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“I have three questions…” Ravenclaw’s expression remained unchanged, unmoved by Dumbledore’s words of grievance and dissatisfaction.

Dumbledore impatient responded: “Wise Ravenclaw, please do not hesitate to ask questions. As long as I can answer my questions, I will answer any questions you want to know truthfully.”

Ravenclaw didn’t lower his head, just let his pupils look down at Dumbledore and said, “The first question, what is the responsibility of the headmaster?”

Dumbledore was taken aback, and somehow understood what the other party meant. His hands in the sleeves of the magic robe were tightly pinched, and his body leaned back slightly, “Planning for school development, educating and training students.”

Ravenclaw lowered his head slightly at this time, and all his attention was focused on Dumbledore: “Then the second question, during the tenure of the headmaster since 2, during which headmaster’s tenure has the graduates cast spells and The worst combat capability?”

Dumbledore took a deep breath, his lips trembled and fell into silence. He could not deny what Ravenclaw said, but he felt very embarrassed and wronged in his heart. The weakening of the spell cast by Hogwarts was also caused by the Ministry of Magic policy. The Ministry of Magic and Pureblood did not I hope that the school will teach too much knowledge to the students. He just opposes that Aaron teaches the students too dangerous magic, and not at all thinks he is trying to improve the students’ ability to cast spells.

“Your silence and heart tell me that you are not convinced, but no matter what the reason, the wizard who graduated from Hogwarts has never had such a poor strength in the past 1000 years. Under your vision, the move to believe oneself infallible is serious. Restrictions hinder the development of Hogwarts. Perhaps, as the greatest white wizard in the world today, you have made great personal achievements in previous headmasters, but I think you are the worst headmaster of Hogwarts in 1000 years.” Ravenclaw said. The words actually didn’t have any emotional fluctuations, and they calmly stated the facts, but every word that was heard in Dumbledore’s ears was like a sharp blade poking his heart, “If there is no such thing as Aaron Harris’s training class and ancient magic class After several years of improvement, I observed that the school I founded, under your leadership and education, could not use Disarming Charm. Before my school was founded, it was also extremely rare in the chaotic medieval era where even apprenticeship prevailed. .”

Although the wizards lying on the ground were surprised at Ravenclaw’s unsparing remarks, but if they carefully read the words, the facts are indeed as Ravenclaw said, but now, they have sympathy for Dumbledore in their hearts-too pitiful. , Being so qualitatively identified by the founder Ravenclaw in public, this must be recorded in “Hogwarts, A History”, which is a great shame for a headmaster.

Some wizards who are accustomed to supporting Dumbledore agree with what Ravenclaw said, but knowing that this is not Dumbledore’s sole responsibility, their heart’s compassion for Dumbledore is spontaneous, but now they have no ability to get rid of the shackles of divine might and speak for Dumbledore.

Only Professor McGonagall has been trying to open his mouth and tried to make a sound, trying to defend Dumbledore. Her courage and determination allowed her to break through the suppression of divine might, and successfully made a hoarse voice: “He was to solve the Dark Lord Will delay Hogwarts’ education and teaching…”

“It was under his improper education system that Tom Riddle was cultivated.” Ravenclaw looked towards McGonagall said indifferently, “If he is more concerned about a dark wizard problem he has cultivated, and is not able to take care of Hogwarts headmaster The original duty, then we should not delay the students in our school for other things. Facts have proved that this deterioration can be corrected.”

McGonagall lowered her head. She couldn’t find a reason or a way to refute this remark of Ravenclaw. Although the level of strength of the wizard from Hogwarts was deteriorating and it was not unrelated to the Ministry of Magic’s previous policy, but after Harris’ training class and his role as a professor of ancient magic The rapid increase in student strength proves that this situation can actually be improved.

“For Merlin’s sake, Ms. Ravenclaw…” Pomona Sprout also released her shackles and wiped her tears. She took off her thick patched hat and patted the things on her body as if it would be cleaned forever. The dirty soil makes him look more polite when facing the founder of the school. “Albus has made mistakes in education, but at least he has always tried to protect his students and keeps them away from danger. The intention is good…””

“This is related to my last question. I think Dumbledore is more unforgivable on this issue than his mistake in education…” Rowena Ravenclaw looked towards everyone seriously, “Hogwarts’ school song, what is the last in the lyrics? “

“Because we are empty-headed and full of air,

Dead flies and trivial matter,

Teach us some valuable knowledge,

Give back to us what we have forgotten,

Just do your best and leave the rest to ourselves,

We will study hard until there is a paste in our minds. “

Not at all waited for the others to reply, and Aaron sang the tail section of the school song, which was nominally any tune, in his own way.

Dumbledore and his followers are speechless. They can’t respond to the Hogwarts founder’s questions. Although the purpose of the white wizard is to protect the wizards and replace them with pain and burdens, in the school song that Aaron just sang, The school song that they hear every school year implies the house spirit left by the founders, those Hogwarts spirits and ideas that he has been neglecting all the time-to stuff the empty-headed students with valuable knowledge , Other problems are left to them to solve, Hogwarts has to teach the underage young wizards to be self-reliant.

And as Ravenclaw said just now, there are evil forces in this world that are more powerful than Tom Riddle. Today, all kinds of things that make Dumbledore’s powerlessness continue to happen. All things are different in peace and beyond his expectations. And in control, some Dumbledore, who doubted his inner beliefs, lowered his head, staring suspiciously at his dry and charred hand. Those moods condensed from confusion and memories, dangling like slender tentacles, unscrupulously penetrated into the skin. The pores stretched like vines, entangled in the heart and lungs, making him choke and pain.

“Dumbledore…is it so difficult for you to admit your mistakes?” Aaron saw that Dumbledore was not speaking, but he was only in self-doubt. Aaron narrowed his eyes impatiently, and then again. The water pipe in the shape of a raven skull that he used took out. After he took a big sip, the big cloud of smoke he spit out rose to the sky. The young wizards who were thinking about the lyrics of the school song, now pay attention. Li Du was attracted by the scene in the smoke above his head.

In the smoke, other wizards on the scene discovered that the red-haired wizard above was another founder of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry-the red-haired wizard Godric · Gryffindor.

The ancestor of the lion house was standing by the black lake where the school had not yet been established. His angry expression made him look like a male lion, and then from his ferocious lion’s mouth burst out an angry roar: “The headmaster of your era. It’s too irresponsible, because one or two rat shit directly blocked the growth path of other students, put all the knowledge into my own office to dust this knowledge, and hoped that Savior would save the world-we The purpose of building a magic house and setting up a library and setting up a restricted section is to allow young wizards with different innate talents to obtain a path of their own promotion! This way he is inferior to those pure-blood families who keep their own knowledge. Doesn’t this completely eliminate the opportunity for anyone to learn this knowledge? Why did he change the original intention of our school without authorization?!”

In order to make this weird ancient accent so that the wizards present can fully understand its meaning, Aaron also kindly added modern English subtitles under the illusion of smoke…

After that, Aaron argued for Dumbledore that the purpose of the wizard is good, but he thinks he has too much control and wants the world to run according to his ideas, and Godric · Gryffindor finally decided to take all the ownership of Hogwarts he held. It was transferred to Aaron, and allowed him to correct Dumbledore’s mistakes, and let Hogwarts return to the normal picture as the end of the show.

In the silence of the audience after the smoke dissipated, Aaron’s voice, which sounded very mild as always, told the cruel truth: “Dumbledore, even Ms. Ravenclaw’s appearance in person didn’t seem to have fully convinced the stubborn you. Maybe you still There is a certain illusion… think I am Ravenclaw, so Ravenclaw himself supports me? I support me from the Eagle Court to fight you. This Gryffindor is as it should be by rights? But you misunderstood, or in this case I lost my mind… Since Ms. Ravenclaw still exists, her ownership is naturally still in her. In fact, Ms. Helga · Hufflepuff also owns Ms. Ravenclaw, so this part of my ownership does not come from Ravenclaw…but from The founder of your own school, Godric · Gryffindor, is your founder. Mr. Gryffindor thinks that you are not responsible for your position as headmaster. It is Mr. Gryffindor who asked me to stop you from making mistakes blindly caused by your own arrogance. The damage to Hogwarts and Britain magic circle…”

The bright blue eyes on Dumbledore’s crooked nose seemed to lose their light, his hands dropped weakly on the two sides of his body, and then he sat down on the ground amidst the exclamation of several professors. He was lost but opened his eyes and shook his head constantly, indicating that he was not at all fainting, but just because of the impact he received, so that according to his own statement-he is old and cannot feel the pain this time. I felt once again the second strong pain in his long life.

This made the former greatest white wizard in the world, the former headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus·Percival·Wulfric·Brian·Dumbledore just squatted and squatted in the eyes of everyone present. On the ground.

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