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After talking about the business, Aaron and the others chatted for a while, the delicious food formed in the tower has made the scent of the place, and the rich dishes filled the dinning table. At this time, there were more silhouettes of a few people in the tower, and Albert Daisy came back. Hermione also teleported from Hogwarts with Helena and Emily.

After entering the tower, Helena released the hand holding Hermione’s arm and bowed her knees to thank Hermione. Emily’s face was a little ugly, because she had eaten too many snacks before returning, and she seemed a little fainted after being revealed by Hermione’s entourage.

Helena saluted Owen and Aaron quietly. Morgan Lefleux, who had already set the dishes and forks, was very happy to see her granddaughter. She pulled her granddaughter and pointed to the dinning table: “Those with metal-rimmed plates add to the taste. .”

“Thank you grandma.” Helena looked at the food on the plates and knew that grandma prepared it specially for her. In fact, she hasn’t regained the habit of eating. After the novelty of tasting the taste, eating is just One more troublesome thing, in order to maintain grace and decency, she had to go to the toilet after swallowing and let herself become incorporeal and let them fall out.

The dinner in the evening was very enjoyable. The huge and gorgeous dinning table was filled with rich dishes, and everyone had their favorite food in front of them.

Owen continuously forked at the two dishes in front of him-beef kidney pie and raw pork minced hedgehog, “Morgan Lefleux, these two dishes are really good.”

“This is done by Penelope, she is very innate talent in this area, she can teach it.” Morgan Lefleux praised.

“You and Ms. Hufflepuff taught well.” Penelope straightened her back with a smile. She couldn’t help but looked at Luna and Hermione with some pride and found that they seemed to remain unmoved, so she decided to speak up.

“Luna, I should completely follow Ms. Hufflepuff’s recipe for your colored ball fish jaw meat.” Penelope first put the target on Luna.

“Hang Hao thorn.” Luna uttered a bit while eating something in her mouth. Daisy, who was the master of Harris’s house in terms of inelegance, also chewed something in her mouth. This made Fleur on the side frowned. But now she has completely given up on correcting Daisy’s behavior that is not too ladylike.

Penelope realized that she had found the wrong opponent from the plate that the other party had eaten half before she explained. Instead, she coughed 2 awkwardly, and pointed her finger to the plate of Yorkshire pudding placed in front of Hermione. Hermione, I deliberately didn’t put any sugar in the Yorkshire pudding in front of you, but I tried my best to adjust the sauce with substitutes. You can try it.”

The pudding on the plate is not the kind of sweet food, it is more like a kind of bread, in the shape of a coffee cup, with a concave and soft center, and a crispy outer skin. The plate is also served with some roast beef sprinkled with sauce And cooked carrot pieces.

Hermione took a deep breath after listening to Penelope’s words, and her lips pursed. She knew that Penelope seemed to be introducing her passionately, but in fact she showed off her craftsmanship-she can adjust the taste of Yorkshire pudding without sugar. , This is a brilliant cooking skill, and Penelope is actually mocking his poor craftsmanship. After all, this is Harris’s family gathering, and Penelope can’t clearly express his usual meanness in front of so many people.

“Thank you, Penelope, but it doesn’t have to be so troublesome. I just don’t like to eat sugar directly, but I don’t have any special requirements on the dishes themselves.” Hermione maintained her politeness and Penelope apologized. She remembered that the other party had sent someone to protect her parents. I even thought with pity that this girl was a little obsessed with dark magic, her mind would be a little confused compared to when she first met it, and she still couldn’t grasp the point, or thought everything was the point…

Harris’ men have all learned not to interfere more in these areas. Albert and the others keenly continued to talk about Quiddich, because Emily, who hadn’t had much liking, stabbed Daisy next to him, and had a tacit understanding of elder sister nodded.

Although Daisy is carefree, as Ravenclaw, she realized before she enrolled that if she showed innate talent in the cooking of Professor Mother, the reward would only be to cook more meals in the days to come-as a big sister Daisy reminded Emily when she was not so “smart” when she was a child, so Harris’s 2 sisters did not inherit the innate talent of mother in cooking at all. On the contrary, Albert, as the oldest brother, sometimes helps I just learned a few hands to take care of the younger brother younger sister, but he really doesn’t have any innate talent…

After everyone enjoyed a delicious meal, Maggie showed up and directed these cups and plates to fly into the sink. Kreacher couldn’t help but show up in front of the other wizards. He still glanced at the people around him a little nervously, and found no What people meant to blame for his appearance, so he quickly grabbed Maggie’s control of the tap and let the plate automatically rotate in the direction of washing.

After Luna had finished eating, he went for a walk downstairs in Arcane Garden to eat food. Aaron called Hermione and Penelope to the other side. He had to selectively tell them you know who’s problem this time, so that they could prepare.

At this time Daisy just wiped her mouth, and then kicked her shoes impatiently and jumped onto the sofa, commanding a blanket to cover herself, she turned on the TV, and the instant jumping music sounded in the room, she was still patted The armrest of the sofa yelled: “Mother, Emily is coming soon and it’s about to begin. The last trailer said that Mr. Darcy had proposed to Elizabeth at this episode. I wonder if Elizabeth will agree?”

“Daisy, I still have homework to write, I’ll go to the library upstairs first.” Emily had no interest in this kind of muggle film and television drama, and waved her hand quickly and went upstairs.

“Compared to “Pride and Prejudice,” I actually like “Secret Garden” better. The lady in Medlock looks a bit like your professor of transfiguration.” Fleur also sat on the other side of the sofa, holding it in her hand. Taking a cup of hot tea, he glanced at Daisy who was yelling, and then turned his attention to the TV.

In fact, this can be regarded as a rare time when Fleur and Daisy can be more peaceful.

“Helena, sit down with me.” Morgan Lefleux noticed that Helena appeared to be doing nothing nearby, and greeted his granddaughter quickly. After Helena regained some freshness of the senses like a living person, he returned to Hogwarts’ to work. ‘Having maintained the ghost shape for a long time, she seemed to be a little bit boring. Morgan Lefleux felt that these muggle TV dramas can very move people’s emotions and stir people’s emotions. Helena should have a try.

Although Helena wasn’t interested in watching TV, she still had to obey her grandmother’s instructions, and she sat beside Morgan Lefleux as she said.

“This female muggle is called Elizabeth, and she is the second young lady of Bennett. She is lively, smart, and witty. She is very assertive about many things and unyielding from the common sense of the world. And the male protagonist is the landlord of England Derbyshire, he is Mr. Bentley’s good friends, handsome in appearance, introverted personality, but not good at getting along with others, often cause misunderstandings from strangers. They think they are cold and arrogant and arouse a lot of criticism…” Morgan Lefleux patiently explained to his granddaughter, and made himself appear more and more. Excited.

Helena listened to damn it describing that she didn’t understand why these muggle’s love lives would attract their interest, but in response to Morgan Lefleux’s enthusiastic response, she still sat down.

“Morgan Lefleux has been fascinated by watching this TV series.” Owen shook his head helplessly. He really couldn’t understand their obsession with this TV series. He glanced at the portrait in the living room and couldn’t help but find Helga Hufflepuff, even very much. The little Hufflepuff apprentice Bonnie and the Merlin step-sister or the foster mother muggle daughter Judith also ran over to watch the TV, and some helplessly turned out a magazine.

Albert and Rolan looked at each other and felt that this kind of muggle love life TV show was very boring, but they had learned not to try to compete for control of the TV at this time.

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