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“Ms. Bones, we can see from Neville that there are serious problems in the current education system. This is not only a problem within Hogwarts, but also affects unexpected places in the house. As for what I said… “Aaron calmly finished speaking to the serious square-faced witch in front of him, and then turned to Neville, “Neville, of course I don’t want to declare in front of everyone how bad your innate talent is, in fact it’s the opposite. Your innate talent is much better than you, your uncle, your grandma or other who thinks, so don’t feel ashamed. The ones who are ashamed are the people who delayed and suppressed your original innate talent.”

When Aaron was speaking, the disgusting scenes showed things that Argie never knew-that was Neville’s situation shortly after birth. Neville, who was still a baby, used magic to direct the blanket to I wrapped myself tighter, but no one witnessed his unusual magic display and innate talent-the midwife only thought it was Neville’s father.

“Mr. Longbottom, in fact, Neville has shown an extraordinary magic innate talent shortly after he was born. Have you ever wondered why Neville would become a forgetful and timid young wizard?” Aaron raised his hand and pointed to the sky. Pointing, a picture changed in the smoke solidified Alji’s expression.

That’s Augusta Longbottom, Neville’s grandmother. Everyone knows that she took care of Neville after Neville’s parents were tortured and went crazy. She looked like a strong woman, wearing a green robe, surrounded by a strip. Fox fur scarf, wearing a high hat with a specimen of eagle on top, holding a big red handbag in his left hand, and the right hand picking up wand and casting Obliviate on the very young Neville head.

“I admire the strength of this Old Lady, but she is only relatively less conservative than you that’s all.” Aaron shook his head, “I remember Professor McGonagall said Augusta when he was electing classes before school started today. Mrs. Longbottom failed the curse, and because of this, he tried to get Neville from the Charms to continue his studies? Of course, this is not the point. The point is why a wizard who failed the curse dares to treat his grandson like this Casting Obliviate recklessly? Even if Neville needs to be cast Obliviate to forget witnessing the torture of his parents, he should also invite the brilliant caster to do it. Don’t forget that Obliviate will damage the mind and the ability to be used spell is brilliant. Bertha Jorkins, who cast this spell by Stinchcombe Crouch, is one of them. Poor, she is very forgetful now…”

Algie Longbottom was stopped by Aaron as soon as he tried to plead. He looked at Neville with some pity, “Think about it, if you have not been treated so rudely, if you are not forgetful, and you will not be depressed by your family’s misunderstanding and stupidity. I make myself really stupid. I think Hogwarts is one of the best wizards in this group… And Mr. Longbottom, besides using that many ways to activate Neville that frightens him and mortal danger, is there any real Have you ever tried to get to know your nephew? Just sent him toad as a remedy afterwards? Of course, you can’t blame you for your true colors, because the education you received made you such a person…”

Ginny, who was standing next to Harry, let go of Harry’s arm. She was deeply impressed by Aaron’s words and sighed: “The gift that Argie gave to Neville for enrollment was a toad, but toad was out of fashion many years ago. The most popular pet in young wizard is owl.”

“Neville, no wonder your Charms score is good!” Although Frank patted Neville’s shoulder, he looked a little disappointed.

But Neville didn’t answer Frank. He was stunned, looking up at the scenes in the sky blankly, and the smoke drifting away with the wind. In a short period of time, there were too many things that impacted his perception, and it was difficult for him to accept it for a while.

“You must know that not all people are good at teaching, everyone’s understanding of magic is different, and educational methods are also very different. And the early family education has a great impact on the wizard, and inappropriate family education will affect the original The children of magic innate talent have problems such as fear of learning and suppression of magic innate talent after entering Hogwarts.” Aaron’s words silenced the wizard who had never thought about this connection. “And our current teaching materials and some knowledge actually In a sense, it is beginning to lag behind muggle. Just like in potion research, it is full of various gimmicks. 2 Not detailed or rigorous rhetoric. For the same textbook, someone can develop their own unique methods with their innate talent. However, if the students who follow the textbook do not correctly interpret it, they may only miss your cauldron; as an authority on the study of werewolf, Professor Fred Picard’s book “Wolf’s Uncertainty: Why Arewolf Unworthy to Live” is just a reference This conclusion was reached after a few cases, and I think Mr. Remus Lupin’s deeds are already very familiar to everyone-the muggles have led us in teaching, even in this medical field. A set of statistical rules, it’s meaningless to not reach a certain number and can only be recorded as a case record that’s all…

“Professor Harris, you did find some problems. If you are a member of the board of Hogwarts and make remarks about finding these problems, then you are a School Prefect who is more qualified than many people present…” Amelia Bones stroked herself. The short gray hair that the wind blows, “But as I said before, this still has little to do with the content of our discussion today. What we are discussing today is about you teaching students dark magic in your ancient magic class, even Don’t you worry about the spirit technique of death, don’t you worry that they will be affected and degenerate into casting Patronus Charm and can only summon magic maggots to devour their dark wizard?

“In my opinion, this is related, because although my course is nominally an ancient magic course…but the teaching content has actually involved many aspects, and it is actually an effort and attempt to reform Hogwarts education. “Aaron shook his head lightly in denial, “This is an attempt to correct the misguided teaching concepts of Hogwarts and magic circle for a long time. In fact, I think that under my education, I established a school club organization from when I was a student. My training classes, and my ancient magic classes up to now, are all trying to make up for the bad consequences caused by the mistakes made by you and your ancestors in education… In fact, some of my students are in the field of magic, There are many people who have surpassed School Prefect…”

These remarks instantly angered the School Prefects, who have been glaring at him because Lucius and Aaron, who have not yet regained their membership of the board of directors, stared at him: “Mr. Aaron Harris, can I understand that you are talking about us, including Is Albus Headmaster Dumbledore also dereliction of duty? Are you thinking that the educational concept you conceived as a minor is more advanced and reasonable than our traditional families that have been operating and maintaining Hogwarts for many years?”

Aaron made a reasonable expression: “Of course there is a problem… Regardless of what I have always talked about about the degradation of graduates’ ability to cast spells under the Headmaster Dumbledore education… Only Mr. Tom Riddle in his Under the guidance of education, you know who Dark Lord has become a temporary jeopardy to Britain and needs to be directly responsible. This is enough to explain his serious malfeasance in the position of professor and headmaster.”

“Howdareyou?! (How dare you?!)” Millison Bosd was shocked, she split and pulled the corner of her mouth, unconsciously rushing in front of the others, with a grim expression on her face.

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