Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 137: exchange gifts

On Christmas morning, Harry slowly woke up.

"Merry Christmas, mention—"

"Merry Christmas, Harry Potter!" Dobby jumped from Tierra's bed onto Harry's bed with big round eyes.

"You're... Dobby!?" Harry was taken aback by Dobby.

"Where's Tiera?" Harry asked nervously, "What did you do to Tiera?"

"I'm fine, Harry." At this time, Tiera came in after washing up, "Look at Harry, let me introduce you formally, this is Dobby."

"Hello." Dobby waved at Harry happily.

"This... what's going on?" Harry asked suspiciously, "I'm a little confused."

"Dobby is free!" Dobby said excitedly.

"What? What's going on?" Harry was still confused.

"Let me explain." Tiera patted Dobby on the shoulder and said.

"That's right, I learned through prophecy that Dobby was Malfoy's house-elf, so I guessed that Dobby's so-called protection of you was inspired by Malfoy, right, Dobby? "Tiera said, squeezing Dobby's shoulder.

"Oh...Oh, yes." Dobby said with a guilty conscience.

"So for Christmas, I made a magic gift and gave it to Draco. The outside was a box that no house elf could open, and the inside was a set of clothes." Tiera pointed. Pointing to the wizard suit Dobby was wearing.

"Yes, the clothes that Mr. Tiera gave to Dobby!" Dobby said happily, pulling up the clothes on his body.

"Tiera also gave me a scarf that changes color." Harry said suddenly.

"That's not the point," Tiera said, "the point is,

House-elves are a race that was conquered by wizards in ancient wars. Every one is born with servile training and must serve the master from generation to generation. They undertake all housework and are bound by their masters. They cannot disobey the master's orders at will. If they disobey, they must punish themselves. For them, their supreme right is to obey the orders of their masters. They have to work hard all their lives, and they won't be free unless their master hands them a piece of clothing. "

"So you gave Dobby a dress and Dobby was free?" Harry asked.

"Yes! Dobby is free!" Dobby said again happily.

"So Dobby won't try to hurt me again?" Harry asked again.

"Dobby never intended to hurt Harry Potter, Dobby—"

"Dobby was only ordered by his master, right?" Tiera patted Dobby on the shoulder and said.

"Yes, yes, Dobby was only ordered by his master." Dobby changed his tune temporarily.

"Oh, that's great!" Harry said perfunctorily.

Through eye contact with Harry, Tiera knew:

[I really want to open the gift quickly! 】

"Harry, you wash up first, and I'll take Dobby to Hagrid first," Tiera said.

"Go to Hagrid? Why go to Hagrid?"

"I'm going to give Dobby a job. Although Dobby is free, his survival is also a problem," Tiera said. "And Hagrid often complains to me that he is too busy sometimes, I think He should be happy to accept Dobby."

"Oh, okay... wait for me." Harry quickly jumped out of the bed, dressed and washed, "I'll go with you, and we'll unwrap the presents when we get back."

[I prepared a big surprise for Tiera! 】

Tiera heard Harry say excitedly.

"Well, okay, then hurry up." Tiera said helplessly.

Tiera already knew what Harry meant by a big surprise.

It is a brand new wizard robe.

Since the "Parasite" was successfully refined, Tiera has only been wearing the "Parasite" clothes that are dust-proof, dirt-proof and self-cleaning. Therefore, according to Harry's observation, Tiera has not been around for nearly two months. Changed wizard robes.

It took less time than Harry had expected to get the nasty Dobby out of the way.

Just as Harry was dressed neatly and wrapped tightly, and was about to walk out of the Gryffindor gate, Tiera pulled him out.

Tiera's other hand grabbed Dobby's arm, smiled and said, "This way is faster."

As soon as Tiera finished speaking, Dobby, Tiera and Harry disappeared into the Gryffindor lounge.

The next second, they appeared next to Hagrid's hut.

The next thing is very natural-

Hagrid, who has always loved magical animals, has no reason to refuse to take in a homeless house-elf.

Especially when Hagrid knew that this house elf was a different kind of house elf, longing for freedom and equality, Hagrid was more willing to take in Dobby.

Anyway, Dobby is small and thin, not even Hagrid's dog, with big teeth.

Hagrid made a bed for Dobby by the fireplace in his living room with the old rug and Buckbeak's sloughed off fence.

Dobby likes this bed very much. Apart from not being able to jump on the bed, Dobby is quite satisfied with this bed.

This made the relationship between Dobby and Hagrid a lot more-

It relieved Dobby a little from the depressed mood that he couldn't work by Tiera's side.

After that, Tierra, Harry chatted with Hagrid for a while, and then returned to the dormitory.

Dobby was left with Hagrid.

Every Christmas is the busiest time for Hagrid. In addition to taking care of a large stall of magical animals in his hidden zoo, he also has to choose Christmas trees and ingredients for the school's Christmas.

Therefore, Hagrid was extremely overjoyed for such a small assistant sent by Tiera and Harry, like a big kid over two meters tall who got a new toy.

After Tiera returned to the Gryffindor dormitory, under Harry's expectant gaze, he opened the gift that Harry had given him—

A brand new, Gryffindor robe, by Lady Malkin.

The collar and cuffs of the robes show rows of sparse ancient runes with golden threads—

It has the function of keeping warm in winter and cooling in summer.

"Oh, my God, Harry! I really like it, I really like it!" Tiera made a very happy expression on the surface—

But he was calculating in his heart, whether such a brand-new undisassembled robe could be returned to Madam Mokin's robe shop.

Should be able to return a lot of golden Jin Galleon.

Tiera also took out her own gift—

A gold and red Gryffindor brooch.

This is a failure of the same style as Gilderoy Lockhart's brooch.

It’s useless to keep it, it’s a pity to lose it, and Tiera didn’t dare to give this to another professor, so she had to give it to Harry, I hope he likes—

"Oh, my God, Tiera, I like it so much." Harry pinned the brooch to his chest.

Suddenly, a wonderful aroma emanated from Harry—

This is the function of this brooch, which can make the wearer emit a unique fragrance.

This fragrance cannot be smelled by the wearer, but it can improve the attention of the people around to a certain extent.

Tiera took a deep breath and said:

"Merry Christmas, Harry."

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