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“Antonin Dolohov, Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange.” Mr. Harris said calmly.

With his current strength, coupled with the Auror escort squad that is always equipped, these few are not even clown.

“Penelope is waiting for you in the screaming shed. She brought a few muggle prisoners caught in the United States and wants to give it to you.” A narrow smile appeared on Mr. Harris’s face. “Recently, Penelope is going abroad recently. Albania caught the fugitives of the World Cup. This time, after the reform of Auror, the efforts to crack down on these fugitives were particularly strong. Many criminals had to abscond from the country. The Albanian Forest, an unmanaged, dark and chaotic place, became the first choice for these fugitives. You will say goodbye to the girl in a while.”

Aaron understood that the tower would not be able to enter for people without the impression of perception, and Penelope could only find a place to wait for him to receive it.

“Albania? Father, I remember the Ministry of Magic has a witch called Bertha Jorkins, how is she doing?”

“This is a very ordinary Ministry of Magic employee, why do you think of asking her?” Mr. Harris didn’t understand, how could Aaron notice such an ordinary employee.

“I recently discovered Crouch Jr. when he tortured Moody and mentioned that Mr. Crouch used a powerful Obliviate on Bertha.” Aaron half true half false replied.

“She has just returned from vacation in Albania, no wonder she is getting more and more forgetful. I will send someone to guard Bertha secretly, and she can also serve as evidence to aggravate Crouch’s crimes.” Mr. Harris became interested.

After bidding farewell to Mr. Harris, Aaron not at all immediately rushed to Shrieking Shack. Since understood Penelope is about to go to Albania, even knowing that Voldemort should be in Britain at this time, Aaron is still uneasy and decides to go to the perception room on the top floor to find out about Voldemort’s movement and determine his location.

Silver’s brilliance flickered. Aaron knew a lot of Voldemort’s information, but he easily found Voldemort’s dynamics.

The first thing I saw was an extremely luxurious dinning hall, which was decorated in British classical art style. The walls are covered with paintings decorated with Baroque photo frames. The white reliefs and refined ceilings on the walls all show that this must be a luxurious British manor.

Although the large dinning table with red dates is a bit old, the cups and saucers have refined patterns, and there are leftover roasts and Yorkshire puddings on the plates.

All these showed that Voldemort was in Britain at this time.

A tall man with greasy hair and pockmarked face sat in a chair with a tired expression.

There is also a man with a full face and a fierce look, his face is gloomy and slightly cruel, which is very inconsistent with the silver robe on his body.

There are still some Death Eaters around, and before Aaron can probe them, a cold voice rang: “Shut up, let me out, someone is spying on us.”

Unbridled and crazy laughter echoed in the room, “There are actually act recklessly people who dare to spy on my great master!”

“There’s nothing here?” The oil-headed man raised his head, hesitantly looking around all around.


A crisp sound rang, his neck was slammed by a black shine whip, and another muffled sound. The man was thrown out by her and hit the far wall, and then she rushed He leaned over and roared the man: “Shut up, idiot. Don’t let me hear you question the master again.”

A tall woman with a wide chin and thick eyelids stepped forward and hugged a bag on the wide armchair in the middle. Because of never seen the daylight for a long time, her skin showed an unhealthy paleness.

Although the long prison life makes this man look very haggard, he can still vaguely see how good he was when he was young.

“Good master, I will help you realize all your wishes.” She said in a particularly soft voice.

She tore off the baggage on the ground, revealing what was inside, a slimy, ugly thing without eyes—no, it was terrifying, terrifying 100 times more than that.

The thing she was holding looked like a curled up baby, but it had no hair, and it seemed to have scales on its body. Its skin was dark and red, like wounded tender flesh.

Its arms and legs are thin and soft, and its face—no living child has such a face—is a flat snake face with Winky glowing red eyes.

It raised its thin arms and put it around the woman’s neck.

Suddenly, Aaron met his slender eyes with evil red rays of light.

Aaron calmly continued to observe the environment, Voldemort could only detect that the prying eyes could not know who it was, at least he couldn’t do it now.

After discovering that he could not collect more information, Aaron voluntarily quit spell, the light curtain flashed, all the silver light disappeared, and the detection room returned to calm.

Aaron pondered for a long time. Even in this state, he was keenly aware of his detection. Sure enough, the current self against the resurrected Voldemort will be at a disadvantage, and the chance of winning is not great.

Leaving the detection room, Aaron told Mr. Harris what he had gotten, and then went to Shrieking Shack.

Before entering the door, I heard the man’s painful groan from the screaming shed. The painful screams that were hardly human were accompany Penelope’s unbridled laughter.

Aaron hurriedly stepped in and saw Penelope using Cruciatus Curse to torture a criminal, casting a spell while laughing wildly.

Perceiving the sound of Aaron’s footsteps, she turned her head vigilantly, seeing Aaron, her eyes flickering, and a little vainly put down the wand pointed at the criminals and hid it behind her back.

Aaron looked at the three criminals in the room. Apparently the criminal who was being tortured by Penelope with Cruciatus Curse was crazy. A criminal who curled up in a corner looked dull, Both eyes are spiritless. And the other one looked at all this in horror, apparently shocked.

“Aaron, you do the dementor experiment, you need to observe the process and consequences of being kissed by the dementor in different states, I just want to prepare it for you in advance.” Penelope vaguely explained.

“Jeffrey Lionel Damo, he will kidnap the prey he is interested in, then kill, ****, and finally eat it. He chiseled off the victim’s skull and poured mercury into it. Torture. After JIAN’s corpse was dismembered and eaten. The genitals and other favorites were refrigerated. The rest was treated in a sulfuric acid pool. I found a large number of human heads and stumps at his house. There were also sliced ​​human flesh.” Penelope pointed to being crazy because of Cruciatus Curse Said the man.

“How about two more?” Aaron asked.

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