Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 140: be careful

Gilderoy Lockhart's harvest this winter vacation is really huge——

Not only has magic knowledge increased a lot, but magic power has also increased synchronously.

This is due to Tom Riddle's share of the homemade potion fed to Gilderoy Lockhart before that ceremony.

Since the diary is only a Horcrux, the potion given by Tom Riddle is the original version of the potion formula researched by Voldemort, which is the version tested on Bellatrix Rustrange .

And although Voldemort's body was bounced back to death by Lily Evans' juvenile protection law, it does not mean that people have been completely nested in a dark corner for more than ten years. Play.

Voldemort was a doer.

So Voldemort had to consider his own resurrection ritual—

But you can't just think about your own resurrection ceremony.

Voldemort also had to consider how he would gain power after his resurrection.

Like how to build an undefeated army of Death Eaters.

Especially after he possessed Professor Quirrell, Voldemort had a body available to put these previous conjectures into practice.

So a new recipe for the potion that had been used on Bellatrix Rustrange fell into Tierra's hands at the end of Tierra's first year, along with Voldemort's Potions Experiment Notes and other Potions Admiration. inside.

Tiera stopped the old version of Tom Riddle's formula, and changed the new version of the potion formula according to her own understanding, adding a certain proportion of quito fruit, the poison of the king eye snake, and the powder of the mummy. , the roots of the camellia wood, the wings of the Libyan highland bee, the skin of the Japanese salamander, the scales of the mermaid and the mucus of the giant snail, another agent was constructed under Voldemort's potion—

Tondler's Potion.

This is the medicine used by the wizarding world to treat the failure of Animagus or other transfiguration techniques, which can inhibit the proliferation of abnormal tissues and cells in the wizard's body.

But the side effects are also obvious. The growth and development of the user will stop in the future, and they will age prematurely.

Tiera deliberately increased the weight of the mucus of the giant snail and the skin of the Japanese salamander in Tondler's potion to make the potion more toxic.

The combination of Voldemort's improved potion and that cruel ritual gave Gilderoy Lockhart an explosive increase in power.

When Gilderoy Lockhart used the Imperius Curse on Tiera, Tiera even felt a slight tremor in her mental wall.

But it was still useless, Gilderoy Lockhart's Imperius Curse was easily resisted by Tiera.

Tiera still cooperates with Gilderoy Lockhart's performance——

His eyes became demented, and even a few drops of saliva dripped from the corners of his mouth, he smirked and stood there blankly.

Gilderoy Lockhart stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Tiera.

Tiera smiled, but there was no other reaction.

"Um... Tierra, turn around." Gilderoy Lockhart ordered.

Tiera turned around in circles.

"Let him slap himself," Tom Riddle said to Gilderoy Lockhart.

"Tiella, slap yourself." Lockhart ordered again.

Tiera slapped herself lightly.

"Let him slap harder," Tom Riddle said again.

"Fan harder." Gilderoy Lockhart ordered again.

Tiera had to slap herself hard, which made Tiera's left half of her face slightly red and swollen.

"Let Tiera slap himself continuously, you won't let him stop unless you stop it." Tom Riddle ordered again.

Tiera:  …

No, Sir, are you a Dark Lord with such a small mind?

"Let Tiera go." Tiera concealed Tom Riddle's order through Inheritance, and then told Gilderoy Lockhart.

"You go." Lockhart ordered.

After thinking about it, Gilderoy Lockhart added:

"Wipe your saliva, restrain your smile, and act normal."

"Goodbye, Professor Lockhart." Tiera put away her demented look, bowed politely to Gilderoy Lockhart, and turned to leave.

"Why did you let him go." Tom Riddle asked after seeing Tiera leave from Lockhart's field of vision.

Of course, this sentence was also directly concealed by the "Inheritance" and was not conveyed to Lockhart.

"It's better not to give too drastic orders."

By disguising the "Heir" as Gilderoy Lockhart, Tiera responded to Tom Riddle, "So as not to cause resistance, after all you said, Tiera's talent is not low, if you give him too much An order that goes against his own will is likely to cause his resistance, we just need to control him and let him appear by my sister's side when we need it."

The reason given by "The Inheritance" was very good, Tom Riddle could not refute it, he could only feel resentful.

After walking out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, Tiera put away his demented expression.

"Tsk..." Tiera clicked her tongue, he underestimated Tom Riddle's revenge.

It stands to reason that three months on Angelo Lockhart, the head of an old ritual master like Raphael Morwendi, plus Tom Riddle's unpaid teaching, is a "Yugsothoth Summoning Ceremony" "Adding a "Gauze Nicholas Summoning Ritual" plus a "Summoning Nyarlathotep" is enough for Gilderoy Lockhart to learn.

And the Tondler potion that Tiera gave Gilderoy Lockhart also extended the time Raphael Morwendi's head stayed on Gilderoy Lockhart, preventing him from harvesting new ones when he returned to school. The brain thinks for him.

But Tom Riddle doesn't. Life is all about ritual.

He just wanted to bring Gilderoy Lockhart and Tierra to the altar.

So Tom Riddle told Gilderoy Lockhart that the ritual lasted only one month.

Gilderoy Lockhart probably completed his present ceremony on December 30.

That is to say, according to Tom Riddle, Gilderoy Lockhart must prepare the ceremony before January 25th.

And today is January 6th~www.wuxiamtl.com~ In the hearts of Tom Riddle and Gilderoy Lockhart, "Tiera" has a few days to live.

Tiera frowned with a headache—

This was the first time he felt that it was a troublesome thing to get in trouble with Tom, Village, Kuaner, Little Eyes, Middle Second, and Riddle.

He originally thought that Tom Riddle would be able to concentrate on his resurrection ritual after listing Gilderoy Lockhart, but Tierra did not count Tom Riddle as careful.

It's been a winter vacation, and I still think about myself.

What really troubled Tiera was that Tiera couldn't resolve this matter with conventional methods.

Therefore, Voldemort cannot achieve great things, his vision is too narrow.

As Tiera walked towards the hall of the auditorium, she rubbed her swollen left cheek with her hand.

The redness and swelling on the left cheek quickly disappeared.

"Ah..." Tiera sighed, Tom Riddle's careful eyes made Tiera feel a little unreasonable, and made him feel that things were a little out of his control.

If only a small disagreement between Tiera and Tom Riddle. Tiera can deal with the past through "Inheritors".

But Tom Riddle is determined to kill Tiera, Tiera can hide it once and hide it twice, but with the accumulation of lies once, the recognition between Gilderoy Lockhart and Tom Riddle will become more and more The bigger it is, the day the lie will collapse.

And Tierra is now playing a pure innocent student, which prevents him from using any means beyond what he should have against Gilderoy Lockhart's Imperius Curse, which will cause Tom Riddle's alertness, which in turn will cause the unknown Variety.

Then we had to implement that plan ahead of time.

Tiera made up her mind.

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