Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 142: Where has Tierra gone?

After Tiera ran out of the auditorium hall, Tiera did not appear again all day.

Whether it was class, lunch, or the self-study time before dinner, Tyer, who never missed class, seemed to have evaporated from Hogwarts, and Harry couldn't find him anywhere.

This made Harry, who was used to Tiera's company, a little listless all day.

"Don't worry about Harry." After Tiera disappeared, Hermione sat at the same table in Harry's spell class, "Tiera is much more mature than the two of you, he can definitely take care of himself."

"But Hermione, have you seen him cry?" Harry said. "I've never seen Tiera cry...and cry, cry so badly..."

"He must have seen something in that prophecy." Harry said firmly, "Did you see anything in Tierra's prophecy?"

"No..." Hermione said with a headache. "To be honest, Harry, I don't really believe in those prophecies—"

"But since Tiera has proved the accuracy of his previous prediction," Hermione said, "I still thought about the prediction given by Tiera."

"What did you get?" Harry asked.

"No, nothing at all." Hermione took out the piece of paper Tiera had written from her bag, "This is just the list, except that the students on it are all from Muggle families without any connection... Well, I I need to go to the library to check."

After lunch, Hermione went straight to the library, while Harry came to the entrance of the Gryffindor common room except—

"Hello, fat lady," Harry asked politely, "yes, have you met Tiera?"

"Oh, yes, my dear little Harry." The fat lady replied with a smile, "At breakfast today, Tiera came back and changed a dress, and then ran out in a hurry."

"Run away? Where are you going?"

"Go downstairs, but where exactly, I'm really sorry kid, I've been standing here all day, but you can ask Da Vinci on the first floor." Ask the fat lady pointed downstairs and said, "He's right there The one on the first floor near the gate."

"Thank you, Fat Lady." Harry ran to Da Vinci's self-portrait on the first floor again.

"Mr. Da Vinci, have you seen Tiera?" Harry asked.

"Tiera? That little wizard with black hair and black eyes who always sticks to you?" Da Vinci's self-portrait is one of the few sketches in the entire Hogwarts Castle. old man.

"Yes," Harry replied.

"I see, maybe during breakfast, the little wizard ran out of the back door with tears on his face." Da Vinci said, "Did you quarrel? I see him crying sadly."

"Oh... No, no, we, we didn't." Harry hesitated, then told Da Vinci everything about this morning.

"So little Tiera is a prophet," Da Vinci said.

"What do you think that list... would mean? Mr. Da Vinci." Harry asked.

"I don't know," Da Vinci replied.

"But aren't you a prophet too? Do you have any advice?" Harry asked again.

"No one but the prophet himself can see the whole truth of the future." Da Vinci added, "Besides, I'm just a bad old man who has been dead for centuries! If you really want to know, I suggest you Catch up and ask."

"Okay, thank you," Harry said, then turned and ran towards the back door of Hogwarts Castle.

Going out from the back door of the castle is a flat grass, and on the left side of the castle is the beating willow. Harry and Ron were beaten up by this tree when they drove to the school.

A little further ahead is the winding road that leads to Hagrid's hut.

Harry knocked on Hagrid's door.

"Oh, Harry!" Hagrid opened the door from inside, wearing an apron and a baking mitt.

"Harry, what's the matter? You look anxious." Hagrid turned to let Harry into the hut, "It just so happens that the fresh rock crust is out of the pot, come in and try it!"

It seemed to be lunch time at Hagrid's house, and Hagrid had just brought the food out of the oven.

Dobby was also there, sitting on a high stool, using a knife and fork to laboriously cut a small piece of rock cake on his plate.

"No, no, Hagrid, I've eaten it." Harry said, "I just came to ask if you and Dobby saw Tiera, I haven't seen him all morning, the fat monk ghost said he Went out the back door of the castle, so I wanted to ask if it was possible for him to come to you..."

"Tiera?" Hagrid said, "I didn't see it, I've been in... all in the Forbidden Forest this morning, what about you, Dobby?"

"Dobby... Dobby... neither." Dobby said, and continued to cut rock cakes with his head down.

"Oh... well." Harry said a little disappointedly.

"What happened, Harry?" Hagrid asked.

"No...it's nothing, it's just..." Harry repeated to Hagrid what had happened at breakfast this morning.

"Don't worry about Harry, Tiera will be fine," Hagrid comforted. "He... maybe just wants to be alone for a while."

"Oh... well," said Harry, "then I'll go back to class first... If you see Tiera, please let me know~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I'm very worried about him."

"It will," said Hagrid.

Harry was in the school hospital when he saw Tiera again—

Halfway through dinner that day, Professor McGonagall walked in suddenly.

It was only then that Harry realized that half of the teachers were not attending tonight's dinner.

"Harry, Ron, and Hermione, please come with me." Professor McGonagall said to me with a serious expression, "I want to ask you something."

The trio of deductions glanced at each other, then followed Professor McGonagall out of the auditorium hall—

Before leaving, Ron took two quick bites of the butter fried rice on his plate.

"I hope you don't panic and don't be afraid." Teacher McGonagall brought Harry, Hermione and Ron to a stop at the gate of the school hospital, "Headmaster Dumbledore just came back from the Ministry of Magic when he heard about it. , he and the deans of the four academies are inside... Don't be too nervous... We're just asking you a few questions, trust me, Tiera will be fine."

Hearing Teacher McGonagall say that, a bad premonition rose in Harry's heart.

"Now, go in." Professor McGonagall pushed open the heavy door of the school hospital and said to Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The school hospital was empty. Madam Pomfrey, Professor Snape, Professor Flitwick, and Professor Sprout were all surrounded by a hospital bed.

When they saw Teacher McGonagall bringing Harry, Ron, and Hermione in, the professors turned slightly to reveal the person lying on the bed—

It's Tiera!

The sluggish eyes were wide open, and there was an unspeakable fear on his face. He blocked his two hands in front of him, and hung stiffly in the air like a statue.

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