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In the last week of the semester, the school became more lively and noisy day by day. There were four rumors about the Christmas ball. Even Aaron, who was immersed in the research of dementor, heard a lot of eight hexagrams while eating in the auditorium.

For example, Dumbledore bought 800 barrels of flavored mead from Rosmerta at Three Broomsticks Inn. Booked magic circle popular group The Weird Sisters to perform songs…

Compared with these news, it is the dance partner that makes young wizards more restless.

At breakfast, Michael told Aaron proudly that 3 girls had already invited him. The young wizards of the training classes are very popular.

“I said, buddy, it’s better to speed up, or the good girls will be picked out.” Michael said.

Aaron smiled calmly and nodded.

“Well, maybe you really don’t need to worry.” Michael saw the gaze of the girls around him constantly, “But you will be harassed for a long time.”

Aaron followed Michael’s gaze and saw a few Ravenclaw female children instantly excited, pushing and laughing at each other.

“I think it’s too late for you to leave now.” Michael suggested.

“You are right.” Aaron caught sight of a girl who seemed to be coming over under the encouragement of many girls, and quickly got up and left the auditorium.

Aaron’s invitation hasn’t arrived, and Hermione is rarely distracted by Charms. Fortunately, Professor Flitwick saw that the students were obviously absent-minded, so he simply stopped teaching.

Professor Flitwick allowed young wizards to play games in his class, and he spent most of his time talking to Harry about the wonderful Accio spell Harry used in the first task in the Triwizard Tournament.

When the school bell rang, Hermione packed her schoolbag and walked to the potion classroom. Just when she walked to the lobby on the first floor, someone called her name.

There is only one person with that unique pronunciation-Krum.

“Hermione, can you be my partner at the Christmas party?” Krum quickly came to Hermione and handed Hermione a purple box.

Hermione didn’t take it, and just about to refuse, Krum spoke quickly.

“Homien, when I was at the Quiddich World Cup, I was deeply attracted by your difference. I go to the library every day to see you and have more opportunities to contact you. No one has ever been able to It makes me feel so excited. I really like you. I hope you can give me a chance.”

Krum’s 2 thick and thick eyebrows rarely wrinkled, and his lips trembled slightly. The eyes looking towards Hermione were not as strong as usual, and the color of prayer made him look particularly fragile.

He handed the small purple box to Hermione again: “This is the golden snitch that my grandmother gave me. It is the relic left to her by my grandfather. As a training prop, this golden snitch has witnessed my growth and accompanied me. My whole childhood. I made it into a necklace and gave it to you.”

Hermione was moved in her heart, but she still decided to refuse. When he was hesitating how to speak, Krum interrupted again.

Krum saw Hermione’s face hesitating, and without waiting for Hermione to speak, he quickly said: “You are not waiting for Aaron Harris to invite you. I heard that he has an unclear relationship with many girls. .”

Suddenly, a cold voice said behind them: “A superficial star chaser? It’s a cheap excuse to trick the muggle witch with an old golden snitch. Isn’t it enough to stay together often? This is Quiddich Ranked Confused on the 2nd Seeker?”

One person walked out of the shadows behind them—Professor Snape.

“It’s shameful to trick Little Witch with her decent flying skills.” Snape glanced at Krum contemptuously.

Hermione was a little angry because of Krum’s words, but now she said to Snape even more angrily: “If it weren’t for being interrupted by you, I would have refused.”

“Sorry Krum, I cannot accept your invitation.”

After that, Hermione turned around and wanted to leave, but for a moment, she was taken aback for a moment and hurried forward, “Aaron, I didn’t…”

Aaron walked over from the far hall and smiled at her. His next words succeeded in misunderstanding Aaron’s worries, and Hermione, who was eager to explain, turned from worry to joy.

“Hermione, I want to invite you as my dancing partner, would you like it?” Aaron did not wait for Hermione to finish explaining, and directly sent the invitation.

Hermione was nodded happily, and Aaron turned towards Professor Snape nodded, and the corner of his eye glanced at the left column. Behind the column, Ron stared at them with an unhappy expression.

“Miss Know-it-all, don’t be late.” Professor Snape was coldly snorted and walked to the potion classroom, his cloak rustling behind him.

“I have to leave now.” Although Hermione was happy, the professors had already entered the classroom, and she couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

Knowing the character of Hermione, Aaron rubbed the top of her tousled hair and said goodbye to her tenderly.

Seeing the little witch’s hurried back, Aaron couldn’t help but laugh, ignoring Krum, whose face was so gloomy that he could almost drip, Aaron strode out of the hall.

Back in the tower, Aaron sat down at the desk and unfolded the parchment. Quill dipped in the ink bottle and quickly wrote the Earth Book on the parchment.

“For Aunt Josephine.” Aaron fed Benny some corn flakes and tied the letter to his leg.

Then, Aaron took out a sheet of music and hummed softly to the beat while transcribing it.

The teachers and students of Gwartz continue to show their desire to impress the guests of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and they seem determined to show the best of the castle this Christmas. The school is brightly decorated.

And Hagrid is naturally the main force in arranging schools. Instead of complaining, he worked hard. Wearing a pink suit, his hair was tied behind his head, and he was sprayed with cologne.

The handrails of the marble stairs are hung with icicles that never melt. The ten or two Christmas trees that are usually placed in the auditorium are decorated with various baubles, from Winky’s shiny holly to the constant humming. The live golden owl.

Those armors have been magically applied, and whenever someone passes by, they will sing Christmas carols. It’s really funny to hear an empty helmet sing “Oh, come on, you pious people”.

But sometimes, you have to pay attention, is it the armor that sings, or—

“Peeves, come out quickly.” Filch grabbed Peeves with both hands, trying to pull him out of his armor.

“Maybe, you can let me come.” Hagrid said with a smile hehe.

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