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After a period of frolicking, Aaron and the others finally let go of Hermione’s unlovable look.

Let Hermione let her recover from the action of Nepeta, and let Penelope, who has lost interest in Hermione, who has lost interest in her bewildered, familiarize herself with the Animagus state he obtained. Aaron and Daisy communicated magically.

Aaron discovered that although her elder sister was a bit naive and off-line at times, the magic foundation was still very solid, especially in healing magic, she was very innate talent.

Although her wand core is Unicorn, it is a pity that she doesn’t like to become it by herself, and Unicorn’s combat ability is not too strong, otherwise Gaia’s Bloodline should be very suitable for her.

In fullness and busyness, time always slips fast.

“Hermione, Penelope, you guys don’t register for Animagus for now.” Before leaving, Aaron told Hermione and Penelope.

“Why?” Daisy asked questioningly, wiping the sweat from his forehead. With this clever younger brother, she is getting too lazy to use her brains, and now let Sorting Hat do it again, I guess she won’t assign herself to Ravenclaw.

Aaron laughed indulgingly. This elder sister of her family sometimes looks like a younger sister, but she seems to be her big brother. Recently, Emily has grown up a bit like a big girl, for the Hogwarts study that will start next year. Life has been preparing lessons in advance, and I also pestered myself to give her wand in advance,

Hermione’s stupefied effort in Aaron said to Lucy irritably: “It’s not long since the Demon Hunter and Manticore appeared, and your Animagus forms have become them. This is too conspicuous, and it is easy to think of us. The method of becoming a magic Animagus will cause unnecessary trouble.”

Daisy suddenly realized, a little frustrated and nodded: “Even Fourth Year students are much smarter than themselves.”

“In fact, you probably only need to wait until the second half of the next semester before you can register. At that time, we are already not in. I don’t care if others will think of it. This is different from summoning the devil. This subversive technology is too sensitive. Just wait a moment.” Aaron who came back to his senses said unnaturally, adding that he slapped his mouth as soon as he told Penelope that he was no longer afraid of others’ prying eyes.

By the time Hermione managed to tidy up her hair and clothes that were tossed out of the tower, it was late. She missed lunch, but Hermione with an empty stomach did not want to miss the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Hermione has been wary of Moody ever since he knew that Moody was pretending to be. In his class, he never stopped running Occlumency.

Although she does not agree with the teaching content of Professor Moody, she never allows herself to miss such an important course.

Outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Hermione ran into Harry who hurried over.

Although Harry is a champion, he does not need to study, but he feels that he is not completely sure that he will get an O in the final exam, and he also loves the arrangement of many wands that will be used in this year’s Defense Against the Dark Arts class, so I still come to class from time to time.

Two people hurriedly sat in their seats. Since they arrived late, the location was not particularly good. The seats in front of them were all taken by the young wizard who had queued up in advance.

Young wizards not at all took out the books like most other courses but put the wand on the desk. Soon, they heard Moody’s distinctive thumping footsteps coming down the corridor. He walked into the classroom and looked strange and scary as usual. They could just see his claw-like wooden foot sticking out from under the robe.

He stood at the door, looking around the Gryffindors in the seats, his false eyes stopped turning when he saw Harry.

“The first few students, please stand up and stand a little behind. This class will be a surprise. Unlike what I said last time, our practice will require a larger venue.” He said gruffly, while He stood on the podium with difficulty on crutches, and then directed the students in the first few rows to leave their seats to make room.

“Oh, no, I also did a preview.” Hermione sighed. She didn’t like to encounter these “surprises”, but unlike Hermione, the Gryffindors exchanged eyes with excitement, and soon cleared up an empty space. .

“Years ago, many wizards were controlled by Imperius Curse,” Moody said-Harry knew he was talking about the most powerful days of Voldemort’s forces. “Really busy with the Ministry of Magic. They have to distinguish who was forced to Acting, who is acting according to his own wishes. Malfoy, your father was judged to be under the control of Imperius Curse.” Moody harboring malicious intentions looked at Malfoy who was a little afraid of himself.

“But Professor, this is against the regulations of the Ministry of Magic. This is Unforgivable Curse. No matter what reason you use it, you will be put in prison!” Hermione stood up and interrupted Moody’s explanation. She didn’t know this. What is the purpose of Fake Moody’s temporary change of the teaching plan? She had secretly tried to use Legilimens on Moody before, but first asked the other party to run Occlumency very cautiously at any time and could not detect any useful information, but today he actually wants to use it on the students Imperius Curse!

“I have applied to Dumbledore, and he also agreed that I will let you experience this when I feel appropriate.” Modi looked at Hermione with his magic eye, “After all, your dancing partner can’t protect your safety at any time, or Do you plan to file a complaint with Harris? Just because I don’t want you to experience it in a worse and painful way? Those who don’t want to participate can not participate, I will not deduct points.”

“Okay, next, I will read Imperius Curse to each of you in turn to demonstrate the magic power of this spell and see if you can resist its influence.” Moody does not pay attention to Hermione, he clapped his hands and started Ask the students to take turns and recite Imperius Curse to them.

Hermione saw that under the influence of spell, the students made the most abnormal behavior one after another. Dean •Thomas hopped around the classroom three times, singing nursery rhymes that children can sing. Lavender Brown imitated a squirrel. Neville performed a series of amazing gymnastics movements, which is absolutely impossible for his body shape under normal conditions. None of them seemed to be able to resist this spell, they all returned to normal after Moody eliminated the spell.

“Next, Potter.” Moody pointed to Harry.

Hermione secretly held the wand in her hand, carefully guarding against any extra small actions Moody might have made to Harry. Looking back now, it was obvious that he changed the lesson plan because he saw Harry temporarily attending this class.

And Harry Both eyes are spiritless, standing there, dumbfounded for a long time, bent his knees, as if he wanted to jump on the table, and finally, he bumped his head on the table and knocked the table over.

“It looks a little bit.” Moody yelled “Potter almost resisted the curse. Let’s try again. You should pay attention to his eyes. Very well, Potter, Imperius Curse is not so easy to manipulate you anymore! Let’s come again… …”

Hermione interrupted Moody again aloud: “Professor, please let me try too.” She was afraid of how he would affect Harry’s use of Imperius Curse or secretly know what to do. Hermione increased her vigilance, her eyes staring. Round and round.

Moody shrugged indifferently at Hermione, then let go of Potter and motioned for Hermione to approach, then raised wand, pointed at Hermione, and said, “Imperio!”

Hermione felt light and light, and the thoughts and worries in her mind were swept away. In a trance, she seemed to hear the voice of Professor Moody: imitating a chipmunk to eat.

“No, it’s so stupid!” Hermione only paused for a few seconds before her gaze regained her clarity, and solemnly refused.

“You successfully defeated it right away?” Moody’s admiration was filled with doubts, and he looked at Hermione with a surprised look.

Although his plan had to be adjusted continuously due to Aaron’s scoring momentum and the extra number of champions in the game, he has recently stepped into formality and proceeded in the desired direction.

He lost his face because he taught Malfoy and had to keep a low profile for a long time. He was ready to flee anytime and anywhere if he was discovered, but Aaron Harris, who made him quite jealous, did not find him at all. The meaning of trouble, in fact, apart from the game and food, it is not easy to meet him.

Seeing Harry coming to class this time, he became a little bolder and couldn’t help but replace the original lesson plan with the instructional design he wanted to use at the beginning of school-Aaron did not appear in class for a long time, and Harry sent it again When he came to the door, he didn’t want to miss this which might be the last opportunity, so he decided to use it.

He expected that with the ability of Aaron Harris, he would naturally not match Imperius Curse, but he didn’t expect that the people around him could resist Imperius Curse so easily. It seemed that he needed to remind the owner that not only Only Dumbledore.

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