Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 134: revolution

"No! I'm not reconciled!" Dobby yelled, but then his ears drooped again, "But what can I do? I'm just a house elf..."

"You can join us." Tiera reached out to Dobby and said.

"Join...you?" Dobby asked suspiciously.

"Huh—" Tiera whistled.

"Boom—" A huge splash of water exploded from the lake behind Dobby, and a huge rough snake head suddenly emerged from the lake—

"This, this, this, what is this?" Dobby was startled.

"Don't be afraid, Dobby." Tiera grabbed Dobby who wanted to move the phantom, and then in Dobby's terrified eyes——

Slytherin lowered his head gently.

Above his two huge lantern-like eyes, each was covered with a large translucent pale black glass cover.

The two glass covers are connected by a black leather strap, like wearing a pair of pale black swimming goggles on the head of a Slytherin snake.

"Please allow me to introduce, this is Salazar Slytherin, the basilisk in the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets." Tiera let go of Dobby's arm.

"Snake, snake, basilisk?" Dobby's voice was still filled with terror.

"But please don't be afraid." Tiera said, "Salazar Slytherin was only framed by a traitor, so he had to become this kind of basilisk, but after my treatment... Although he is not completely He has recovered, but he has become much milder, and he will no longer destroy wantonly, or follow his instinct to kill."

Tiera pushed Dobby behind the back.

"You can touch him."

Slytherin also lowered the snake's head gently.

Dobby shivered and reached out to Slytherin's snake head.

His dry palms carefully touched Slytherin's wet and greasy nose scales, and then quickly retracted them.

"It's true! It's true!" Dobby touched again excitedly, "He actually didn't attack me!"

"Thank God! Harry Potter, Harry Potter is safe!" Dobby jumped up excitedly and turned 720 degrees on the spot.

"Harry Potter has always been safe."

"So Mr. Tiera is not a dark wizard?" Dobby looked at Tiera excitedly.

"No, I am." Tiera said lightly.

Dobby ducked to the side vigilantly.

"But who said dark wizards have to be evil?" Tiera asked, "Have you seen me do anything bad?"

"You..." Dobby racked his brains to recollect, recollect, and recollect—

"No." Dobby replied, seeming to be a little less wary of Tiera.

"But that doesn't mean I won't do it in the future." Tiera said again.

Dobby's nerves tightened again.

"Don't be nervous." Tiera said with a smile, "Dobby, tell me, what am I going to do?"

"You... you want to free the house-elves?" Dobby asked hesitantly.

"How do I free the house-elves?" Tiera asked again.

"This... this... Dobby doesn't know."

"I want revolution." Tiera said decisively.

"What is a revolution?" Dobby asked.

"Revolution is not about entertaining guests, not writing articles, not painting and embroidering, it cannot be so elegant, so calm, gentle, so gentle, courteous and thrifty."

"Revolution is an insurrection, a violent act of one class overthrowing another."

"How do we riot? How do we overthrow another class?" Tiera asked again.

"Dobby... Dobby doesn't know either."

"Strength." Tiera said, "I need strength, and you need strength too."

"Then tell me, Dobby, me, or how do we get power? How do we get power beyond ordinary people and crush the entire wizarding world?"

"Dark magic?" Dobby replied, "But, black magic is...all evil..."

"No, Dobby, no, black magic, or other magic, is never good or bad, they are just power, black magic can be used to cook, and magic used to cook can also be used to kill." Tiera said, "They are only as good as their users—"

"Some people use black magic to oppress the masses and ride on the heads of the masses to make a fortune, such as Voldemort, so even if he is alive, he is dead."

"But there are people." Tiera stared at Dobby and said, "There are people who learn black magic in order to help the toiling masses live a better life, and to let the little ones have freedom, dignity, and status. , away from oppression, away from slavery.”

"Sobie, what kind of person do you think I am?" Tiera asked again.

"You are the second kind...you want to liberate all the house-elves!" Dobby replied excitedly, "I understand! Mr. Tiera is the second kind of people, and Mr. Tiera studied black magic for liberation. House-elves!"

"Well... well, yes." Tiera said, "Seriously, if it wasn't, if it wasn't for the liberation of house-elves, I, what kind of black magic did I learn, it's tiring and difficult to learn, who doesn't want to be honest What about graduating from Hogwarts and getting a job where you can eat and die?"

"Sir, you are really, really great!" Dobby said excitedly.

"But why do you want to free the house-elves?" Dobby asked, "as if, as if it were your own business .

"Because... it's not you Dobby who is standing in front of me, no, it's not you alone, it's a race, a race enslaved, a race moaning in humiliation, and when I look at you, It's like seeing myself in the future." Tiera put on a sad look, "How much do you think the difference between a wizard and a house elf is?"

"Very... very big?" Dobby asked cautiously.

"No, there is no difference between wizards and house-elves," Tiera said, "at least, in Voldemort's eyes, house-elves are no different from other wizards~www.wuxiamtl.com~We are all animals to be slaughtered, we are all A slave who should be enslaved by him."

"So I'm going to free you, and I'll free the house-elves, just as I've freed myself," Tiera said. "Only if we unite, only when wizards and house-elves unite, can we overthrow Voldemort, and we can overthrow the The evil sorcerer threatening us over our heads."

"V... The mysterious man, the mysterious man will come back?" Dobby asked again in horror, "Sir, you, how do you know?"

"Yes, it will come back." Tiera said, "I am a prophet, I think you should have heard, I predicted the return of Voldemort, I... saw..."

"Voldemort will come back." Tiera pulled Dobby. In a terrifying tone, "I see, Voldemort will come back, he will rise from smoke and fire, and he will kill us, he will kill us all. No one is immune."

Looking at Dobby's pale face, Tiera felt that she was almost done, and asked:

"Sobie, tell me your answer, would you join me? Would you join the great revolution? Would you follow me to liberate the house-elves? Would you join me in saving the wizarding world? Our souls are defiled by black magic, even if we fall into the abyss of evil, even if we are reviled by the world."

Tiera stretched out his hand, and the golden threads climbed up Tiera's arm, and a cluster of golden flames ignited on the palm of Tiera's stretch to Dobby.

"You, are you willing to join me... to change the world?"

Dobby's eyes flashed with hesitation, fear, hesitation, but in the end, he resolutely stretched out his hand, passed through the golden flame, and held Tiera's hand.

"I will."

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