Tiera arrived at Hogwarts safely.

and told Hermione and the Weasleys that Harry and Ron had come to school in a speed car.

"They're so childish!" Hermione sneered, not only to Harry and Ron, but also to the Weasley twins.

Because Harry and Ron's "deeds of glory" still spread throughout Hogwarts before the train arrived at school—

George Weasley and Fred Weasley told everyone that his brother drove to the school with Harry Potter this school year, and it was right next to—

Said, they jumped up and down the whole train, and pointed to the blue car that appeared from time to time outside the train window.

"It's childish." Tiera sighed helplessly. He told the Weasleys about Harry and Ron so that they could write a letter to the Weasleys—

Especially Mr. Weasley, let him hurry up and hide the Muggle stuff in that room.

But obviously, the Weasley twins would be wrong—

In their eyes, there is nothing more important than their younger brother being in the limelight.

If there is, it means that he has made a bigger splash.

The train arrived at the platform of Hogsmeade Village safely—

And Harry and Ron's car was a little late, and flew directly into the campus.

So Harry and Ron missed the sorting ceremony.

At the sorting ceremony, in addition to Ginny Weasley, the favorite of the Weasley family, Tiera also saw a thin, quirky girl with curly platinum-blond hair and ethereal eyes—

Luna Lovegood, one of the future Dumbledore's Army Six.

Other than that, there was almost nothing to watch in this sorting ceremony.

It's just that in the middle of the banquet, Professor Snape suddenly left the table, Hermione and Tiera looked at each other, and both of them realized what Snape's sudden departure was for.

"They... will they be fired?" Hermione asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, no." Tiera forked a whole piece of steak, and thanks to Mrs. Weasley's feeding, his appetite was also much larger.

"Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall will definitely protect Harry." Tiera said, "...and Ron, Harry and Ron."

Sure enough, at dessert time, Professor McGonagall left—

After a while, he walked back and grabbed a handful of Dumbledore's wizard robes—

Dumbledore reluctantly put down the strawberry jelly and sweet apple shortcake in his hands, got up and followed Professor McGonagall from the back door of the hall to leave the dinner.

"Tiera, Tiera!" Hermione said nervously, tugging at Tiera's sleeve, "Professor McGonagall and Professor Dumbledore also left!"

"Professor McGonagall's face seems serious!"

"Don't worry, it'll be alright." Tiera tasted a piece of egg **** and said, "Dumbledore will definitely not fire Harry, who defeated Voldemort twice, so Ron, who broke the school rules with Harry, will not be fired. fired."

"I'm not worried about them!" said Hermione. "Will Snape deduct points from Gryffindor?"

"This kind of thing... this kind of thing..." Hermione said incoherently, "With Snape's character, he will deduct at least two percent from Gryffindor for this kind of thing!"

"It doesn't matter, Hermione, I believe in you." Tiera took another egg **** from the plate. "No matter how many points they deduct, I believe you will be able to add it back with your ingenuity."

"Thank you, thank you Tiera..."

Harry and Ron didn't show up at the banquet that followed, but returned directly to the Gryffindor lounge from Snape's office.

But as soon as they entered the door, they received a star-like welcome—

Almost all of the Gryffindor students didn't fall asleep, waiting for them in the circular common room. A lot of hands stretched out from the hole, pulling Harry and Ron in like a fan signing.

"Fantastic!" exclaimed Lee Jordan, "What a great way! What a wonderful way! People will talk about it for years to drive a flying car into a willow! You're going to be a Gryffindor legend! "

"Nice," said a fifth-grader who had never spoken to Harry.

Someone patted Harry on the back as if he had just finished first in the marathon.

Fred and George squeezed up and asked, "Why don't you call us back?"

Ron blushed and smiled embarrassingly, while Harry was struggling to find someone in the crowd—

But he didn't see Tiera.

"Hey, Hermione, where's Tiera?" Harry asked.

"He went to the basement," Hermione said. "He was afraid that you didn't have anything to eat, so he went to the kitchen to get you something to eat."

After speaking, Hermione yelled at Harry angrily: "What do you think? You actually thought of driving a car to school! You might be seen! You might fall out of the car! You…"

At the same time, Tiera had come to the basement.

But instead of heading for the kitchen, he walked to the door of the Slytherin common room—

There stood a young platinum-haired boy with a suitcase.

"Draco...Malfoy..." Tiera said in a hoarse voice.

After staying at the Weasley's house for more than two weeks, Tiera's voice was no different. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

After hearing Tiera's voice, Draco Malfoy was so frightened that his whole body trembled. Drops of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead, and the already pale face turned pale again—

"Lord... Master." Draco Malfoy bowed humbly and offered the suitcase in his hands with both hands.

Obviously, Lucius Malfoy had repeatedly taught Draco the etiquette when he met the Holy Spirit at home.

Tiera rudely took the suitcase, opened it, and glanced roughly.

"Very good, tell Lucius, I'm satisfied." Tiera closed the suitcase heavily, and then stroked Draco like a puppy.

Draco shuddered, kneeling as soon as his legs softened.

But Tiera grabbed the back of his neck and lifted him up again.

Then Tiye stretched his hand and swiped in the air—

A piece of paper appeared in Tiera's hand, and was given to Draco Malfoy by Tierra.

"Tell Lucius to find these for me before Christmas."

After speaking, Tiera turned and left.

But when he was climbing the stairs, he suddenly paused again, turned around and went back to the basement.

Came to the Hogwarts kitchen.

"Master wizard, what can we do for you?" a house elf asked.

"Please help me pack food for two, thank you." Tiera said kindly.

"Our honor, little wizard master."

A few house-elves were quick-witted, and it took less than five minutes to complete the packaging.

"Thank you." Tiera smiled at them, then left with two servings of food—

He suddenly remembered that his reason for going to the basement was to help Ron and Harry pack two meals.

Then he can't go home empty-handed.

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