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Aaron’s hand flicked and grabbed one end of the chain, and the 8-sided metal rim locket was displayed in front of Kreacher. Kreacher couldn’t make a sound for a moment, and it was difficult to restrain his emotions.

This locket has an S supported on the front, and a long inscription is engraved on the back of the locket under the glazed surface. The box is embedded with a green gemstone with a snakeskin pattern, and astrology symbols are engraved around the gem. Harmonic orientation notation, these symbols involve the measurement of the relative angles of planets and the astrological knowledge of the relationship between them. The locket is also engraved with a ring symbol and other different symbols, and a curved metal wire is tightly wrapped around the locket. , Is connected to a body that is winding like a snake.

Kreacher wiped his teary eyes with his hands, “This was handed to me by Master Regulus! You found it! Kreacher made a mistake, Kreacher failed to execute Young Master’s orders and lost it!”

Sirius looked at the pendant suspiciously, and based on his memories, he judged that Aaron was probably succeeded in the third-year deal that paid him back. He shrugged and didn’t take it seriously. In fact, he could take it away if Aaron wanted to. Everything, of course, Sirius thinks he might really be able to work for someone.

“Kreacher, do you know where it came from? What does Regulus have to do with it? Tell me everything you know, including the locket, and the relationship between Regulus and it.” Aaron did not urge him, and waited patiently for him to calm down. Then he asked about it, and then he pointed to the pendant and said to Sirius, who had an inquiring look, “The locket you got from your younger brother is amazing. It should be Salazar Slytherin’s own relic.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? We haven’t heard from Regulus for so many years.” Sirius angrily roared, looking at Kreacher angrily.

“Master Regulus has disappeared, and the hostess went crazy sadly, but Kreacher couldn’t tell him what happened, no, because Regulus Young Master banned-forbidden him to talk to the family-the family-the rock-the cave “Kreacher choked, “Kreacher promised Master Regulus not to speak!”

“I order you!” Sirius was annoyed when he saw that the clue had been by his side but he hadn’t noticed it.

“Sirius, don’t interrupt! Let me ask!” Aaron hurriedly stopped another quarrel before Hermione pleaded with house elf to self-mutilate. “Kreacher, your Regulus command is not to tell the family, that is, the last name. Black’s people explained his situation, but I’m not a “family member”. If I ask you, I can tell me that it’s not against his orders.”

For a moment, Kreacher seemed to be thinking about whether to use this loophole was against his master’s order.

Just when Sirius couldn’t help urging, Kreacher let himself dry the tears on his face, and when he spoke again, his voice was dull, but he could hear quite clearly in the quiet living room.

“Since Sirius Young Master ran away, my mistress was heartbroken. But Master Regulus knew what the surname Black and his pure bloodline meant. Master Regulus joined the Dark Lord organization, he was so happy and proud. One day, Master Regulus came to the kitchen to visit Kreacher. He said that the Dark Lord wanted an elf. Master Regulus contributed to Kreacher. “The elderly elf voice was a little hoarse,” Master Regulus said it was the glory of himself and Kreacher , Kreacher must do everything the Dark Lord wants him to do, and then go back—go home.”

“What did the Dark Lord ask you to do?” Aaron asked, leaning forward.

Kreacher’s breathing was short, and he sobbed again, “…There is a boat…We arrived at the small island in the middle of the lake… The stone basin is full of potion. Black-Dark Lord let Kreacher drink.”

Kreacher trembled all over, and his low voice was trembling: “Kreacher wants to be obedient. He drank all the potion, but there were so many horrible sights when he drank…The potion burned my heart. Kreacher only felt extremely thirsty, internal The organs are all on fire,…but no matter how Kreacher calls for mercy, the Dark Lord just laughs. When the stone basin is empty, the Dark Lord throws a locket into it, and then fills the potion. Kreacher needs water, so he crawls Go to the edge of the island and drink the water in the black lake… Many dead people’s hands dragged Kreacher down…”

“Oh, poor Kreacher.” Hermione couldn’t bear it. She couldn’t imagine the pain and despair the elf encountered at the time. “How did you escape.”

Looking at the necklace, Kreacher coldly snorted mumbled. Although he didn’t swear at Hermione, he didn’t want to respond to her words.

“Regulus, look at your decision, what kind of stupid thing you followed!” Sirius’ disdainful tone made Kreacher very angry. It widened bloodshot eyes and stretched out a finger, deterring Sirius. Said, “You are not allowed to slander Master Regulus! You weren’t able to compare with him!”

“What about Regulus? What did he say after he knew it, and what did he do?” Sirius was eager to learn about the younger brother’s news, and didn’t care about Kreacher’s comparisons and insults—but Kreacher didn’t answer his question about Regulus at all.

Aaron glanced at Sirius, then deliberately “copy and paste” his question and asked Kreacher again.

“Master Regulus was very worried. He told Kreacher to hide at home and don’t go anywhere… After a while, Master Regulus found Kreacher, and Kreacher could see that he was in a mess… He asked Kreacher to take him to the Dark Lord’s That cave.”

“He’s a fool, what are you going there for yourself?” Sirius slammed his fist on the sofa. He had a bad premonition. This kind of behavior that seriously violated the Dark Lord’s wishes was for his younger brother’s situation. Not a good sign.

Immediately afterwards, Sirius took a pause. At this time, he clearly felt that the devil contract he had signed with Aaron had been completed-Aaron provided him with Regulus news, and he wanted to trade Kreacher to Aaron —— Now he has understood Regulus’s news on Lake Heart Island where the Dark Lord had visited, so the contract has been completed, and now the owner of Kreacher has been replaced by Aaron Harris.

Sirius turned his head and said to Kreacher, “After today’s things are done, you will leave with Aaron, and you will no longer belong to the House of Black.”

Kreacher’s big eyes looked at Sirius, who was completely unprepared for this. After a few seconds, his eyes were filled with unforgettable hatred. He was so thin that he could see the sharp rise and fall of his ribs. How much do you want to ruin your family! Kreacher will always belong to the ancient and noble House of Black! Young Master, you can’t do this, your name has been removed from tapestry by the hostess!”

“The collection of so many generations of the family has been lost by you!” house elf shivered, swayed, cursed Sirius with a hiss, and let out a blood-coagulating scream, “My poor mistress. , Your loyal old Kreacher will be driven away by the wasterl and inferior child who to forget favors and violate justice… Kreacher must never leave the House of Black.”

Both Sirius and Aaron were a little embarrassed. One of them lost the family possessions that had been saved by countless generations of people in the House of Black, and the other got the family possessions that had been saved by countless generations of people in the House of Black.

“Kreacher made a mistake. Kreacher couldn’t carry out the Young Master’s order! Kreacher can’t leave the House of Black!” Kreacher rushed to the poker standing by the fire. He picked up the poker and hit his head hard.

Hermione leaped up from the sofa suddenly, rushed in front of the elf, and firmly grasped his shoulders, “Stop, don’t hurt yourself.” Hermione shrieked, but this voice was quickly caught by Kreacher. His cries were lost.

“Mudblood touched Kreacher, Kreacher doesn’t allow it, what would the hostess say?” Kreacher pushed Hermione desperately but was helpless with her strange power, with a clear boredom and disgust in her voice.

“It’s okay, I don’t care. This sudden news is a blue sky for him. He is just too sad.” Hermione quickly turned to explain to Aaron and Sirius, fearing that Kreacher would be punished for it.

“Kreacher, I order you not to move!” Sirius, as the host, was very angry when the guest was insulted, but Kreacher still struggled and screamed, and his movements were not hindered.

Seeing the disgusting and ugly appearance of the elf crying and screaming, Aaron originally wanted to stop Kreacher by ordering it hard, but seeing Hermione’s pity and kindness, he paused and slowed down a bit: “Kreacher stop, about Regulus · Black I still have something to ask you, do you think your former master’s efforts will not be wasted?”

The elf froze immediately. He lay straight on the icy stone slab, tears gushing from the sunken eye sockets hua hua, looking more sad than the attempt suicide just now-Kreacher found that he had begun to be ordered by Aaron Constraint, which means it has changed owners.

Hermione looked at Kreacher with sympathy, and at the same time finally let go, which was a good thing for her and Kreacher.

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