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The year 6, this year, completely changed the history of Britain, ended the terrorist invasion of the Vikings for a long time, and the Anglo-Saxon world was completely subverted-this was the largest in British history Split, the alien races truly ruled their land.

The events that happened during the year have created a new Britain, whose language, laws and customs continue to this day.

Some people say that the monarchy is granted by the gods, but sometimes the military power appears in the right place at the right time.

On January 6, 6, nearly 4 years later, Edward, who will be canonized as a confessor by Alexander III, the supreme patriarch of the universal church, is not the more common horse king in this era, but he is a very enthusiastic governor of the country. Anglo-Saxon Wessex monarch, who has won the hearts and minds of the people, allocated all the surplus of the tax revenue of the treasury to charity. He was very generous to the poor and outsiders, and fully assisted the church. Develop and build, and participate in mass on time every morning-one can imagine the attitude of the religiously fanatical king towards witchcraft and those witches or suspected witches.

But Edward’s reign is coming to an end. No matter how many good deeds he has done to civilians, no matter how many fires he has done to wizards, and no matter how religious he is to religion, at this time Edward is just a dying 6 15 years. The old man, who has fallen into a semi-unconscious state, is lying on the bed dying, surrounded by the local pastor and his wife’s brother Harold Gwenson-he has a close relationship with Edward and proved himself in the battle with Wales An excellent commander, Harold, who occupied a large area of ​​England with his three brothers, is basically the “deputy” king of the Wessex dynasty.

The extremely pious King Edward was loyal to marriage throughout his life. He was not at all heirs, and there was no successor to the Wessex throne.

“You are just a little feverish, God is with you-you have always been a good king, under the watchful eyes of the Almighty Lord, you have defended this country, Amen.” Harold Gwensen let his voice be as gentle as possible to comfort He looked at the 20-year-old brother-in-law who had almost all of his teeth lost and he could only open his mouth and tremble and breathe, but he didn’t know if the other party could hear him, “You have created a kingdom of gods here. There is no longer a kingdom of evil wizards. I will help you take care of it. You are my king and my friend. Thanks to you, England now has a reliable person to take over.”

But to everyone’s expectation, the old king was the same as the one recorded in Aaron’s time in the world’s only surviving manuscript “The King of Edward”. After being silent and semi-unconscious for a long time, he suddenly regained consciousness and gathered. The people at his bed described his previous dreams.

“In my dream, two monks appeared in front of me. Among them, the obese one was a wizard I had executed before! His cure for pox was just to poke the farmer with a stick. I’m used to making rabbits out of the sacrament cup! But now he’s making a prediction to me…” Edward, who was still very energetic after the first half of the sentence, took the hand of Harold Gwensen, and his expression became full. Frightened, his breathing has obviously begun to be abnormal again, “Within a year and a day of my death…hoho…ho… the Lord will hand all my country into the hands of…ho… the enemy …… its accompanying wars and calamities …… ho ho …… will take the flame and grinning swept my kingdom …… “(author’s note: in addition to the contents of the prophecy 2 ho word I use to water are words It is the real content recorded in “The King of Edward”, which happens to be closed to the plot.)

At this time, 2, 100 miles south of London, a 3 18-year-old illegitimate child duke was exercising an iron-fisted rule-he was a gang of the late Duke Robert I of Normandy and a maid who was born as a cobbler’s daughter. The only son born.

From the age of 7, William, Duke of Normandy, evaded and resisted the assassinations and threats from relatives who believed he had more legal inheritance rights than he, and Peak, who moved towards power, continued to struggle and finally succeeded in inheriting the title.

Now, he is not satisfied with the dukedom and wants to become a king of monarchy, and he has set his goal to become the next king of England.

King Edward had promised William to inherit his throne when William visited Britain ten or five years ago, although this Edward had actually made the same promise to others for the stability of his own throne. And the Harold Gwenson next to Edward when he was trapped in Duchy in Normandy, he also admitted William’s right to inherit the throne of England.

William is leading some elite Knights who are almost equipped for combat training-repeatedly practicing charging against the dummy made of wooden sticks and linen bags. The head of the dummy is made of a cabbage. These The Knights are trying their best to chop off more vegetable heads along the established route.

William, the Duke of Normandy, wore a blue cloak with his hem down to his knees and his sleeves extending to his wrists. He was a fully armed Knight, which was much longer than most chain mails of this era. He also hung a small circle behind his saddle. A kite-shaped shield that provides more effective protection.

“Be serious about Lao Tzu! Watch Lao Tzu’s performance!” Seeing that one of his red-haired subordinates missed a cabbage, the extraordinarily strong Duke gave up his command training and picked it up by himself. Lance launched a charge at the dummies, and after stabbing a few “heads” cleanly, he pulled out the Norman sword tied to his waist, and charged at a speed much faster than others, making it clear and smooth. The heads of the remaining dummies on the route were chopped off.

This made all the Knights and the servants who kept putting new cabbage on the dummy’s head cheered.

“It’s simply not difficult!” William took the horse rope to lower his speed, then turned around and yelled at the red-haired Knight who had just made a mistake. His expression only eased a little bit until the opponent finished training again, “Don’t I’ll catch Lao Tzu again! Otherwise, you will go back to Lao Tzu and continue to be your court poet!”

The Normans designated the Vikings and their descendants to live in the West Franconian kingdom. They have now believed in Christianity, learned French, married the locals and had children.

They are the supporters of the early large-scale heavy cavalry use in Europe. In most areas, the shield wall tactics left over from the Roman period are still being used. Norman Knight’s attack is extremely terrifying and tactically advanced. Status-This is due to a series of innovations and improvements in military technology: the Norman saddle is made of wood, and the front axle is heightened. Although it is not as comfortable as the previous leather, it makes Knight sit more stable; the saddle There are 2 wide girths underneath, one tied to the front of the mount, and the other tied to the abdomen; 2 leather stirrups fall under the saddle. Norman’s cavalry used stirrups for the first time in Europe. They can stand up straight on the horse, clamp lance with their 2 arms and body, and use the speed and weight of the horse to impact the enemy. Even though the cavalry used lance before that, most of them used their shoulders to swing, and the strength was naturally incomparable.

And to the northeast, about 1000 miles away, in Scandinavia.

In the longhouse of the Viking lord, born in 5, the descendant of the blonde king Haralda, the son of the chief of Eastern Norway Sigur Sau, the Norwegian king Harald III, the ruthless, is sitting on a chair and looking at his hand He was beating a civilian who could not pay his taxes.

Although Harald Haderada is more than 50 years old, he is tall, with golden hair and beard, and he is still handsome and tall at his age. When he was young, he visited many places. With his outstanding appearance, martial arts and commanding ability, he was favored by the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav I Vladimirovich and married Elizabeth, the daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev.

This king, who was using a Viking axe as a fan to fan himself, recalled his previous life in battle. As long as he was willing to pay money, he could lead his men to fight for anyone, give him a place name, and he would Lead troops to fight over.

Poland? YEP!

Estonia? YEP!

Mediterranean pirates? YEP!

Holy Land? YEP!

Sicily? YEP!

Bulgaria? YEP!

For a period of time, he even served as the leader of the Varangian Guards, the Imperial Family Guards heavy infantry unit of the Byzantine Empire.

As a result, he had 10000 pennies in his pocket, had money to spend, and eventually returned to Norway and became a king. Although Harald was extremely greedy for power and wealth, in his Viking in the depth of one’s soul, something deeper Levels are surging. He once tried to conquer Denmark but failed. He was like an old boxer. He was once a strong and brave fighter, and that era has passed, and he knows all this well.

In addition to treasures and hacking people, Hobby, who wrote poems on the battlefield, wanted to make his name go down in history in this way, leaving a record of his victory and triumph for future generations, and like all great Vikings, Harald understood The most important thing a person can leave behind after death is his fame.

The former Norwegian king and the Viking king who occupied most of England at that time reached an agreement, “When I die, the Norwegian king can inherit my throne.”

So even the news that Edward was seriously ill had given him the idea that it was time for the Vikings to reconquer England and become king. From the point of view of a Viking, their rule over England, It is the same as the Anglo-Saxon rule.

Invading England, the Vikings deserved it, and this was deeply rooted in their genes.

Harald, who has realized his aging, is eager to conquer one last time and create an immortal Viking Legendary, an immortal Legendary.

The king’s thoughts were quickly interrupted by the voice of the commoner who was kneeling on the ground and howling. He raised his axe in some irritation and stood up and walked to the poor guy who fell on the ground. The surrounding men flew up. Disperse and hide to the side, so as not to be affected by the king’s anger.

As Harald approached, the poor civilian didn’t even dare to say begging for mercy, “You should know, I mean, how do you repay me? I ensure the safety of you and your parents, and You don’t take your responsibility seriously. You have to pay on time. I can’t do anything you do like this…”

With a muffled sound, the king directly hit him with the axe handle and fell to the ground. He couldn’t help crying because of the pain, and because of fear, the poor worm who tried to suppress it because of fear kept making strange noises and lying down. He blindly covered his head with his hands on the ground, trying to avoid the next attack.

“It’s not that I don’t like your pig-killing calls, but this is enough.” The Viking king let himself be stuck on his axe and looked down at the civilian. “Now, let me crawl. Go home and tell your neighbour, what will happen if you don’t pay taxes…”

“According to… Master.” The civilian who couldn’t pay the tax, such as the amnesty, struggled to get up, but was kicked off by the king who was still leaning on his axe and broke his leg.

“I told you to crawl home! Come here, throw him out!” The king spit on the ground, greeted his men to throw the civilian who was convulsing on the ground out of the long house, he not at all returned to himself On his throne, he took a large glass of malt from the maid—the king didn’t like to drink the mead that other Viking nobles liked, thinking that was a little sissy.

Harald drank a glass of wine, then dropped the wooden cup on the ground, then raised his head to meditate for a while and continued to write poetry.

“Since the oak tree came out of the acorn, I have destroyed ten enemies…”

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