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“Aaron doesn’t seem to want to catch the golden snitch, even though it is under his control.” Bagman’s voice was full of confusion, and he couldn’t understand why Aaron did it.

Krum followed Aaron, his nerves like a tensioned spring. He was frowns tight, and his face was so gloomy that it almost dripped water.

He tried his best to urge the broom, trying to catch up with Aaron. But Aaron was always able to smile at him politely when he was close but out of reach.

“Krum flies fast, but Aaron is faster. The most surprising thing is that Aaron can actually maintain control of the golden snitch in such a situation! How did he avoid letting the golden snitch hit his palm “” Bagman exclaimed.

Krum suddenly turned the direction of the broom and made a gesture to the Bulgarian Beater.

Beater Volkov and Vulchanov from Bulgaria immediately flew to Aaron with the bludger they had just grabbed.

Krum finally got a chance to get close to Aaron after the three players were caught.

He elbows Aaron fiercely, trying to knock him away.

But instead of knocking Aaron away, he was bounced farther away.

Krum didn’t give up. When he finally got another chance with the cooperation of Bulgarian Beater, he ran into Aaron again from another angle, but he was still bounced away.

Krum looked at Aaron suspiciously. He didn’t expect that this boy who was younger than him would have such a strong body.

The Bulgarian Beater put all his energy on Aaron, trying to destroy Aaron’s control of the golden snitch.

Taking this opportunity, the England team’s chasers quickly organized the offensive. Their skills are superb, which the Bulgarian team has never seen before.

The England team launched a series of offenses almost without blocking.

After ten tense 5 points, the England team scored ten more goals.

They are now leading 130:0, and the game has become by fair means or foul.

When Tom rushed to the goal post again with the quaffle under his arm, Bulgarian Keeper Zograf flew out to meet him.

Everything happened too fast. Aaron didn’t see clearly while dodge the bludger, but an angry shout came from the audience in England. Mostafa blew a long, piercing whistle, and he realized that the Bulgarian team had fouled just now.

“Foul!” the England team’s supporters shouted in unison. They all stood up, forming a huge rose wave.

“Mostafa reprimanded Bulgarian Keeper for hitting people-too big elbow movement!” Bagman said to the clamoring audience, “Ah-yes, England’s free throw!”

England scored again. The fierceness of the competition is unprecedented, and the quaffle is passed from this person to that person like a bullet.

The Bulgarian team still didn’t score, they are like beasts, very crazy.

Especially the Beater, waving his clubs wildly, face looks sinister.

But the more they care about Aaron, the more they want to attack Aaron with impunity, the bigger the gap between England and Bulgaria.

Soon, it reached 160:0, but Aaron still controlled the golden snitch, and there was no trace of it.

“Obviously, our Aaron doesn’t want to end the game.” In the box, Ron curled one’s lip jealously.

“Don’t forget, his nickname is’Score Controller’.” Hermione, who came from the next room at Harry’s invitation, retorted sharply.

Luna agreed with nodded.

“I also hope not to end the game that way.” Harry held the panoramic Telescope, “It looks like the Bulgarian team is desperate. Aaron is in trouble.”

In any case, the Bulgarian team, unable to score and win the golden snitch from Aaron, simply gave up the defense.

They were extremely suffocated, and collectively surrounded Aaron. They want to block Aaron’s path, create a chance for Krum to seize the golden snitch, and end this damn game.

At the same time, the England team members, who were rejected by Aaron’s request for help, heartily smashed the quaffle into the goal again and again.

The score was pulled to an extremely wide disparity. Many fans who supported Bulgaria were ashamed to continue to support the team at the stadium and left.

The Bulgarian team finally reduced the encirclement to a dangerous level.

Aaron is now facing 3 Bulgarian players, Krum and 2 Beater.

With a pinch of two fingers and a lightly flick, the golden snitch passed through the middle of the two Beaters at an incredible speed.

Aaron himself, after swaying Krum away with a change of direction, flexibly passed between the other two, flew quickly, and put his hand on top of the golden snitch again.

“Aaron Lun~~~~~ This is so cool, it’s as easy as butterflies flying through the flowers!” Bagman was overwhelmed with excitement.

This action by Aaron made the former Quiddich athlete forget the money needed for gambling.

The fans all got excited, stood up collectively, yelling Aaron’s name rhythmically.

The Bulgarian team members seemed to lose their souls and watched blankly as Aaron continued to control the golden snitch with ease.

Only Krum, gently touching the broom, continued to chase Aaron.

In the top box of the stadium, the Bulgarian minister could no longer bear the unilateral killing game, stood up, came to Fudge, and solemnly requested the end of the game in English.

In the other corner of the box, there is also a dialogue.

“What a hypocritical actor!” Ron looked at the 10000-high Aaron, unable to suppress his inner jealousy. “Since Aaron has such a strong technical level, he used Phoenix before to gain attention and improve his reputation.”

Malfoy glared at Ron contemptuously. “This is the glory that pureblood should have.”

At this moment, accompanied by an exclamation, a silhouette fell into the box.

He ran into Ron who was glaring at Malfoy.

It was Krum, he ran into Ron in an extremely embarrassing posture, and with a “pop”, the lips of the two people accidentally rubbed together.

The expression on Ron’s face when he was knocked into the air instantly distorted. He had never thought about getting close to the idol like this.

What embarrassed Ron the most was that he happened to be hit by Malfoy’s feet face down, looking like he was giving Malfoy a “shoe kiss”.

“I don’t want such a servant!” Malfoy withdrew his feet, a look of disgust.

On the other side, Krum’s remaining strength remained undiminished, and he slid face down to Hermione’s feet, his face covered with blood, and his front teeth were knocked off.

During the taxiing process, his foot accidentally hit the bend of the Bulgarian minister’s leg.

The Bulgarian minister knelt down in front of Fudge.

Fudge’s face twitched uncomfortably, barely resisting the urge to laugh.

“Crack crack,” the sound of the camera shutter being pressed is also constantly ringing, Luna.

She filmed all these embarrassing scenes with the camera Aaron gave her.

It turned out that while Ron and Malfoy were arguing, Aaron and Krum had a chase.

Aaron looked at Krum, who had become mad from despair, and deliberately made two crossover changes.

Krum face looks sinister, the broomstick under him keeps turning in the direction of Aaron.

In a high-speed gallop, Aaron’s left and right hands alternately controlled the golden snitch, and at the moment Krum thought he was about to reach it, he quickly changed direction and flew to the other side.

Krum’s center of gravity was unstable, he fell from the broom and was thrown into the top box.

Upon seeing this, Aaron’s hand slowly closed, and the golden snitch was held in his hand.

The referee blew his whistle and the game was over.

“The game is over, no one didn’t expect this result. Before Aaron caught the golden snitch, England got 510 points, plus 150 points from the golden snitch, England beat Bulgaria by 660-0. This result Unprecedented in history!” Bagman introduced the results of the game, his voice a little confused.

“It’s a pity Quiddich can’t get 60%, otherwise it will be interesting.” Aaron held the golden snitch and couldn’t help thinking.

“Who is the best Seeker in history, Aaron Harris gave us the answer.” Bagman said with emotion.

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