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In the “Three Broomsticks Inn” small pub, Aaron, who had finished drinking all the Butterbeer, stood up and wanted to leave. He turned around and saw Ludo Bagman’s silhouette in a dark corner of the pub.

Bagman was lowering his voice and quickly said something to the Goblins. The Goblins all crossed their arms and looked aggressive.

At this moment, Bagman’s eyes met with Aaron, and he stood up.

“Wait a while, wait a while!” Aaron heard Bagman say to the Goblins bluntly, and then hurriedly walked, smiling again on the baby’s face.

“Mr. Harris, I want to congratulate you again on your excellent performance against that tree wasp.” Bagman said, “It’s amazing!”

“Thank you.” But Aaron knew that Bagman was definitely more than that.

Sure enough, Bagman offered a separate conversation.

“I wonder if I can say a few words to you alone, Mr. Harris?” Bagman said eagerly. “Can you two give us a convenience?”

Hermione and Luna glanced at Aaron at the same time and left the pub.

Bagman quickly glanced in the direction of the Goblins, and they all looked at Bagman and Aaron silently with slanted dark eyes.

“It’s definitely a nightmare…” Bagman said in a low voice.

“Mr. Bagman, why are you looking for me?” Aaron looked at Luna and Hermione outside the pub, a little anxious.

Bagman followed Aaron’s gaze and smiled ambiguously: “Penelope • Miss Clearwater killed many people while arresting fugitives in Albania. When arresting the prisoners, she used more than necessary means in counter-attack and self-defense. Although it was finally judged to be legal, but now inside the Ministry of Magic, plus what you know, her character is a bit…er…nervous? This has had some bad effects on her reputation. Ministry of Magic is in Africa. When many people in the Auror military force department talk about her, they think she is a dark wizard who likes to kill people. The situation of these two people around you… Miss Clearwater, who just returned from a business trip, is on vacation!”

When Aaron heard what he said, he couldn’t help but squinted his eyes and laughed. It doesn’t matter what the relationship between his own girls is, it doesn’t matter to him, but Penelope is coming back, which is really good news.

“Mr. Bagman, why are you looking for me?” Aaron’s tone became impatient.

Bagman couldn’t help speeding up his speech: “Regarding Triwizard Tournament, if I can help… I’ll give you a proper reminder… I have a good impression of you… You were brave when dealing with that giant dragon!… It doesn’t matter. , You just have to say a word.”

“Thank you, but I already have a way.” Aaron politely refused, and glanced at the little monster in the distance. “But you, if you need help, you can ask the Harris family for help.”

“Thank you.” Ludo Bagman looked disappointed, muttered a few words, and hurried out of the small pub. The Goblins all got up from their chairs and walked out behind him.

Back at Hogwarts, Krum is no longer the only person doing underwater training on the lake. First Fleur and Harry conducted underwater training with the assistance of Aaron and Hermione. In addition to mastering Bubble-Head Charm, they also taught them one. A magic spell suitable for casting in the water. As time goes by, the golden egg is no longer a secret. Six champions gathered at the lake. The scene of launching in the water in the winter attracted a lot of young wizards to watch, and Aaron The behavior of not going into the water to practice has also caused a lot of discussion. Many people think that he will use the Phoenix form to directly pass the test.

The friendship between Fleur and Hermione has also deepened day by day during the training. On this day, Hermione patted a pillow softly and softly, smelling the fresh smell on the pillow, and watching the whole room neatly organized by her. Satisfied with showing his small front teeth.

At this moment, the door rang.

“Fleur, Gabrielle.” Hermione looked at the pretty girl outside the door with a big smile and a big smile at her in surprise.

Her gaze was fixed on Gabrielle.

Gabrielle holds a cage in her hand, which contains a shallow yellow hamster.

“Very cute, right?” Gabrielle noticed Hermione’s gaze.

Hermione looked at the hamster’s unnatural smile and said, “Yes…”

Gabrielle thought Hermione was interested, and raised the cage to her: “Did you see these small black things? It’s poop.”

Facing the innocent and unaffected Gabrielle, Hermione twitched the corners of her mouth, and pretended to applaud: “Awesome!”

The arrival of Fleur and Gabrielle not only added brilliance to the room, but also added infinite vitality and vitality.

Hermione looked at the wrinkled bed, the hamster feces scattered on the ground, the dirty floor, and stiffly brought out some snacks to entertain them.

At this moment, the sensory imprint on Hermione’s body became hot, and Aaron’s voice came: “Hermione, I just heard Ginny say that she brought Fleur into your dormitory? I have something to find her, so I can find you now?”

Hermione looked at her dormitory and replied to Aaron.

Soon, the door rang again.

Hermione opened the door and Aaron looked at her with a smile.

“Don’t you invite me in? I teleported over, and staying at the door is probably not a good idea.”

Hermione quickly stepped away, and Aaron saw Fleur and Gabrielle and greeted them quickly.

“Aaron, what are you carrying?” Fleur asked, staring at a green jar in Aaron’s hand.

“Is this?” Aaron shook the jar in his hand. “I asked for some gills from Professor Snape. I want to go back and make them into potions that are more effective than taking them directly, lest you and Harry are competing. The Bubble-Head Charm in is no longer working.”

Aaron handed the jar to Fleur, Fleur looked at it curiously, and gave it to Aaron. Aaron put the jar at the foot of the bed.

“My mother wants to invite you to Hogsmeade for lunch this weekend. I don’t know if you have time.” Aaron said to Fleur.

“Of course there is time.” Fleur repeatedly nodded.

Fleur, who was informed of the news, had no intention of staying here anymore. She used “Scourgify” to clean Hermione’s room, then bid Hermione and Aaron farewell, and took Gabrielle away from the Gryffindor girl dormitory.

Aaron thought that a beautiful girl like Fleur would definitely not be able to do housework. Didn’t expect Fleur to take care of Gabrielle and was very good at housework.

After informing Fleur, Aaron had no need to stay, so he also teleported away from Hermione’s dormitory.

After they all left dormitory, Hermione ran to the bed that Fleur had just made up with magic, pulled the quilt off, turned around and prepared to make the bed. She is not at all planning to use magic, but enjoys the process of doing it herself.

Suddenly, hearing Aaron’s voice outside the door, Hermione jumped onto the bed in a panic.

“I just left Gillyweed with you…huh? What are you doing?” Aaron asked.

Hermione turned her body over with a little shyness, her wandering gaze did not make contact with Aaron: “I just happened to be taking a break.”

“Are you making the bed again?” Aaron asked.

“Sorry, there is nothing wrong with Fleur’s bed making, it’s just…” Hermione said, stuttering.

“Then you reopened it because…” Aaron was puzzled.

Hermione got up and squatted on the bed, looking embarrassed: “You will think I’m crazy.”

“You will have this danger if you say it or not.” Aaron teased.

“Okay, look!” Hermione 2 stretched his legs and jumped off the bed. “The quilt logo shouldn’t be in the upper left corner of the bed, it should be in the lower right corner of the bed.”

Aaron nodded: “It’s not crazy.”

Hermione shrugged: “I’m just warming you up, this is the beginning.”

Aaron’s slumped mouth laughed helplessly: “Okay.”

Hermione pointed to the patterns on her quilt at this time: “Did you see these little flowers? It should be up, not down.”

With that, Hermione pointed her finger in the direction of the head of the bed: “Because the head of the bed is in the direction of the sun…”

Realizing what reason she was talking about, Hermione suddenly got stuck. She was there for several seconds. Her outstretched finger shrank back and looked at Aaron: “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”

Aaron looked towards Hermione and his gaze was full of petting: “Actually I think you are more cute.”

Hermione’s unbelievable face turned into a smile, and waved to Aaron again and again, “Really? Come on, I’ll teach you how to fold the towel out of the sharp horn.”

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