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These days Hogwarts is a dull weather, humid and windy, making the wizards feel depressed, but this morning the wizards are no longer affected by the weather. Some time ago, it was on the bulletin boards of all common rooms. The notice posted stated that the Ministry of Magic has changed the requirements for the Disapparation exam. Compared with previous years, wizards under the age of 17 this year can take the Phantom Migration exam as long as they take the course-and the time for the first exam Nowadays.

After breakfast, Harry and a few Gryffindor young lions walked through the auditorium towards the opposite door to the hall.

“Ministry of Magic is a good reform today.” Harry, who had been sullen for the past few days, seemed a little happy at this time. “I’m fed up with being taken by a follower, you know, it’s like a muggle car and some people drive. I don’t feel dizzy when I go, but riding in the back…that tastes too bad!”

“This is especially true for flying cars. Don’t let Luna sit in the back row for 10000000…” Hermione’s voice rang from behind Harry, “But I think it is very dangerous for ordinary young wizards under 17 to take the exam. Think about Susan. And Frank!”

“But Granger, how many years have you passed in advance?” Ron retorted. This time he finally caught Hermione’s loophole and made Miss Know-it-all choke. She stopped talking to Harry and the others with the book. Step away.

“I think Granger just didn’t put herself on an equal footing with us.” Lavender said in an untimely happy tone. “She thinks she is not an ordinary young wizard!”

“She is indeed no ordinary young wizard!” Ginny gave the big brother’s girlfriend a white glance.

Although many people have benefited from this and got the opportunity to take the exam, Disapparation is so difficult. There are not many wizards that can be mastered. The frustration of the wizards is increasing, which makes them confident to sign up for the first round. There are not many young wizards.

On the morning of the Disapparation exam, the Sixth Year students in the auditorium were a little excited. Like most ordinary young wizards, Ron gave up this first exam. He has not successfully passed the Disapparation. These days, Ron has been in Harry’s ears. While nagging, he was very worried about the tragic situation of Disapparation.

“You see what Frank looks like…” After Ron finished speaking, he seemed to think it was not good for Harry who signed up, so he changed his tone. “Harry, you are not like me, you won’t have a problem, you have succeeded several times.”

“I only managed to cast it 3 times.” Harry reminded him that in the last Disapparation class, he finally disappeared and appeared in the wooden circle.

Although Ron did not take the exam, he chose to accompany the test and observe the process to sum up his experience, just like most Sixth Year students who did not register.

There were not a few nervous wizards like them in the hall. Harry looked at everyone’s expressions in the hall and saw that everyone’s nervousness was similar, but he was not so nervous anymore. However, when he glanced over the group of people in Slytherin, he found that Pansy, who had been expressing gloomy and preoccupied this semester, was relieved now. She stood beside Draco and talked and laughed intimately, as if she had completely recovered from the previous semester. The look is completely different from those nervous young wizards in the hall, as if they weren’t for an exam but just attended a party.

Pansy is now in the heart, letting go of the burden, it seems that nothing can stop her good mood. She took Draco’s arm and whispered beside him: “Brother Pull, you have to keep it secret for me, Aaron, that is something privately for me and Emily.”

“I don’t understand why you signed up in the first place, and now you are causing trouble to Aaron for nothing…” Draco raised his head, expression proudly, but then he told Pansy, “You just learned, I will teach you what you don’t understand, you are me Girlfriends can’t even beat a bad girlfriend in the end.”

Draco’s habitual very slow talk, dragging an unpleasant long voice, but Pansy didn’t feel a bit annoying. Then, as she seemed to feel Harry’s gaze, she raised her head and confronted Harry who was looking over here, and Pansy rubbed her head on Draco’s face, and the corner of Harry’s mouth was tilted upward.

Pansy’s smirk made Harry more serious about his guess-the two Death Eaters who stole Dumbledore wand in the cave may have been the people Pansy had found. She estimated that she and Dumbledore had left that night. School, and now that the conspiracy has succeeded, her expression now relaxes.

Thinking of Dumbledore’s horror in the cave, he stared at Pansy fiercely, and couldn’t help but wish that if that was the case, he would wait for a flash to come out and torment Pansy and Draco severely.

But the Disapparation exam forced Harry to turn his attention back. For this exam, the Ministry of Magic attached great importance to it and dispatched a lot of armed Auror to separate the exam area from the nearby shops in order to avoid divergence. In the previous Frank’s training, those who came to observe the exam had to stay at a distance from the exam venue.

And the circles on the exam site shined in the sun Winky, as if they had just been painted. The clear sky shines on the ground, and the satin-smooth green grass is occasionally filled with ripples in the gentle breeze.

Contrary to the hustle and bustle coming from the shops not far away, there was silence in the area waiting for the test. The wizards who came to take the test saw that many armed Aurors lined up in two rows, even if they saw many of them, they were holding them. White Moss knew that it was the ambulance crew to avoid accidents, but in this atmosphere, they couldn’t help but stop the loud noise.

In this serious atmosphere, the already nervous young wizard became even more anxious. Fortunately, this suffocating situation did not last long. Soon, Mr. John Bassa, the Disapparation teacher they were already familiar with, brought three of them. The wizard wearing the Ministry of Magic Official uniform appeared in the middle of the venue, and the headmaster Dumbledore of Hogwarts also came to the scene.

After John Barça made an etiquette questioning of Dumbledore, he saw that the white wizard seemed to have no intention of speaking, so he walked up to them. He stroked his short curly hair back and pointed his wand’s tip at his mouth: ” Sonorus. Students, I’m glad to see you again. The Head Examiner of this Disapparation test is me. I will test you with my colleagues from the Apparition Test Center of the Ministry of Magic Transportation Department and issue Apparition licenses to those who pass the test. , So that you have the legal Apparition and Disapparation qualifications. I hope you can spare no effort and pass the exam without a hitch.”

John Barça’s gaze slowly swept across the faces of the wizards in the waiting room: “Well, now we will start the exam. To ensure everyone’s safety, only 3 young wizards will be tested in each round.”

The wizards thought they had to line up in alphabetical order according to the Hogwarts tradition, but it seems that Ministry of Magic is more casual in this respect, not at all. This makes the Hufflepuff female Prefect Hannah Abbot greatly sighed in relief. .

The young wizard who can sign up for the first exam is obviously somewhat emboldened. Regardless of whether the training class members are not bad luck eggs, they have all passed without a hitch. About 20 minutes later, John. Barcelona shouted: “Pansy Parkinson Young Lady of Slytherin, Padma Patil Young Lady of Ravenclaw, Harry Mr Potter of Gryffindor, please be prepared.”

“Lavender said Parvati was not ready.” Ron watched the Indian girl enter the examination room and most of them succeeded. “Harry, go in, you will come with me next time.”

Harry heavily nodded, the success of the previous student gave him some confidence and courage, but when he entered the venue, Harry and Pansy Parkinson met again, and Pansy gave Harry a provocative smirk.

Unable to suppress the suspicion in his heart, Harry tentatively asked the question in his heart in a sarcastic tone: “What, did you wish that night?”

This made Pansy, who was only planning to find something happy with Harry, stunned slightly. She was annoyed that Harry had sneaked a conversation with Professor Aaron Harris that night, and worried that Pansy, who you know who knew, said viciously: “Close My mouth is broken! I told you on the train to leave it alone! Otherwise, you won’t be so lucky next time!”

Hearing Pansy’s threat, Harry thought she had confessed it personally. The two Death Eaters were Pansy. Just before Harry reacted further, an examiner came to lead them to their respective test venues. Pansy Parkinson ignored Harry and strode forward. Walked in the forefront.

Seeing the scene at this time, Harry released the wand that was already clenched, resisted the idea of ​​giving Pansy a curse, and entered the examination room-he thought he had to be so reckless this time, and planned to do it after the exam. , Report to Dumbledore when he is alone, and let the wiser white wizard make the decision.

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