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“Crouch Jr. .” Aaron determined the person’s identity with certainty.

He uses perception magic, using information from Crouch Jr. and the hair of Moody that he has just obtained.

The result that appeared on the light curtain was Moody who hurried from the hospital to his office.

So Moody is Crouch Jr. pretending to be, it is no doubt.

With the restoration of Crouch Jr.’s true face, the hair on Aaron magic turned from golden to brown.

Crouch Jr. and Mr. Crouch look so alike.

It’s just that the expression is very different. Mr. Crouch has a serious face, and this Crouch Jr. has a stubbornness in his hair.

He kicked away the artificial leg impatiently, cruel and crazy in his eyes, then he put his hand on the side of the box and jumped neatly to the bottom of the box.

Hearing the sound, Moody, who was originally lying on the ground motionless, opened his eyes. His description was very embarrassing. The black blood almost covered half of his face.

He squinted and looked at Crouch’s tangled hair. “Have you been plucked?”

He laughed wildly and coughed violently.

Crouch Jr. was obviously irritated. He strode towards Moody, who was curled up on the ground, and kicked it hard.

Moody let out a vague curse, which made Crouch Jr.’s expression even more hideous.

He took out the wand and pointed it at Moody, “Crucio.”

Moody gritted his teeth, endured the pain of his whole body cut like a knife, and lay there dead.

Crouch Jr.’s eyes gradually became crazy, “Crucio.”

Moody couldn’t help groaning and making meaningless noises in his nose, his body convulsed with extreme pain and restraint.

His fists were clenched tightly, and his pale nails and fingers were stained with red spots.

“Aaron Harris, when my master returns, I must tell him to hand you over to me, and then I will take all your nerves out and make you a puppet alive, not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death.”

“Aaron Harris? Ha, haha, you can’t even beat a player, you still want to do something under Dumbledore’s nose, I’m waiting for you to be executed by dementor!” Moody laughed hysterically.

“Give up, there are too many Death Eaters under my master. I will find a suitable helper.”

Crouch was another Crucio, and then no longer paid attention to Moody, who was trembling from pain, returned from the box to the office.

He picked up a hipflask and took a big sip, gradually, he became Moody again.

Aaron got the answer he wanted, and dispelled the perception magic, and left the perception room.

In the lobby on the first floor, he unexpectedly saw Mrs. Harris and Daisy.

They were talking excitedly around an old bronze trumpet phonograph.

“Mother, Daisy, why do you have this phonograph?” For a moment, Aaron seemed to see the phonograph in the Room of Requirement when he was studying “The Secret of the Soul”.

“Hermione’s parents appointed Dobby to be sent home as a gift. Daisy felt that this phonograph was more suitable for this hall, so we moved in. It is said that it is still antique in the muggle world. It is French!” Mrs. Harris said with a smile.

“The French 100-generation brass bellflower hand-cranked phonograph, produced in 1910, has a long history, but it is really beautiful!” Daisy likes this ancient feeling.

“Why don’t we listen to its sound effects?” Aaron picked up the black film next to it and placed it on the phonograph.

The melody of steel and softness flows out, and the violin leads the melody in a high-key and introverted manner, like a woman stepping on a tango dance step, with noble steps and an attitude of arrogance, resisting and entangled in the dance partner.

“Tango music “porunacabeza”.” Daisy hummed softly to the music.

Aaron flipped through those films, which contained a lot of jazz and tango music.

After the song was over, Aaron greeted him and left the tower and returned to Hogwarts.

A feather letter suddenly appeared in front of him.

Aaron opened the envelope and pulled out the phoenix tail feathers from the letter.

“White Chocolate Magic Wand.” Apart from this, there is no word.

Aaron immediately understood that this is the password to enter the headmaster room.

Checking the time, Aaron walked directly to the headmaster room.

“White Chocolate Wand.” Aaron finished, and the ugly Gargoyle guarding the headmaster’s room jumped aside, and Aaron jumped onto the rotating escalator.

Aaron held the brass door knocker in the shape of a lion and eagle head in his hand, and opened the shiny oak door of Winky.

Those exquisite silverware were again placed on the slender-legged table, spinning quietly, spraying smoke. The portraits of the old male and female headmasters were snoring in the frame, with their heads drowsily leaning back on the armchair or leaning against the portrait.

“Aaron Harris, what brought you here? I want to thank you for rehabilitating my useless great-great-great-grandson, and leaving hope for our House of Black.” Phineas turned away from the usual lazily manner, expression seriously Say.

“You are polite, Sirius has already given me enough reward.” Aaron responded politely, not at all because the other party was just a portrait and lost courtesy.

Suddenly a brilliant green flame burst out of the empty fireplace, and Dumbledore’s tall silhouette emerged from the fire.

“Good evening, Aaron. Maybe we need some custard biscuits and white chocolate sticks.” Dumbledore stepped out of the fireplace and invited Aaron to sit across from the headmaster long table.

Aaron watched these two foods fly to the long table, but had no appetite at all.

Aaron looked at Dumbledore suspiciously, as if Dumbledore hadn’t noticed Aaron’s probing eyes, his expression was calm.

“Mr. Harris, School Prefect has no right to punish the professor.” Dumbledore commanded a silver light Winky iron kettle to fly, and automatically poured 2 glasses of pumpkin juice for them.

“Just as a professor has no right to punish students physically.” Aaron picked up the pumpkin juice, sniffed it lightly, and took a sip.

“Let’s stop talking about these meaningless things.” Aaron pinched a brown hair and placed it in front of Dumbledore.

“This is鈥?#8221; Dumbledore helped his glasses.

“Professor Moody’s hair, or Barty Crouch Jr.’s hair.” Aaron looked at Dumbledore’s expression seriously.

“He got into the school for an obvious purpose, Harry.” Aaron stared at Dumbledore.

Those custard biscuits and chocolate bars were left behind.

“You know the curse that uses the blood of the enemy to resurrect?” Aaron asked.

“Of course, he must want to use the Triwizard Tournament to get Harry out of my sight. He must want Harry to compete.” Dumbledore folded his hands and supported his chin.

“Just a strong Confundus Charm, or let others help vote.” Dumbledore muttered.

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