Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 113: ceremony

[This little devil finally opens...]

【No! How could he suddenly agree so readily? 】

Immediately afterwards, Tiera noticed that a trace of spiritual power had touched his spiritual wall.

Occlumency activates—

Countless hallucinations and false memories disguised Tiera's mental enclosure as a normal person's memory palace.

Tom Riddle scrutinized a little bit, checked a little bit.

Tiera also revealed "the deepest secrets" to Tom Riddle little by little.

First of all:

The desire for power and power—

The envy, jealousy, and ensuing hatred of Harry—

The hatred for the surrounding pure-blood wizards——

Jealousy of the Malfoys—

But, when Tiera met Gilderoy Lockhart for the first time in a bookstore—

Tiera was attracted by this handsome, narcissistic, sloppy, but very deceiving wizard—

Gradually, Tiera read his writings—

Gradually, Tiera began to question Tom Riddle's dynamism—

Gradually, Tiera's infatuation with Tom Riddle fell, and the love faded——

Instead, he fell in love with this handsome, powerful wizard—

Tom Riddle felt that he was really getting old.

After working hard for more than a semester, coaxing, deceiving, and being a child, the little love that was cultivated in Tiera's heart was taken away by others in an instant! ?

[If it weren't for me being just a Horcrux, I would definitely give each of you a life-suppressing spell——]

Tiera read what Tom Riddle said in his heart.

Then Tiera used Occlumency to show several other changes in his heart, knowing that Tom Riddle was finally about to lose his patience.

Tiera showed Tom Riddle what he wanted to see the most—

The real reason why Tiera wanted to open the Chamber of Secrets——

That's a path that Tom Riddle never dreamed of--

Tom Riddle saw a ritual in Tiera's mind—

A very rare, but quite powerful ritual.

The young Tiera felt ashamed because she was addicted to Gilderoy Lockhart's "peerless face" and "superior" magic skills, and wanted to improve her strength and appearance through black magic——

Thanks to Tom Riddle's brainwashing for Tierra over the past ten months, he has gradually cultivated an "extreme" character.

Let Tiera think of it and do it right away. It took several nights for Tiera to rummage through the forbidden area, looking for a shortcut to the great wizard.

And finally found the answer he needed in a book called "Magical Experiments on Muggles and Mudbloods".

Not the experimental records recorded in "Magic Experiments on Muggles and Mudbloods"—

These experiments don't speak of Voldemort, even for a novice like Tiera who has been baptized by Tom Riddle's dark magic thought, it seems too crude and superficial.

Rather than an experiment, it's more of a tutorial on Muggle and Mudblood torture.

But inside the cover of this book, Tiera accidentally found a folded human vellum—

That said, what is the God of Wisdom and Magic, and how to arrange the ritual, how to summon the God of Wisdom and Magic, and how to expel the God of Wisdom and Magic when the ritual is out of control.

No matter what the "God of Wisdom and Magic"

With Tom Riddle's magical attainments, he can tell the authenticity of this ritual at a glance—

This ritual is real.

Tom Riddle made an immediate judgment based on his own knowledge and past experience.

【Unexpected! Unexpected! 】

Tiera reads Tom Riddle's thoughts.

[I didn't expect this Mudblood to be so lucky! To be able to discover a ritual that draws on divine power! 】

[Even without your love! Even without you! I can be resurrected too! 】

[I can also be resurrected in a more powerful form! 】

[Who needs a dirty, stupid Mudblood! 】

Tiera knew that Tom Riddle had believed and was ready to use this ritual——

After all, no matter who finds out that he has been planning hard for more than ten months, but the bamboo basket is empty, his mentality will explode in an instant——

And when another more perfect and more powerful method appeared in due time——

Anyone who would immediately switch to this method—

And ignoring this method is such a coincidence.

Large-scale ritual magic generally includes the following four aspects:

Altars, hosts, offerings and processes.

The process can be either a spell or an ordinary word——

Because the arrangement of the entire ritual is equivalent to constructing an ultra-stable magic configuration in the real world, the spell is not so necessary.

Taking the resurrection ceremony of Voldemort's fourth grade, stewing Lao Fu in an iron pot as an example——

The altar - the entire family cemetery centered on the tombs of Tom Riddle's generation, the cemetery itself's status in the law of occultism, plus all the tombstones in the cemetery were rearranged by Peter Pettigrew according to Voldemort's ritual requirements , forming a super-large magical configuration.

The host - Peter Pettigrew, it goes without saying that Voldemort couldn't find someone better.

Sacrifice—the blood of the enemy, the bone of the father, the flesh of the servant.

and the necessary procedures:

A three-line verse-like incantation that serves only as a glue—




The ritual in Tiera's mind - the so-called "Summoning the God of Wisdom and Magic" revealed to Voldemort through Occlumency is a rare double altar ritual -

The sacrifice is placed on the main altar, and the host is on another protective sub-altar——

The process of the ceremony is not a simple glue-like spell, but a long prayer that is responsible for mouth-mouthing——

Since last Christmas, Tiera has translated the original Arabic text of Summoning the Gate of Ten Thousand Gates in the Necronomicon into Old English with a lower magic value, Chinese marked with Pinyin and English phonetic symbols——

In addition to the original incantation of the Necronomicon, Tiera also deliberately added a lot of useless Latin elaboration——

"Hear My Call (Old English

"The great **** of wisdom~www.wuxiamtl.com~the great **** of magic, you are wisdom itself, you are knowledge itself. (Latin

"We beg you, beg you to give us wisdom (Latin) - Lord of the Endless Void (Old English

"You are the origin of the universe (Latin), you are - the one of all things (Old English

"You are infinity, you are nothingness (Latin), you are—all things that make up themselves (Old English

"You are the star shifter, you are the backbone of the universe, you are the cornerstone of dimensions (Old English

"We cry out we you (Latin) - Gate of Ten Thousand Doors (Old English) -"

"We pray to you (Latin) - billions of brilliant spheres (Old English) - that you may redeem our souls (Latin

"You are—the creator and master of all wisdom and knowledge (Old English

"You are the deputy of the blind and foolish **** at the center of the universe (Old English

"Please redeem my soul (Latin) - Keeper of the Abyss (Old English) -"

"Please save my flesh (Latin) - Last Sharp (Old English) -"

"Please grant me power beyond limits (Old English) - Yavgomon (Old English) -"

"Please grant me knowledge beyond reason (Old English) - Tawil Att Umr (Old English) -"

"I ask for your attention, I ask for your attention, I ask you to cast your gaze (Hanyu Pinyin)—"

"lak-Sathath - NAFL\'FTHAGN"

"Your servant calls you - Yoggsothoth (Hanyu Pinyin

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