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After a while, Hagrid, who was overwhelmed, took out a few bottles of wine and used magic to put a full goblet in front of everyone-Hagrid himself used a wooden cup the size of a bucket.

“Hagrid, I don’t think I can…” Harry received the revelation of the blessing potion and knew that he could not drink it, but Hermione interrupted him after he refused to say it.

“Hagrid! Be sober, Harry and I are both students! We can’t drink!” Hermione reminded-although Aaron hadn’t graduated from an age, he was already a professor at Hogwarts, and Luna was actually age… After struggling for a while, I finally decided not to be annoying to remind them.

“I drank a lot of soup, and I won’t drink Hagrid today.” Aaron’s attention is still on food, he ate a little today.

“Oh, sorry Hermione! I forgot… hiccups~” Hagrid had already taken a sip by himself, and he hiccuped.

“Drinking doesn’t matter at all. The three professors in the room didn’t say anything. Are you going to be Teacher’s good baby?” Penelope Nunu smiled with red lips, and looked at Aaron who was serving himself a bowl of soup with satisfaction.

Hermione, who had been at a disadvantage today, raised his chin, took a cup and sat in front of Penelope.

“I’m full, and I went to the Forbidden Forest for a walk and digestion.” Luna stood up and waved to the others, stroking her belly and turned around and went out-this made Penelope who tried to provoke Luna to pass by angrily. The goal was on Miss Know-it-all.

“I haven’t been drinking much recently…” Slughorn said so, but his hand raised the goblet a long time ago: “After your poor friend Robert was poisoned, I let a house elf taste every bottle of wine in my collection, although No problem, but I still dare not drink it. Who knows when the poison was given?”

Harry glanced at Hermione, who was drinking with Penelope on the other side. He was very thankful that she didn’t seem to hear Slughorn’s speech, otherwise Harry could fully imagine what Hermione would look like after listening to this abuse of house elf. Let Harry not bother to correct Slughorn’s mistake of remembering Ron’s name again.

“I raised him from an egg,” Hagrid said sadly. “How young he was when he was hatched, he was only the size of a pug.”

“It’s cute.” Slughorn made a perfunctory compliment.

“I used to keep him in a school closet until… Sigh…” Hagrid’s face fell gloomy.

Harry knew why: Tom Riddle, the envoy, blamed Hagrid for the Chamber of Secrets incident, and the school started him.

Slughorn looked at the ceiling, where there were a few copper pots and some animal furs hanging there: “Hagrid, you have a lot of good things here… how about it? I want to get married after saving so many valuable things? I recently got married with Madam Maxime. What’s going on?”

“Olympe? She’s fine…” Hagrid blushed. “It’s a bit inconvenient to go back and forth between Britain and France. We only meet on weekends, but everything else is fine.”

Aaron put down the soup bowl, a little unsightly patted his belly: “It seems that you and Madam Maxime’s Disapparation are doing well, but it is better to be careful if the distance is too far.”

“Don’t worry about Aaron, we will all move to the coastline first, then cross the sea, and then teleport to the destination.” Hagrid’s face was still flushed: “We didn’t cross that far at once.”

Slughorn didn’t seem to be listening. He took another sip and looked carefully in the cabin. Harry knew he was looking for more treasures, which could be replaced by a lot of oak aged mead, pineapple compote and velvet. Smoking shirt.

Slughorn filled Hagrid and his cup again, and asked about the creatures living in the forest now, and then asked how Hagrid could take care of them. Hagrid became cheerful under the influence of alcohol and Slughorn’s flattery, stopped wiping his eyes, and started talking enthusiastically about Bowtruckle breeding.

Later, not long later~

Hermione’s cheeks flushed, and she lost consciousness on the table.

Aaron put down her goblet and stood up: “Forget it, I will send Hermione back to the common room first… She has the same amount of alcohol as Draco.”

“Winky!” Penelope yelled out with her eyes turned, and then said to Aaron, “Let Winky send it. Winky can send her directly to the bed. At this time, it is not convenient for you to send it in directly…”

Aaron smiled bitterly: “…Don’t say it seems like I would often send myself into the female dormitory other time…” Aaron smiled bitterly:

With a “Pa”, Winky appeared in the cabin, and she bowed low to Penelope.

“The girl dormitory who sent her back to Gryffindor.” Penelope pointed to her alcoholic Hermione and ordered. “It’s a bit late today. You can make up for it when you give my parents the medicine.”

Harry on the side was a little embarrassed at this time. Hagrid was talking to Slughorn in the corner, and the conversation between Aaron and Penelope was even more difficult for him to join. He regretted bringing Ginny over.

“Then, I’ll go out and pack, and I’m going to go back~” Penelope looked at the messy Hagrid hut. She didn’t even plan to ask for the cutlery used by Hagrid and others. She stood up without any intention of Pack.

“Wait for me, I should go too, I’ll send you out.” Aaron stared at Slughorn and Harry, waving his hand as a goodbye.

Walking outside the house, Penelope leaned over to light the extinguished fire under the frying pan outside.

Aaron, who was planning to help Penelope Pack, asked strangely: “Penelope, what are you…”

“Your mother will love my craftsmanship. I will go to the tower to give her a taste.” Penelope said confidently. She discovered tonight that whether it is Fleur or Daisy or Emily, Harris’s house is apart from Morgan Lefleux and portrait. In addition to Hufflepuff in Hufflepuff, she has an overwhelming advantage over other women Owners in cooking.

“Your meal today is really amazing, I bet you give Helga the recipe in the portrait, you will open her eyes… By the way, then make some more by the way…” Aaron promptly asked, “Today’s The spices are all provided by Snape. He also improved the formula for us. I will give him a copy of the past.”

Under the moonlight, Aaron and Penelope said goodbye. The firewood burning outside Hagrid’s hut gave out black smoke, and soon the smoke drifted away with the wind. Only Hagrid, Harry and Slughorn were left in Hagrid’s hut, and everyone else had already left.

Harry sat on the chair and watched Hagrid and Slughorn drinking and chatting. From his previous situation to an observer, Harry’s feet hung in the air and swayed easily under the chair, eating his teeth 100 boredly on the soles of his feet under.

Hagrid and Hora Slughorn were sitting side by side in the corner opposite Harry, and Hagrid sang a song of soothing sorrow, singing a dying wizard Otto. Slughorn took a sip of wine, looked at Hagrid and smiled happily, shaking his body gently to Hagrid’s song.

“I raised him from a spider egg, when he just came out of the shell. It’s still a little bit smaller than a little milk dog at worst, do you know the size? Ya Ya little milk dog is about the same size.” Hagrid was a little drunk, he Constantly making gestures of different sizes, sadly recalling Aragog.

“It’s wonderful. I used to have a fish called Francis to be kind to me.” Slughorn also seemed to be infected by Hagrid. He put a smile away and talked about his previous experience of raising pets. “One afternoon, I went downstairs to take a look. , He is gone…’Puff’ is gone.”

“It’s weird? Isn’t it?” Hagrid took a few more gulps.

“You lived and lived, and suddenly the’poof’ was gone.” Horace also gave himself a sip: “Yes, but I think this is life.”

Hagrid stared blindly, and recalled sadly what Aragog looked like. He shook the goblet and learned Slughorn: “pu!”


Hagrid’s furry big head fell back, “peng” hit the wall made of wooden boards, and then began to snore.

Harry was smirking from Hagrid and Slughorn’s indulgent drinking, and when Slughorn’s eyes met him, the smiles on their faces disappeared.

Slughorn’s hands were placed on the table, and his cheeks became red under the influence of alcohol, and his appearance was more old and weak: “It was a student who gave me Francis… One spring afternoon, I saw my table. There is a small bowl. Inside is a shallow stream of clear water with a petal floating on the water. I looked at it, but it sank. Just when it was about to touch the bottom of the bowl, it deformed and became A small fish is really wonderful and pleasing to the eye… The flower is 100 folds (100 folds in English is Lily lily), as beautiful as your mother.”

Harry didn’t speak, Slughorn’s tone was very sad, “The day I went downstairs, the day the bowl was empty, it was your mother…”

Slughorn was unable to continue speaking for a while, and was silent for a moment. His eyes were opened wider than before. The slick and somewhat false smile in the normally disappeared. His expression looked at Harry seriously, helpless and sad: “I I know why you are here, but I can’t help you. Helping you will ruin myself.”

“Do you know how I survived, Professor?” Harry’s gaze crossed the candlelight swaying in Hagrid’s heavy snore and met Slughorn’s eyes. His hand lifted and touched his forehead. The night that I left this scar was because of her, because she sacrificed herself. Because she didn’t want to leave me to survive.”

The wrinkles on Slughorn’s forehead are squeezed together, and there is water and light in the eyes.

“Because her love is more powerful than Voldemort’s mana…” Harry continued.

Hearing this name, Slughorn hit a shivered. He closed his eyes and waved his hand in resistance, “Don’t say his name!”

“I’m not afraid to say this name! Professor, Britain is safe now. He has been driven out like a stray dog, and now he dare not return to Britain.” Harry’s tone was a bit fierce, deliberately disdainful, he stood up and walked towards Slughorn: “It doesn’t matter whether the real Savior is Aaron or me, or Dumbledore, but to solve him completely, we must know what you told him…”

Slughorn reflexively shook his head and refused, his old cheeks trembling slightly.

“Be brave, Professor!” Fu Lingji led Harry to continue to encourage, “Be brave like my mother, otherwise you can only put her to shame, otherwise the bowl in your heart will be empty forever.”

Slughorn’s face was pale, sweat was shining on his forehead, and Harry was silent for a moment while staring at each other through a weeping candle. Fortunately, he told Harry not to interrupt the staring, and wait.

Slughorn’s eyes were full of tears, and he swallowed, as if he had made some kind of decision, “Please don’t look down upon me after reading this.”

He put his hand in his pocket very slowly and pulled out the wand, and took out a small empty bottle from the cloak with the other hand. He still stared into Harry’s eyes and raised his fat hand: “Even at the time, you couldn’t imagine him being powerful.”

Slughorn made up his mind, squinted his eyes in pain, pressed the wand against his temple, and then took it away, drawing out a long silver thread of memory. His hand trembled slightly, Harry’s hand stretched out from the opposite side and held his wrist, and Slughorn successfully put the silver thread into the bottle, and the memory hovered in the transparent bottle.

Hogwarts was located in Snape’s office in the cold underground. The candles on the wall were lit, and they cast one after another dim light. Snape looked at a pot of steaming lamb soup that suddenly appeared on his office desk and was silent for a moment. Pointing to the locker on the side with wand, a dirty spoon and a soup bowl flew out-after the renovation of his home in Spider’s End, the furniture, tableware and cups were replaced with new ones. These old ones The things he took to the office.

Snape filled himself with a bowl, but didn’t drink it immediately, he just sniffed the special aroma from the soup bowl filled with broth.

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