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Hearing Aaron’s speech, William instantly understood that the other party knew what he thought and thought, and he thought it was heaven punishment before, so he couldn’t be spared. Then he roared at the wizard whom Harold had hired. “Harold’s evil wizard! So the reason why Lao Tzu is separated from the fleet is your ghost?! You will be heaven punishment for your crimes!”

“Harold’s wizard?” Aaron walked up to William and looked down at him condescendingly. “You misunderstood. The kings of the Wessex Kingdom have always been really religious. They treat the wizard with the same attitude as the duke. Your lord, you are different… Don’t rush to anger and despair. If it weren’t for the storm I blew up, you would meet Harold, who hasn’t lost a bit, as soon as you go ashore. You know, Harold had been built in the south The defense is waiting for you, he waits for work with ease, and you are the fatigue. In this case, I think you have lost more than 300 ships…”

William pursed his lips tightly, as if he could resist the other’s interpretation of his own mind.

Aaron chuckled, shook his head and continued: “Tell you a good news that you may not know. Although Harold has defeated the Vikings, he is still taking a rest in Yorkshire because of the serious losses.”

Feeling the frenetic joy that surged in William’s heart, Aaron added: “Not only that, you know that the coast is now undefended, but you probably don’t know that there is no decent defensive force in the entire south of England. I hope that you Normans will not attack across the sea because of the autumn harvest. In order to deal with those Vikings, they have brought all the power they can bring. If you can get to Britain, at least the entire south can be considered as easy to reach. ——If you have a way to let Harold know the news of your landing, you don’t drive from the north to the south and fight you in the field because the troops have not been rested, I personally think that relying on your Norman troops and tactics The odds of victory over the British tactics that still rely on the shield wall left over from Rome are still great.”

“But the premise of all this is that I can log in to England now, right?” William suppressed the joy of knowing the news from Aaron. He knew that the wizard in front of him didn’t sound like Harold’s, so he did just that. I must have something to ask, the Duke of Illegitimate Child looked towards Aaron’s young face, and then seemed to have awakened and so on. Although his attitude towards the wizard is rather ambiguous, he is still pious as a self-confessed apart from this Cultist, Duke Ilegitimate Child has his own bottom line. He yelled at Aaron: “Don’t imagine that I, as a devout believer, will promise you what the evil wizard will do!”

“Your Excellency, your imagination is very rich, but I will not let you contribute to young girls, and then bathe with their blood to stay young… The reason why I look so young now is because I am so young… “Aaron glanced silently at William, who was both happy and worried. He felt that the illegitimate child duke reads the legendary story too much. He continued to speak angrily, “As long as you sign a contract with me, I can do it.” Send you back to your fleet, you see, haven’t you also reached an agreement with a lot of wizards to let them serve you? I don’t think this is really difficult for you…”

“I won’t make any agreement with the wizard! What is the content of your contract?! If it is evil, don’t say it!” William continued to growl with a lot of saliva.

The other party’s blatant and snarling way of speaking made Aaron stunned for a while, only to realize that the other party already had a deal, and he didn’t want to talk too loudly and slobbered, and the duke, who was a bit stubborn, could do more to pave the way , Aaron directly stated the conditions, “A magic contract, the content is that you need to admit that the ownership of a large piece of barren land designated by me belongs to me-although it actually belongs to Scotland. As long as you and your throne Heirs—This is not just about your offspring, as long as heirs who have inherited your throne in a legal name need to acknowledge this, otherwise they will be severely cursed and punished. Of course, and I will promise to send you Return safely to the fleet and land safely in England.”

The Muggle-Repelling Charm was applied near Hogwarts, so the muggles couldn’t see Hogwarts. Even if the muggle reached the gate of Hogwarts, they would only see the ruined ruins with the sign “Don’t enter the danger”.

Muggle’s electronic equipment and equipment-including computers, televisions, radios, mobile phones, walkie-talkies, etc., cannot be used near Hogwarts, because the air is filled with a strong magic magnetic field, which will not be modified by the wizard like a wizard radio Or electronic equipment other than the wizard TV produces strong interference.

What Aaron wants is the land of the large area where Hogwarts is and its surroundings. Although the muggle can’t be found in the exact location, there has been no muggle for nearly 1000 years. It’s not very safe to develop that beautiful area with the Muggle-Repelling Charm. Yes, and many wizards were in contact with the Imperial Family before the secrecy law came into effect. This is the last prophecy made by Rowena Ravenclaw, and it is also a bit of responsibility she wants Aaron to take on the Hogwarts that they have established—though in fact she I don’t care too much about the house itself, but she at least cares about Helga •Hufflepuff’s wishes.

The power of magic? Hearing the word magic, William’s first reaction in his heart was to refuse. He was determined not to sign any contract with the wizard in front of him.

Aaron’s fingers moved, and the python snake letter that the blade turned into lightly brushed his face, and William was shivered all over. From the seat of duke to the throne granted by the aloof and remote monarchy, the scene of the rich land of England appeared in his mind…

If William’s heart is fighting between heaven and man, if he does not agree to the wizard who is inspiring like a devil, he and his subordinates may stay in this Sea Territory forever, the throne’s attraction to him, the handy coast, and the near The threat of death at hand… he seemed to be able to feel the cold breath of python on his cheeks. Under the threat of life and the temptation of power, he continuously prayed in his heart for the Spiritual he believed in. With God’s protection, William’s fist was clenched on his side. Although being so despised by the other party made William, who has absolute authority in Normandy, very uncomfortable, it is also possible to draw a large area even if it does not belong to him now. It’s a pity for the land, but it is obvious that in the wizard that he has raised, it is obvious that they may not be the opponents of the opponent. After a little calm thinking, he will naturally understand how to choose.

“It seems that you have made a decision.” Aaron took out a parchment and let it float in midair, and let a quill start to write in Latin on it, and he was familiar with those precious and special religions that William was familiar with. Like the lacquer decorative manuscripts used, the Latin on parchment began to appear with decorative initials and decorative borders.

“Show the contract to the labor and management!” William Frowns, looking like a lion about to get angry, Aaron’s contract flew into his hand. William stared fiercely at the contract in his hand for a long time with sharp eyes like a eagle.

For a long time, Aaron, who was looking at Armand Malfoy with great interest, suddenly turned his head and looked towards William. At this time, William is still looking stern as if reading the terms, but through Legilimens and recalling the history text The content of the above made Aaron startled to realize that William, the Grand Duke of Normandy, actually had very serious literacy difficulties. He was an out-and-out illiterate, and he could not understand the words on the contract at all.

“Merlin’s fattest three-angle panties! I am an illiterate and look so horribly at the contract?!” Aaron finally couldn’t bear to snarled back at the other party, drooling over William’s face.

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