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“Aaron, this little bastard didn’t tell me in advance, causing me to waste 2 favors…” Sirius muttered a little bit of dissatisfaction. In fact, he was more dissatisfied with the method he came up with than the waste of favors. However, the confrontation between Dumbledore and Aaron in front of him made his dark gray eyes look towards Lupin beside him, “I said, shall we come forward and persuade?”

“We can’t persuade… Now that Aaron has resigned from the Hogwarts professorship, then Dumbledore is naturally no longer his headmaster, and now his opinions are meaningless to Aaron…even more how, all Aaron’s actions are legal Yeah, it’s useless for Dumbledore to oppose it too hard.” Lupin frowned, with a worried look on his face, “Aaron’s doing this is tantamount to getting rid of the old foundation of the Britain pure-blood family. The split that Dumbledore said was in Aaron. When I said this remark, it was actually caused…I now finally understand that Aaron told me before that I should worry about how to appease Dumbledore and them more than worrying about him.”

No matter how these School Prefects scolded professors and persuaded them, more and more wizards chose to quit Hogwarts and stepped forward. In fact, after hearing Aaron’s remarks about dying in the Ministry of Magic battle if he obeyed Dumbledore’s arrangement, wizards no matter what they were born thought of you know who and the recent status quo, and felt more improved. Their own strength is very necessary, and obviously, in this regard, the classroom teaching of Professor Harris can better help them.

These futile pure-blooded School Prefects could no longer count how many wizards stood behind Aaron. Feelings of restlessness, anxiety, boredom, and powerlessness hit their hearts like a cloud of clouds.

“Professor Harris.” Gatekeeper Argus Filch walked out holding his Mrs. Norris, boldly said.

Aaron gave up looking at Dumbledore, the eyes of the two of them collided with Filch’s somewhat nervous eyes.

“Don’t talk gibberish again! You idiot! Go back, don’t mess up.” Professor McGonagall scolded directly to Filch in this situation. (Author’s note: McGonagall scolded Filch in this way in original work.)

Ben Bosd’s face revealed disdain, “Stupid, go back, don’t be embarrassed here, this is not what Squib has to say.”

Filch’s face was gloomy, and he was accustomed to rebuke in such a tone by the professors. According to his usual habits, he would definitely not care about his wishes and retreat, but this made him muster the courage and asked loudly, “Professor Harris, Do you need a gatekeeper for your new school?”

For Filch, before meeting Aaron, he could not get the respect of any creature in this castle except Mrs. Norris. Whether alive or dead, Professor Harris was the only wizard who cared about himself. I can’t see the contempt, disdain, boredom, or the ridiculous aloof and remote sympathy that makes my squib hate.

When Filch was gathering so many wizards, he had been cringing and peeking around the hall just now, which reminded him that Aaron had solved a lot of his troubles when he was not a professor, and he would use spell to help him sort out when he was in First Year. Clean the armor that was pushed, even if he had troubled him in the library because he obeyed Dumbledore’s instructions in the Third Year… No one cared about a squib’s life as much as he, except Aaron, no one really cared about a squib’s feelings.

This time, I mustered up the courage to stand up and express my support, but I just wanted to achieve my until now wish-to return Professor Harris, Filch’s hand continuously stroking Mrs. Norris in his arms, as if this would relieve his anxiety at this time In his heart, he didn’t know that Aaron needed the support of a squib at this time: “Oh, I mean, if your new school janitor is a squib who can act…”

“No no no, Argus…please don’t be like this, you don’t have to be ashamed.” Aaron skipped Dumbledore and walked over. He opened his arms and hugged Filch. “I have no reason to refuse a janitor with such qualifications. This is My honor, and I am very grateful that you can support me at this time.”

Filch was overjoyed. The feeling of being recognized made his lightbulb-like eyes like his cat become bigger. Some of his slumped backs were stiff, but the pure-blooded School Prefects around him were even more irritable. Even Squib chose to follow Aaron Harris. This person’s ability to deceive people is so powerful.

“Please stop.” Dumbledore raised his eyes and stared at Aaron from above his half-moon glasses. His scrutinizing eyes collided with Aaron’s indifferent eyes. “Mr. Harris, please stop your agitating wizard to drop out of school. Behavior, this is the way you take to make the magic circle better? Split Hogwarts?”

“Headmaster Dumbledore, just like you think, I actually gave you many opportunities to cause such a split situation. Do you think you are not responsible?” Aaron said indifferently, facing Dumbledore’s accusation without giving up.” I think you have seen the personal wishes of young wizards.”

The stagnant atmosphere between the two people affected the wizards around them. Moody thumped his crutches heavily on the ground and took out his wand. The magic eye stopped spinning crazily, but fiercely Staring at Aaron, he looked like he was about to do anything if he didn’t agree.

The armed Auror who was patrolling Hogwarts noticed this situation, and slowly moved closer to the Order of the Phoenix, pressing his hand on the wand on his waist.

Lupin’s brows were frowning, he wanted to persuade Aaron and Dumbledore, but he didn’t know where to speak. So he and Tonks looked at each other and held Moody’s arm in a tacit understanding, so as not to make him move on impulse and hurt people—Ministry of Magic emphasized that they would not participate as long as it was legal, but if the Order of the Phoenix Do it first…

Moody’s unusual impulsive appearance that almost had to choose someone to eat caused Dumbledore to look away from the confrontation with Aaron. Dumbledore looked at Moody a little strangely, then looked away again-Kingsley Shacklebolt also Realizing that Moody’s performance was not right today, he hurriedly went over to check but not at all found signs of Imperius Curse, but his more irritable and violent mood made Kingsley more uneasy.

After Dumbledore spoke, some pure-blooded School Prefects had desperately given up to continue to persuade them to stop these wizards from walking towards Aaron, seeing the wizard behind Aaron who had almost made up a house, and uncontrollable fear hit their hearts.

“Mr. Harris, your behavior will intensify the conflicts between pure blood, half-blood, and muggle family wizards, and provoke their confrontation. Such behavior will not only split Hogwarts, but more serious is the adverse effect. It will spread throughout the magic circle and eventually lead to the split of the Britain magic circle. Although the Britain Ministry of Magic is under your control, there are no other Wizarding Worlds in the world…” said Amelia Bones, with a 120,000 points in his tone. Indignation, “We will try to contact relatives abroad, which will cause serious protests from the pure-blood wizards. If everyone firmly opposes it, then you may be unable to move a single step if you want to create a school. In this case, Since it’s a question of whether your school can be established or open without a hitch, so… please at least don’t delay the studies of these Hogwarts students, at least wait until you are really successful.”

“Yeah! It’s too shameful to split Hogwarts so blatantly.”

“The magic school has no students. This is to destroy Hogwarts.”

“You have to find a way to contain him. The number of wizards is not large, and his deceptive ability is so powerful. His school will rise strongly in the future, which will affect the choices of young wizards in the future… Those young wizards who don’t know how powerful will be willing to go. His school.”


“Neville, what are you rubbing with?” Seeing his nephew and his muggle buddies were iron-hearted, Algie Longbottom was furious and he smashed away from the area where the pure-blooded School Prefects gathered. Strode towards Neville, trying to catch Neville back.

“Let’s go and bring the children back together.” Greengrass secretly held the wand in the sleeve, and said to the other pure-blood School Prefect in a bloody tone, “He wants our family to split too!”

Amelia Bones seemed to have been driven too. She had two thick eyebrows raised high, and her monocle seemed to be about to slip off. Witch’s square face looked more serious, holding fire, and following Algie. She wanted to give Susan the last word, but when she saw Algie’s behavior, she changed her attention and planned to bring Susan back by herself. .

A group of pure-blooded School Prefect aggressively walked towards Aaron and them, and Argie and Amelia grabbed Neville and Susan, and wanted to pull back.

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