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As soon as he took it, Sirius鈥?thin face became as hideous as his prison photo. The tall and tall he suddenly bent down, holding the edge of the stone basin with one hand, and the veins on his hand were exposed, 2 deep. The gray eyes were wide and filled with red’s bloodshot eyes. He tremblingly put the cup into the stone basin again, and after a brief brewing, he scooped up cups and cups and drank quickly.

Aaron was a little surprised and touched his chin. The pain caused by this potion, even as strong as Dumbledore in his memory, couldn’t keep his balance for long, and fell to the ground uncontrollably and needed Harry to feed him. , But Sirius can even drink so many cups and still stand in front of the stone basin. It seems that his body has been well restored in the past few years from prison.

The muscles on Sirius’s face were twitching, and he tried to stretch out his trembling hands to continue sinking the shell into the liquid. He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he lifted the cup resolutely, but before it reached his mouth, the cup just After falling back into the stone basin, Sirius staggered to the ground, his eyes closed, his breathing was heavy, and the pain caused by the poison you know who made was not all physical.

When Sirius just lifted the cup halfway, the illusion of the house that Godric’s Hollow was familiar with suddenly appeared in his mind. For many years, he imagined what happened to Potter’s house that day. James Potter bravely faced you know who and him. The men of Death Eater, with hazel eyes, watched vigilantly at you know who who invaded their home. The messy and angry black hair stood up stubbornly. He blocked his wife Lily, son Potter and their pet cat鈥?鈥擴ntil the green light flashed, James thin and tall’s body fell down.

Sirius hugged his head in pain. His extreme thirst and mental trauma prevented him from howling to vent his pain. He muttered to himself: “No…James…Be careful, don’t go there, Lily, come on. Run… my fault… it’s all my fault…”

Although his voice was fuzzy and his self-blame made it into a cry in the end, both Aaron and Hermione, who were sensitive, understood his words clearly.

“He has experienced that many horrible things, but the most fearful thing is the death of his friend.” Hermione sighed as he looked at Sirius.

“The effect of venom should be related to the illusion caused by inner pain. Sirius was bitter and regretful because his friend James was killed tragically. Venom had a great impact on him. Regulus was very young when he drank this potion and had not experienced anything too much. How painful, so venom caused much less fear in his heart than Sirius.” Aaron explained to Hermione, and he also wanted to understand the reason why venom had a greater impact on Dumbledore than Sirius-the white wizard The pain in my heart is much more than they are.

At this moment, Sirius was convulsing violently, and he covered his head unconsciously, and it seemed that he could no longer continue to scoop out those venom and drink it.

“Master! Kreacher come to help him!” After speaking, Kreacher, who had been waiting for a long time, picked up the shells in the stone basin, filled it with transparent venom, took him to Sirius, and forced it to Sirius.

2 Going down, Sirius, wandering in fantasy and reality, began to resist instinctively. He pushed Kreacher’s shoulder with his hand, and refused: “Don’t…Don’t come again…”

Aaron entangled his arms and hugged his fingers on the other arm. He thought to himself: After only a few spoonfuls, he could no longer hold on to drinking it. Dumbledore insisted that the potion in the stone basin was lost by half. .

Kreacher’s low voice was a little excited, and he said soothingly: “You have to continue drinking. If you want to experience what Master Regulus has experienced and felt, you have to continue drinking!” After that, it was another glass that was poured into Sirius. Stomach, Sirius was gasping, his face pale, and he groaned in pain.

Kreacher scooped another glass, and forced the shell into Sirius’ mouth again. Sirius, who came back to his senses, drank all the potion in the shell, but this time Sirius could no longer control himself and scream. , The stern voice crossed the silent black lake and echoed in the big cave.

The stone basin was more than half empty. Kreacher was holding the shell and saw Sirius’ twitching hand trying to slap the ground. He glanced at Aaron and stepped on it without thinking he had noticed. Then he leaned down. He held down Sirius’ other hand, and then forced the potion into Sirius’ throat.

Sirius, who was imprisoned by house elf, was shaking from head to toe. He was extremely thirsty and couldn’t resist the charm of liquid, but the more he drank venom, his internal organs became more anxious, and the pain made him roll on the ground, completely forgetting Agreed with Aaron.

Hermione finally noticed Kreacher’s actions from Sirius’ fierce reaction. Brows frowned, and an anger hit her heart. She understood Kreacher’s desire to retaliate against Sirius, but he must not deprive Sirius of the opportunity he refused: “Kreacher, stop now. !”

It鈥檚 just that Kreacher completely ignores Hermione and doesn鈥檛 hear her words. After all, Hermione is not his master, and Kreacher doesn鈥檛 need to pay attention to anyone else鈥檚 orders-so instead, Kreacher seizes the last time and tries to add as much as possible before Aaron gives orders. venom fed it down.

“Kreacher, stop!” Aaron gave orders under Hermione’s gaze.

The elder elf, under the influence of the contract, caused him to stagger and sit on the ground because of his actions and the master’s command. The crystal shell rolled down, and the liquid flew back to the stone basin before it fell to the ground.

Kreacher didn’t complain about the master, but rather complained about the mudblood Hermione. He would say something if the hostess was there, but this mudblood seems to have a close relationship with the new owner, and he has to rely on them if he wants to welcome Master Regulus back…thinking about this. , The elf rubbed the caudal vertebrae that was sore by his fall. Kreacher stood up and gave up his habit of cursing.

Hermione quickly poured Elder Wood flower dew to the semi-unconscious Sirius. Sirius instinctively swallowed, and the drink flowed into the trachea accidentally. He coughed violently, but the person finally awoke, calmed down and begged for water strongly. drink.

Aaron also came up to check and determined that Sirius would be fine: “Kreacher, you will take care of your former master.”

Seeing the venom approaching the pelvic floor, Kreacher felt very sorry. He pretended to be injured due to aging and just fell, and used very slow movements to hold Sirius鈥?shoulders for a long time. As a result, Elder Wood flower dew, Only a little bit of the sugar-free drink was poured into Sirius’ throat-but when the house elf was disappointed, Sirius finally calmed down, and lay on his back on the ground and gasped for a while and then he grabbed it. I poured the drink myself.

“I’ll go outside the cave and bring Lynch and the others to do business.” Aaron confessed to Hermione and saw that the scene was restored, and then started flying out, “Kreacher, obey any orders Hermione Miss Granger gives you.”

Sirius had struggled to sit up, his face was deathly pale panting, his breathing sounded very weak.

Kreacher’s hoarse voice is harsh and harsh: “Useless wasrel, there are still that many venoms left to drink, not to mention Master Regulus, you are too bad compared to Kreacher!”

It’s just that Sirius didn’t refute him this time, and didn’t try to react to Kreacher’s small movements just now. He was a little lowered and turned his head, looking towards the lakeside-he did not finish drinking.

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