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Harry didn’t take a few steps, and he felt that he was being held by someone. He turned to look. Ernie Macmillan of the Hufflepuff long table was pulling himself with one hand, and the other hand was already pulling and following Neville, which made Ginny And Frank had to stop.

Ernie Macmillan sitting in a chair pulled them by the arms: “…Harry, your godfather, Neville, and your uncle are on Dumbledore’s side. It’s useless for you to go now, don’t mess up…” Ernie Looked at Frank again. “Also, Mr. Brown, I think you better not get involved in this kind of upper-level struggle. Professor Harris is forced to resign and leave school at best. There will be no major problems…”

“Thank you Macmillan, but I want to show my attitude. I support Aaron.” Frank thanked Ernie in gratitude. He knew that he was one of the few pure-blood wizards in Hogwarts who did not have much prejudice against the muggle-born wizard.

“Thank you Ernie, but my godfather has been teaching me how to be a real Gryffindor… The true courage is not only to die vigorously for something, but also for friends to go through water and tread on fire, but also for I can stick to my goals…” Harry’s voice was very calm and determined, “The past few days I think very clearly… I think clearly about my position on this matter, although it seems that Sirius and I The opinions are different this time, but he will be proud of me…because what I am doing now is what he has been trying to teach me.”

Ginny pulled his hair, and followed Harry who had already turned and walked forward, and Frank followed without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing that Neville was going to pass too, Ernie Macmillan, who could not stop Harry, continued to persuade, “Neville, think about your grandma, Mrs. Augusta Longbottom, she wouldn’t want to see you against Dumbledore…your uncle still On top…”

Thinking of his stern grandma and conservative uncle, Neville shuddered, “Ernie…but I have to support Aaron…”

“I’m not against you for supporting Professor Harris, but it’s not useful. I think we should hide ourselves… Anyway, we can go out to study after graduation… Forget it, I’ll go with you… Personally, I’m also Support Professor Harris.” Ernie stood up, he noticed that Justin Finch-Fletchley with curly hair tried to follow him, and quickly glared his muggle-born friend back to his seat.

There were more and more wizards gathering on Aaron’s side. Susan Bones ignored her aunt’s order and declared loudly that she would return to the ancient magic class. Even Bruce Zabini, who had made it clear before, had quit. Without sending a message, he stood behind Aaron.

“What are you doing?! Go back to your seat!” Ben Bosid was a little unexpected. His chubby body moved to Paul Greengrass’s side. “These ignorant students have already Confused by Harris.”

“Young wizards are not adults, they are relatively innocent. They still can’t distinguish between good and evil. We don’t expect them to understand our board members and the decision of the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry now… In fact, the situation in front of me makes me I deeply regret and self-blame why I didn’t act sooner…” Greengrass deliberately said loudly, trying to attribute the immediate situation to the students being confused.

Dumbledore always treats students with a more pleasant appearance, even when he sees these students expressing his attitude-but after noticing Harry’s arrival, the etiquette smile he had always held to Aaron disappeared on his old cheeks, his blue eyes It didn’t seem as bright as it used to be, staring blankly at the more and more wizards gathered behind Aaron, with his hands clasped tightly in front of him, but it seemed that he didn’t mean to speak at all.

Then with the sound of da da da’s footsteps, Professor McGonagall’s stern voice sounded in the auditorium.

“Mr Potter, Mr. Longbottom…and others…please go back to your respective positions.” Professor McGonagall had a stern tone. He looked at the expression embarrassed but did not obey the young wizards. Professor McGonagall looked a little ugly, and she looked sadly. Glanced at Dumbledore and Aaron, and then held his glasses, slightly slowed down, “This is not something your students can solve, please trust us Hogwarts can solve it.”

Not only Professor McGonagall, but other professors also came to the auditorium, trying to maintain discipline.

“My students, my friends, I am very grateful for your support for me. You have very well expressed your attitude towards pursuing truth and learning.” Aaron finally said when the scene was a little messy. He spread his arms to sooth the young wizards, “Please take a seat, I promise that the matter will be solved by Perfection.”

“Albus! Why are you in such a hurry?! Minerva and I are not still trying to persuade…” Ravenclaw’s head Filius Flitwick approached with his short legs, and there was a shrill voice before he reached his throat: “Look For Merlin’s sake, Albus, don’t do this, you will ruin him…”

“Sorry, Filius, but you know what happened last time, I can’t wait any longer…” Dumbledore turned his head and bowed slightly to apologize to Flitwick.

“According to my own curriculum experience, since the opening of the ancient magic class, many students have a better understanding and mastery of spells without a hitch, and the students’ strength has been unprecedentedly enhanced, which I have never met in my teaching career. Yes…School Prefect, I think the opening of the ancient magic class is necessary…and Bones Young Lady’s injury was just a sudden occurrence. She is not even as serious as the accidents that happened on my Charms. I implore you to make a decision before “Flitwick” The professor did not give up. The short Ravenclaw head stood between Dumbledore and Aaron, who were too tall to compare himself, and tried his best to persuade, “Aaron, I think some magic really should not be taught to students easily. If you can agree to modify the lesson plan, I miss you…”

“Professor Flitwick, this is not something you should take care of. I don’t think you have the right to interfere with Hogwarts head and Hogwarts board matters…you should take care of your studies…” Ben Bosd’s eyes narrowed on his chubby face After a line, he was very annoyed at Flitwick who had disturbed the students returning to their seats, so he couldn’t help but raised his double chin after he finished speaking-then he shivered in Flitwick’s sharp eyes, and then he remembered The fact that the little and unremarkable Professor Charms was a duel champion when he was young.

“Mr. Bursted, please pay attention to your own words. Filius is a member of Hogwarts and the professor of head Charms in Ravenclaw. He has the right to express any opinions of his.” Dumbledore turned sideways and stared at Ben Bursted. Let this fatty fully realize how proud he is.

“If there is any dispute, we can stay at the board meeting to explain and vote, Mr. Harris.” Amelia Bones glanced at Bosd in disgust, then helped her monocle on her eye socket and looked towards Aaron. “I’m sorry, Professor Aaron Harris. I’m very grateful to your brother Albert · Mr. Harris’s Auror for saving me when I was attacked by Death Eater, but your concept of education is another matter. I also have my own. Idea and persistence.”

Hearing the other party calling his name, Aaron withdrew his observation eyes, “Of course, I also think that a board meeting should be held to discuss this matter.” After speaking, Aaron came to Professor Flitwick and said softly: ” Don’t worry about the head…I understand your thoughts, thank you for protecting me for so many years and trying to ease the relationship between me and Headmaster Dumbledore. I’m sorry I let you down. I don’t plan to give up my ideas, just like Headmaster Dumbledore is unwilling. Give him up, please let me solve it myself.”

Professor Flitwick looked at his most proud student, a little annoyed and guilty that he could not help him much. His sensitive nature had tears in his eyes, and he said seriously, “Aaron, it’s okay, I’ll go with you.” .”

It’s just that more noisy sounds came—more and more students gathered, and some students who had already had breakfast or hadn’t come to have breakfast also came to the auditorium, began to express their opinions, and gathered. Dumbledore beside them.

Students are a crowd that is easily excited. They waved their arms and everyone talking at once expressed their opinions and because of their different opinions, they turned from whispered discussions to quarrels-the pure-blooded young wizard who supported their own family and went against their own family. The pure-blooded young wizard of willingness, the students who blindly support Dumbledore, the students who blindly support Aaron, plus the muggle and half-blood born young wizards because of their different attitudes towards powerful magic, the whole auditorium is extremely noisy, and the crowd is turbulent for a time.

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