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This guy dressed like a pirate captain held one hand on the mast of the ship, with the other hand at the waist, his body swayed slightly with the shaking of the ship, and his eyes looked rebellious and neurotic while looking at the distance. Suddenly, he looked down at the boat, as if only then realized that his boat was flooding.

The pirate immediately took a rope and jumped into the ship. He quickly picked up a deep-mouthed earthen jar with a round belly, scooped up the water in the ship with his teeth and splashed it outward. As the other party approached, Aaron looked at the man wearing various jewelry and a shriveled woman’s head on his belt from the cliff. He was a little surprised to find that in addition to the difference in skin color, hair color and temperament, light It is said that his five officials are almost exactly the same as the photos of Grindelwald in his middle age.

The boat seeped more and more water, swayed, and gradually leaned toward the White Cliffs of Dover. The round-bellied crock he used to scoop out the sea was already floating on the water. The captain had already given up his plan to continue scooping water out. Climbed up the mast.

He stood in the half-length position of the mast, holding the top of the mast in one hand, and leaning forward slightly, looking towards the White Cliffs of Dover, in a posture like an admiral who had just returned from victory.

Before the ship was about to sink completely, the mast just dropped to a reef. The sailor raised his right foot just right. Waiting for the sinking of the wooden ship, he just stepped on it. He shook his body slightly and tidied it up. The clothes on his body, then pinched orchid fingers, stroked his dreadlocks and beard, swaggered to the other rocks, accidentally fell a butt pier because of the slippery rock, he stood up and rubbed his butt again with grinning teeth. Then, a little wretched and nervously, I looked at all around, as if I was sure if anyone saw it. Finally, he sighed in relief and reorganized the hat, and continued to jump towards the shore.

The posture of this somewhat raunchy pirate captain is a bit sissy and abandon all restraint. Suddenly, he stopped moving forward, his slightly open arms shook his body, and the laughing expression on his face solidified-Aaron, who was full of unkindness on the cliff, was standing not far from him, watching He, the pirate captain tilted his head slightly to the left, nodded his head with his index and middle fingers, and then quickly stretched it out in Aaron’s direction and saluted.

On the cliff, Aaron was nodded to the captain, and just stepped forward to float towards him. Didn’t expect the captain, who had just smiled calmly and saluted, suddenly turned around, and opened his arms as if he was conducting a symphony, swinging and leaning a little later. A few gold teeth were exposed from his widened mouth, and he screamed sharply “Ahhh ~~” and ran wildly.

It’s a pity that there is no rope on the White Cliffs of Dover and no place to hide for climbing. The captain shook his head and rolled his eyes, his arms accelerated, but soon he leaned back and stopped staggeringly. Running, Aaron, who had fallen far behind him, suddenly emerged from the shadow created by a rock in front of him.

“Oh~~~Okay, I surrender, I surrender!” The pirate captain raised his hands, pretending to look at Aaron with ease, and moved slowly to a large rock next to him, using his eyes to signal Aaron that he would Waiting in that wider place.

Aaron put on a smile on his face, and his eyes were full of interest in the other party’s inquiry. He slightly nodded to express his approval of the other party’s behavior.

After the pirate captain moved to the big rock, he quickly pulled out the short musket from his belt and pointed it at Aaron, who had already been a certain distance away from him. His gaze showed a bit fierce but with a smirk on his face, wrinkled his nose, with a “click”, he loaded the hammer of the flintlock rifle, the muzzle raised upwards slightly, and aimed at Aaron’s chest. “Sir, you will always remember that you almost caught Captain Jack today.”

“Are you shameless?” Seeing the other party’s clever skills and joking expression, Aaron couldn’t help but laugh out loud. He just passed Legilimens just now to understand the plan of the pirate captain in front of him, and now he is only cooperating with the other party. The performance that’s all.

“Pirate~~~” The pirate captain trembled with a funny tail sound, his eyes slightly raised, showing a bit crafty and proud.

Aaron smiled at the corner of his mouth, shook the head, and continued to float towards him.

“Hey, stop, wizard, and see what I have in my hand, Savvy?” The pirate captain warned with a sway of his muzzle.

Aaron raised his eyebrows, ignoring the other’s warning and dangerous eyes, and continued to walk towards him.

With a sound of “peng”, a silver round lead bullet shot from the stubby muzzle and hit Aaron’s heart precisely even though he was actually aiming at Aaron’s head.

But as the bullet approached, a force field shield formed by the shadow suddenly appeared in front of Aaron, which made the bullet, which had no magic power at all, disappeared without a trace, if it wasn’t the pirate captain’s. The gun was still emitting smoke, as if it had never appeared in this World.

“Bugger!” The pirate captain’s smile solidified, and then he immediately threw the gun aside wisely, hugged his head with two hands and squatted down, expressing that he really surrendered and gave up resistance, “I think we can talk about it. !”

“John Jack Lakeham-Cotton Jack, I know you entered here after perished with the North Sea monster on a voyage.” Aaron has obtained enough information, and the pirate in front of him is him. When we reached the big ship to Durmstrang before, it was the legendary muggle character described by Captain Cosby. After he and his ship were perished with a North Sea monster Kraken, they were brought to this era by the vortex created by the sea monster before. Because of the storm created by Aaron just now, the hull with 1000 sores and 100 holes could no longer withstand the pressure and began to sink, and he himself managed to escape using a lifeboat.

In addition, knowing that Aaron, who knows that if he calls another party with a more well-known surname, he may receive a warning letter from the US Ministry of Magic and only intends to call the other party by his original name.

“You forgot to add the captain.” Despite his disadvantage, he put down his hands on his head in a self-introducing pose, laughed and emphasized his title, “Call me Captain Jack.”

“Then I think I will remember that today, Captain Jack almost escaped.” Aaron, in a somewhat artificial English accent, looked at the pirate’s face that was almost the same as Grindelwald, and observed the completely different temperament displayed by the other party. Finally, he kept his gaze on the small blood scab hidden on the chin next to his beard, “My name is Aaron Harris, and I am indeed a wizard, but don’t worry — I actually suffered from you…it should be considered one of you. The favor of a distant relative, since I was fortunate enough to run into it, I will treat him as a favor.”

Hearing this Captain Jack tried to get himself up. Seeing that Aaron didn’t object, he realized that the other party didn’t have to deceive himself, which allowed him to fully regain his former freedom.

Aaron let his staff stand upside down. He ignored the chaotic soul inside, and cast a prophecy and probing spell on the crystal ball and started divination, “You and your ship came here together… yours Luck seems to have been good, it just happened to be within the scope of my Accio spell.”

Jack stared wide-eyed incredibly, his eyeballs were slightly downward, revealing a funny look of large whites of eyes, and Aaron shook his head and gave a chuckle.

Without intending to explain more to the opponent, Aaron waved his right hand and drew symbols in the air.

After a while, countless large and small fragments swiftly accio from above the sea, and countless fragments flew up and down. They quickly gathered and spliced ​​on the sea surface. The ship’s keel began to recover, showing the huge hull skeleton, which covered the keel. , Forming a layered deck, the broken wooden planks and the outer armor were restored into a whole piece, and they were spliced ​​into the shape of a ship to form the hull, and the broken sails were repaired intact. The hemp rope stretched out and rolled and bound them back to their original positions. Soon, a black Galen 3-masted sailing ship appeared in front of them.

“Well, what it needs is-Scourgify and Tergeo…” Aaron’s wand was aimed at the three-masted ship, and under the spell, all the stains and dry blood scabs on the huge three-masted ship , The dirt stained on seabed is Scourgify.

Jack looked at the black ship that was recovering like new with affectionately, then looked towards Aaron and bowed to him exaggeratedly, “Mr. Harris, I have to thank you for my ship. I saw ancient people at sea. …Can you bring me back to the era of navigation? If you don’t belong to this era, as I guess.”

“Unfortunately, even if I venture to use the anti-hour reversal spell on you, after sending you to the future, you will age rapidly-because you are not at all any protection against the power of time after you come to this era.” Aaron shrugged , Explain the reason why he can’t send the other party back to the muggle captain in front of him.

The pirate’s expression seemed a little depressed. He gestured with exaggerated gestures, and said in a different serious tone before: “We go wherever we want. This is the true meaning of the ship, do you understand? It’s not just a keel. There is a hull, a deck, and a few sails necessary for the ship. This is just the structure of the ship that’s all. The real meaning of a ship is freedom-but I don’t think I can get sailors to drive her in this era. Up.”

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