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Compared with the locket inherited by Salazar Slytherin himself, this one is neither that big nor lacks the pattern mark, nor does it have the gorgeous “s” mark unique to Slytherin. The locket bounces apart, except for the The portrait was tightly packed with a folded parchment, and there was nothing else.

Aaron took out the parchment, quickly scanned the handwriting on it, looked up to Sirius and said, “This is the last handwriting of Regulus.”

Hermione, who was beside Aaron, took the initiative to take the note, smoothed the wrinkles with her hands, spread it on the pedestal, and read the writing on it: “To Dark Lord

I was dead long before you read this

But I want you to know that I discovered your secret.

I stole the real Horcrux and planned to destroy it as soon as possible.

I am willing to die, hoping that you will be killed when you meet your opponent.

R. A. B”

After reading it, Hermione looked at the note again with an expression of admiration: “Regulus is probably the first person to discover that you know who made Horcrux. He risked his death and replaced the real Horcrux, this Slytherin. With the bravery of Gryffindor and the wisdom of Ravenclaw.”

“I was too wrong, Regulus.” Sirius hit the stone basin with a fist, his heart’s turmoil and guilt became more and more turbulent, and he regretted it. “I know you sacrificed yourself to resist you know who, but didn’t ‘t expect turned out to be to destroy one of his Horcrux. I used to call you an idiot, but in fact it is me who is ignorant and you are a hero.”

“Fuzzy old Kreacher…what did Kreacher do? Master Regulus is really fighting against the Dark Lord, Kreacher made a mistake…Kreacher is a fool!” Kreacher just heard the note read by Hermione, incredulously Go to the base of the stone platform to confirm the writing on it.

Kreacher had never believed Aaron. They described that Regulus went to the cave to drink venom to fight against the Dark Lord. After all, Kreacher didn’t know the purpose of what you know who and Regulus did last, thinking that Aaron and the others were in Deceive yourself. Until now, he saw the note with his own eyes and confirmed the writing on it, and he stood blankly as if struck by lightning.

“Idiot, now you know how stupid it was for you to expose the information to my stupid lunatic cousin.” Sirius glanced at Kreacher contemptuously, and Sirius’s mocking tone, who was in pain and regret, seemed even harsher.

“Kreacher actually did something contrary to the goal of Master Regulus…” Kreacher, who was immersed in regret and pain, did not rebuke Sirius. He recalled what he had done, regretted 10000 points, and threw weeping bitter tears to the ground, desperately Beating the ground, a gray tooth was exposed to the air because of crying.

“Kreacher must not hurt yourself.” Hearing Kreacher’s desperate self-talk, Aaron glanced up at Kreacher and saw his tears fall down his big nose again, and his gray teeth were exposed because of crying with his mouth open. In the air, before Hermione could react and before the elf made an aggressive move, Aaron gave the order first, and then complained to Sirius, “I think Hermione has made it very clear just now. You are here too. The reason for your own attitude towards it, since you have never regarded Kreacher as a creature with the same sensitive emotions as humans, then what it does because of these emotions is something you did not expect, that is what you should pay cost.”

And following his command, the elf stood stiffly and howled, but did not make any actions to hurt himself.

“Horcrux is the most evil dark magic item in the world.” Sirius not at all said more about Aaron’s accusation. He judged it and knew that Aaron, who had been collected by the House of Black, would even know this thing from no other means. I learned from those books in his family, so he tried to use this to change the topic, “I noticed that your previous authentic product looks basically intact, but I can’t feel any evil power in it. This shows that you have destroyed it and fulfilled Regulus’s last wish? It is part of the infusion you know who soul already not in?”

“Yes, but I have a bad news to tell you, you know who is not just making a Horcrux, in fact I have eliminated his 3 Horcrux.” Aaron does not plan to make Harry one of Horcrux yet. The news told Sirius, but he or for this added another sentence, “I have cooperated with Dumbledore before, and the specific number and what is still being investigated…”

“Aaron Young Master …Kreacher can be understood as, you have destroyed the locket Master Regulus asked Kreacher to destroy?” This house elf is a bit more crooked, which makes him look a size smaller than usual. , “But… it looks very good?”

“Kreacher, the soul of you know who has been destroyed from Slytherin’s locket, it is no longer Horcrux.” Aaron held his breath, as if the atmosphere didn’t dare to breathe but couldn’t resist shiver coldly Kreacher said warmly, “Regulus This is the purpose for you to do this.”

“Regulus gave you the task, no matter what means to catalyze it, you are considered complete, Kreacher…” Hermione understood the inner thoughts of this ugly house elf, and softly affirmed it for him. result.

After a roar with a completely distorted voice, the aging Kreacher walked over at a fast pace that was completely inconsistent with his age and usual. Finally, his whole body fell and crawled to the ground because of excitement, before everyone was too worried. He scrambled to move himself in front of Aaron, learning how Death Eater faced the Dark Lord, trying to kiss Aaron’s boots, but Snot slobbered with his tears.

“Stop! Kreacher.” Aaron dodges 2 steps back. He has a slight cleanliness, and then he hastily used Scourgify on himself before shouting to the house elf who stayed in place because of the order, “Don’t get excited…you rest beside yourself. I will.”

“Kreacher thought that in this life… he thought he would not be able to complete Master Regulus’ orders… but Kreacher’s new owner destroyed it! Kreacher did not live up to Master Regulus!” Kreacher obediently stopped trying to kiss Aaron’s leather boots, trying After wiping the boots for the new owner, the other party shrank his feet, and the heavy boulder that had been pressing on his chest for many years felt overturned, but the momentary unreality caused Kreacher to turn over and lie down on the ground. , With his face up to the sky, his eyes looked at the stone wall above his head with some blank eyes. After completing the task he dreamed of in this life, he didn’t know what else he should do after losing his life goal, which made him look older.

Hermione looked at house elf anxiously, as if worried that it would die at any time.

Sirius didn’t say anything ironically just now. At this moment, looking at Hermione’s appearance, he couldn’t help muttering: “Leave it alone, this troublesome old bastard is not that easy to die, maybe he will still be alive if I die!”

“Ah… in a sense this is true…” Aaron, who briefly recalled Sirius’ original fate, shook his head, “You’d better not underestimate the power of language to make such predictions. You know I am also the silence of the Department of Mysteries. People, destiny can be changed, but they will always reveal some information to you inadvertently, so you should say less of these words…Don’t put on this expression that thinks I am very superstitious, you know who I believe it too, don’t you?”

“Speaking of which, you know who this madman doesn’t he know that the soul should remain intact, and splitting it is an evil act against nature?! As long as the soul is split, it will become extremely unstable even more how Many times! As a result, even a large number of dark wizards are unwilling to make Horcrux, they are more willing to die happily…” Sirius was surprised at the crazy behavior of you know who, but after noticing that Aaron knew Horcrux really well, he worried about what happened. This bad boy would try it himself. He thought he changed his tone and tried to warn Aaron not to try, “Well, no wonder you know who makes people feel more and more crazy. When he was young It is said to be a charming spirit, but what I cannot understand is that he doesn’t care about this hidden danger at all?”

“Harry told me that Dumbledore also destroyed a Horcrux. It was a ring belonging to Marvolo Gaunt in the family of you know who mother…” Hermione said, her voice sounded a bit complicated. “As for this The hidden danger… Harry told me that although the mother of you know who came from the ancient Gaunt family, she died shortly after the birth of you know who. You know who is the head of the orphan of muggle, and the general muggle-born wizard Not at all the difference…Even Horcrux itself is also you know who. When you learned from the black magic book that was still in the Restricted Section when you were a student and asked about it, Professor Slughorn, who was very knowledgeable, said that Professor Slughorn was right His love revealed to him some secrets about Horcrux. He just made it… So I think the birth of you know who made him not aware of the dangers at first… and then he didn’t care anymore.”

“The birth of you know who really limits his development to a large extent…” Aaron agrees with “you know who’s behavior to house elf is also to disdain as beneath contempt, just like the purebred wizard who treats elves as beasts” …But the difference is that he would never think and disdain to understand that these elves may have magic that he doesn’t have.”

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