimson rope from the palm of his hand.

The rope tightly trapped "Voldemort" in the center like a cicada.

Countless "Gidero Lockharts" together with the ropes turned into golden flames, and soon, the flames were connected to each other and turned into a flame storm——

The flame storm intensified and evolved into a towering flame tower—

When the flame tower was just taking shape, a figure——

"Gidero Lockhart" was thrown out, and rolled on the ground a few times, covered in smoke—

Until then, those Aurors didn't dare to open the door of Hogwarts, and hurriedly stepped forward to help "Gidero Lockhart".

"Quick, let's go—"

"Gidero Lockhart" said weakly.

However, before he could finish speaking, the flaming tower behind them suddenly exploded, blowing Gilderoy Lockhart and the Aurors who came to support him, and rolled into Hogwarts. door.

The flames exploded a large pit on the spot, and then a wisp of dark smoke flew out from the bottom of the pit—

"I will definitely come back—" The dark smoke had a ferocious face like a human-snake hybrid, and roared hoarsely.

"Oh, it's really wonderful." Dumbledore said expressionlessly, taking a sip from the teacup.

PS: This paragraph of fight Tiera is copied from Avengers 3 Doctor Strange vs Thanos

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