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Aaron turned and walked into the room next to the right hand. It was the frosty level where Harry was. A lot of potion had been spilled on Harry’s table, and some medicine ingredients that had been chopped up and down were scattered all over the floor.

Harry’s nose and eyebrows were already covered with a thin layer of ice. His hands were shaking and holding a silver knife. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned stiffly and saw Aaron, his eyes blooming. Rays of light out of hope.

“Want to boil the thawed potion?” Aaron quickly understood the rules, “I count you as good luck when you meet.”

Aaron rolled up the magic robe and handled the potion neatly at the table. He raised the knife and dropped it, and his movements were so fast that he couldn’t see clearly. The light screen that belonged to Harry was switched to play Aaron’s slow motion.

“This is simply a textbook-like operation, oh, really a genius idea. When he handled the salamander’s blood, he did not pour it all at once, but spread it evenly in 3 times. This kind of manipulation improved the potion’s stability…” As the headmaster of Durmstrang magic school, Karkaroff sinister vision, he saw Aaron’s own innovative methods at a glance.

In the audience, Professor Snape tightened his lips and looked at Aaron expressionlessly. But Slytherin, who was familiar with him, could still see approval from the professor’s eyes.

Professor Snape’s heart is indeed praising Aaron, but it’s not because of Aaron’s outstanding performance. Rather, he discovered that Aaron’s methods deliberately avoided the contents of his diary. It seems that Aaron did not go without his consent. Just announce the meaning of these techniques.

Karkaroff, who withdrew his attention from Aaron, aimed his gaze at the champion Brooke Hernandez of his school on the light screen, curl one’s lip, “It’s really bad luck, his worst is the astronomy class.”

Brooke on the screen is in a room full of stars. The starry sky above his head is divided into 6 areas. Under each area is a silver white date floating. If you want to successfully pass the level, you must choose 6 stars. A Starry-Sky Diagram corresponding to the date is laid out. Once wrong, it will be hit by the current released by the stars.

And Brooke obviously didn’t have this ability. His originally meticulously combed hair stood up, the muscles of his face were spasm and trembling, and there was still blue current running through him, and he was obviously punished not lightly.

In a room full of Arabic numerals on the walls, Fleur walked around the room anxiously, her beautiful hair messy caught by her. There are 6 kinds of math problems in the room, Fleur chose the one with the most young girl’s feeling-cutting cake.

On a white table, there is a big pink cake decorated with 4 bright red attractive strawberries.

It was cutting the cake that made Fleur embarrassed. Sitting around the table are 6 little dolls, smiling at the cake that Fleur chopped up in the middle.

When Fleur found out that her way of dividing the cake was wrong, the dolls clamored for Fleur to finish the cake that failed to cut. Only after the cake was eaten would a new cake appear, but she soon added the cake again. Cut Diffindo. She felt more and more grumpy.

After the fifth doll appeared, Fleur skillfully waved the wand-she had repeated this action many times. She cut each strawberry and divided each strawberry into Grade Five, a total of 5 pieces, and then divided them equally into each doll.

At this time, the sixth villain appeared…

As the number of people increased, Fleur became more and more frantic. Although this was her last chance to challenge, even if she couldn’t figure it out, she should be able to pass the level after eating it, but she had already eaten 2 pieces of strawberry cake. , Even though the dolls are not as big as their usual normal size, they are far more than what a lady should have, and now it’s live broadcast…

The audience outside the venue is also thinking about how to divide. For wizards, mathematics is really a mysterious thing.

Hermione is sitting in the audience with a notebook spread out on her knees, holding a quill in her hand, and sliding desperately on the parchment: the cake is a 360 degree X16=60 degree cake; the strawberry is 4X16= 23 strawberries; so how to ensure that everyone can finally get the exact 23 strawberries… Hermione finally tangled up to the conclusion-cut each of the 4 strawberries into 15 shreds, a total of 60 strawberry shreds, Then each person divides ten pieces. perfect!

Fleur on the screen was finally figured out. When she waved a knife and fork to divide the cake, the seventh doll appeared…

Hermione in the seat wailed, took out quill again, and worked hard.

Luna rested her cheeks in her hands, with a leaf in her mouth that she didn’t know where it came from. She held Hermione’s hand that firmly grasped her unkempt hair: “You don’t need to calculate, just squeeze the cake into juice, one cup per person is fine. Up.”

Penelope hearing this, seeing Luna’s calm appearance, pursed her red lips impatiently: “It’s really troublesome. If I change to me, I will smash the extra dolls one by one. It will be fine? Isn’t this problem? As in the potion challenge, it is stated that no attack on the doll is allowed.”

In the frosty room where Harry and Aaron were, Harry watched expectantly as Aaron moved like flowing water.

Soon, the steaming thawed potion was successfully brewed by Aaron. He first divided a cup and handed it to Harry. Harry swallowed a large mouthful with trembling, and his pale complexion returned to normal. He poured the remaining potion into the open mouth of the wood carving in front of his table, and easily got the gem from the wood carving.

“It’s not fair! The champions of Hogwarts are helping each other, and I strongly demand to stop such group cheating.” Madam Maxime was worried about Fleur’s performance. Seeing this situation, he couldn’t help but stand up angrily and shouted.

“The rules only say that you can’t attack each other, not that you can’t help each other.” Karkaroff’s calmness made Madam Maxime look at him. Shouldn’t this guy condemn Hogwarts with himself?

Dumbledore on the side looked at Aaron in the light screen with facial expression grave, his eyes behind the crescent glasses were full of worry.

Karkaroff caught Dumbledore’s expression in his eyes and sneered, not to mention that Aaron is now his new owner, even if Aaron was only his student, he would have held him in his hand long ago and gave him what he wanted.

At this time, Aaron also entered the room of the digital level where Fleur was located. He was surprised to see Fleur swallowing the last bite of the cake without any appearance of a lady.

Her lower abdomen was slightly shy, and it was obviously very painful.

Aaron took out the thawed potion he made in Frost, took the initiative to share it with Fleur and introduced her to it.

“Fortunately, I don’t have to drink it… Aaron, Mrs. Harris won’t come to watch this game, right?” Fleur took the potion and asked worriedly.

“Of course she will come to watch, you have to come on!” Aaron encouraged.

“Oh, no!” Fleur patted her forehead. The last time she met with Mrs. Harris, she had told Mrs. Harris that she had little appetite.

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