Harry Potter and the Old Ones

Chapter 110: Master of Prophecy

In the end, Hermione didn't use her wand—

Neither did Tiera.

Because "Inheritance" has already eaten one by one, like ordering beans, he has eaten most of the Cornish elf in his stomach——

Eat into the pages of the book.

Although this Cornish elf with extremely low magical ability does not help the perfection and growth of the "Heir"——

But slaughtering, or even eating three-dimensional creatures alive, can quench the hunger and thirst of the "heirs".

After all, the "Inheritor" is a kind of black magic item, and it is also mixed with the despair before the unicorn's death——

This makes Tierra's "Heirs" the best black magic item——

A very high magical affinity obtained from a live unicorn.

And the despair mixed in before the unicorn dies makes Tierra's "heirs" the best carrier of black magic.

Coupled with Tom Riddle's dedicated teaching over the past few months and the black magic that Tiera dug out of Tom Riddle's heart through the blessing of "knowledge".

Fierce Fire, Death Curse, Imperius Curse, Crucifixion Curse, Rotten Curse, Searing Curse—

Except for your weapons, blazing flames, fainting, all petrified, flying spells, spells stop, all spells end—

And the Fire of the Spirit, the Wall of Nakht, Soul Transfer, Soul Projection, and most importantly, what Tiera learned from the Necronomicon, the Laleye Text, the Book of Unnamed Priests, etc. of--

The evolution of black magic.

"Tiella, how did you know Lockhart's class would be such a mess?" Hermione asked suddenly at dinner time after the class ended.

"I have a gift for prophecy," Tiera said.

"The gift of prophecy?" Harry asked.

Ron, who was sitting beside him studying hard, also raised his head.

"Oh? Really?" Hermione seemed to have heard a particularly funny joke. "Then what did you predict?"

"I saw that you can take the first place this year." Tiera said with a smile.

"I..." Hermione wanted to refute, but suddenly found that she couldn't seem to find anything to refute——

She herself does not believe in prophecy, but she cannot refute—

Because she really wanted to take the exam first.

So Hermione had to blushed in the end.

"Haha~" Tiera smiled lightly, "Just kidding, I couldn't predict such an accurate thing."

"But..." Tiera suddenly grabbed Harry's arm and said—

"I saw—you were being chased by the Quaffle—I also saw—" Tiera paused and said, "I also saw—your rubbery right hand—"

"You...you mean I might get injured in a Quidditch match?" Harry asked.

"The prophecy can't be finished, and the words can't be fully explained-" Tiera said with a smile.

"Don't say it's useless." Ron flipped through the exam paper in front of him irritably—

These are exam papers modified by Hermione based on her own notes.

"Can you predict what our confinement will look like?" Ron asked, "I hope it's not too strict—"

"Oh, that's easy, Harry is going to do Lockhart's fan reply, and you're going to the trophy room—" Tiera said.

Harry: ? ? ?

The good hexagrams that have been said are not exhausted.

Sure enough, their punishment was handed down a week later—

Exactly as Tiera said—

Harry went to do Gilderoy Lockhart to write a fan reply.

Ron went to clean the trophy room.

The accuracy of Tierra's prediction shocked Hermione, Harry, and Ron at the same time—

And Ron's twin brothers, George and Fred Weasley—

It shocked almost all Gryffindor students.

At the breakfast the next day, Neville Longbottom came to Tiera's seat with a bit of a twist and nervousness.

"Hello, Neville, what's the matter?" Tiera closed the book and asked.

"Well...that's Tierra..." Neville said, "I, my memory ball turned red again..."

"But I don't know what I forgot, Tiera, see if you can—"

"Let me interrupt you a moment, Neville." Tiera said, "I hope you understand one thing, prophecy is different from divination—"

"The prophecy has excellent accuracy and randomness, and I can't guarantee what I see."

"You mean you can't help me find what I've forgotten?" Neville asked in frustration.

"I can predict for you, but I can't necessarily predict what you want to know. Are you sure you want to try it?" Tiera said.

"Um... um..." Neville hesitated.

"Help me prophesy, Tiera!" said Seamus Finnigan, and squeezed from behind Neville to Tierra—

"I wonder if there will be fires in my next Charms class—" Seamus Finnigan said.

"I said, I can't see the exact thing." Tiera said helplessly.

"Then just help me take a look." Seamus said.

"Okay." Tiye stretched out his hand.

Seamus Finnigan put his hand on Tiera's—

But he was slapped away by Tiera with a backhand slap.

"Whoever reads palmistry, give money!" Tiera said.

"Give me money!?" Seamus almost called out, "Why do you have to give money!"

"It's not my request." Tiera gave Seamus Finnigan a strange look and said, "Look, prophecy is a kind of magic, and magic—all comes from ritual. You give money this is A ceremony—"

Tiera said nonsense: "This ceremony represents the price you paid for predicting the future—"

"You paid Jin Galleon, which means that fate will no longer ask for a price from you—"

"You paid Jin Galleon, which means the future you know won't get any worse—"

"Okay, okay," Seamus said. "How much will that cost?"

"At least one Golden Galleon." Tiera said.

"A Golden Galleon!?" Seamus couldn't help shouting—

"It's too expensive!"

"This is the price you have to pay for knowing your destiny!" Tiera said, "Maybe you want it to be reflected in other places, such as—"

Tiera took off the glove on her left hand and showed everyone his little finger with only bones—

There was a burst of exclamation from the surrounding students.

"Tiera, how did you do this?" Harry held Tiera's hand with some distress.

"Last semester!" Tiera said, looking around, "I didn't notice Professor Quirrell's problem at the end of last semester, I predicted it!"

"I didn't ask anyone for payment! I went directly to investigate Quirrell~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and told Professor Dumbledore." Tiera took Harry's broken hand to the surrounding students Show a circle and say.

"This is the price I pay for predicting the future, even if I don't change anything—" Tiera said, "I also have to pay the price, and this price comes in an unexpected way—"

"During my summer vacation, the fire spell I practiced suddenly got out of control and burned my little finger—"

"It's impossible to recover," Tiera said.

"Okay, okay..." Seamus Finnigan helplessly took out a gold Galleon and placed it on Tiera's right hand.

Tiera blew at Jin Galleon and put it to her ear.

It sounds good!

Good sound is good money.

After Tiera put the money in her pocket, she coughed, rolled her eyes and said:

"I saw... I saw..."

Then Tiera suddenly grabbed Seamus' hand—

A slender cursed worm probed silently from Tiera's sleeve robe, and then ran into Seamus Finnigan's robe—

"I saw... recently... this Thursday... you're going to have a small illness..."

"Illness...? Yes, will it be serious?" Seamus Finnigan asked nervously.

"No, come and go quickly. Drink plenty of hot water to keep warm, and you'll be fine after a night's sleep." Tiera rolled her eyes and said.

"Oh..." Seamus Finnigan said with a little disappointment. After spending a gold Galleon, he didn't get the information he wanted.

False prophecy master: sloppy shape, vague prophecy, crazy personality.

The true master of prophecy: Lao Tzu's prophecy, Lao Tzu fulfilled himself!

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