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When he was about to enter the Acromantula territory, Aaron grabbed Penelope and put on the beak mask equipped with the H94 uniform. Penelope smiled brightly, stretched out her pink tongue to lick her red lips, and wand Silencio slid into her hand while putting on a mask.

“For a while, let’s not call each other’s name. There is an old spider here called Aragog, who can speak human words, lest it tell Hagrid our name so that it can only describe our outfit to Hagrid at best, making Hagrid think it’s Auror. “Aaron warned repeatedly, and Penelope impatient is nodded.”

The two people rushed forward without any cover, except for the sound of breaking branches and the creaking of two people stepping on the snow. Then, the trees became denser, and the stars overhead were no longer visible. This is really a good night of murder and arson.

As the two people went deeper, the Acromantulas also found these two unexpected guests. They only heard a loud clicking sound, and densely packed spiders crawled towards them along the wide depression.

Each of these spiders is the size of a horse pulling a cart, 8 eyes, 8 legs, black and hairy, like each and everyone huge monster. However, Aaron, who faced them again, was not what he used to be. He was not afraid of it and did not need Tina’s help. Beside him is the elite female Auror Penelope with good strength.

As the two people went deeper, the Acromantulas also found these two unexpected guests. They only heard a loud clicking sound. Gradually, the clicking sound rang together, and countless long legs were rustling moving. Densely packed spiders crawled towards them along the wide depression.

Penelope and Aaron used Killing Curse recklessly, one after another green rays of light ejected from the wand port, and the spiders made a disgusting, sharp grunt. The spider that had hit Killing Curse rolled and fell on the ground, and the 8 black legs moved towards the sky, shaking for a few times before Silencio. Aaron and Penelope, who had let go of the wand’s function of imprisoning the soul, felt that their wand was hot, and Acromantula’s soul was immediately imprisoned in the wand as soon as it left the body. The soulless Acromantula disintegrated into pieces, rotted and festered, turned into dust.

These Acromantulas have absolutely nothing to do with Aaron 2, and they will die if they rush up. They click and click with their big claws, “Aragog!” they shouted, “Aragog!”

From the misty hemispherical spider web in the distance, a spider the size of a small elephant came out very slowly. Its body and legs are black and gray, and each eye on the ugly head with big pincers is covered with a white cloud. It is a blind.

“What’s the matter?” it said, click, click, and the two big chelators moved quickly.

“People, kill us.”

“Is it Hagrid?” Aragog said, getting closer, and 8 milk-white eyes staring blankly.

“It’s a stranger.” The spiders answered with a click.

“Kill them to death,” Aragog said irritably, click, click, “I’m sleeping…”

Seeing this unique Acromantula, Penelope eyes shined, quickly skimmed over, Aaron quickly followed behind to guarantee and protect her. Penelope leaped neatly over a spider corpse lying horizontally in front of her, and a Killing Curse shot out. An exceptionally huge spider quickly stopped in front of Aragog, sacrificed his life and protected Aragog.

Click, click, Aragog angrily danced the big claws, and the sound was echoed by the large group of spiders on the recessed ground; it was like applause, but it made people have one’s hair stand on end.

Penelope was not afraid at all. Her blood and violence in the bones swayed wantonly at this moment, and Aaron smiled and wiped out all the spiders that rushed to Penelope’s side. Soon, Aaron gathered the 8 Acromantula souls that wand could hold. He stopped Penelope who was already full of souls, but was so reluctant to stop.

Penelope sits in the office every day and has nothing to do. She has long been tired of the boring life in the office. Now that she had the opportunity to use her skills, being by Aaron’s side again made her whole nerves excited.

“Let’s stop first, let’s go back and experiment, if the effect is good, everyone can come here to absorb the soul energy in the future. Don’t waste it, there is no point in making fearless killings.” Aaron held Penelope’s wrist and discouraged.

“Did you know, the big brother didn’t like to fight on the front line? After you told him about the special effects of wand, he often fights on the front line against the most murderous criminals. Therefore, many young people in the ministry are against the first line of soldiers. He developed adoration, and it turned out that he was not as straightforward as it seemed. I originally liked fighting but had no chance at all recently. I finally came out once. Let me relax.” Penelope said, killing an Acromantula again.

Aaron thought that his straightforward big brother had such a side, and couldn’t help but laughed: “The big brother was just a little straighter. I still remember that he was not as straightforward as he is now when he was at muggle school. But you really can’t. Killed like this.” At the moment when he spoke, Penelope kicked and kicked an Acromantula that was on the fly, and added a Killing Curse, decisively killing it.

Upon seeing this, Aaron shrugged: “With your killing method, no matter how fast Acromantula reproduces and grows, it cannot withstand the toss. I am afraid that it will soon die out. If these soul energy conversion effects are good, the rest of the family It is also necessary. Leave some for them. We have to transform and eliminate the unwanted impurities in the soul. This will take a while. With their growth rate, it should be too late to breed them, which can provide us with soul energy continuously. It’s a long-term solution. 10000000 cannot be a whim and kill them all.” Aaron patiently persuaded.

“Me!” Aragog said, and the big claw clicked angrily. “How can you be indifferent to me.”

However, Aaron and Penelope completely ignore it, who cares about the feelings of those animals when they kill pigs and sheep.

Aaron took Penelope and quickly teleported away from Acromantula’s territory.

After bidding farewell to Penelope, who was eager to go back and get rid of impurities, Aaron summoned house elf Maggie and told Maggie to dump some of his various farms such as viscera, overly fatty meat and other waste into Acromantula’s territory every day, which can be regarded as a gift for Acromantula. A stable food source, raising them to serve as a reserve base for the soul energy of the Harris family.

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