Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 85: Encounter at Gringotts

"What if Bellatrix Lestrange didn't leave her things here for safekeeping at all?"

Sirius Black shook his head and took a deep breath: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I fail, and I don't want to inherit the so-called family treasure of the Black family."

As he spoke, he stood up with the note in hand.

"Just bet on this."

Lupine sighed helplessly and followed him out of the room.

Harry also followed, and together the three of them found Kreacher, who had just been driven away by Sirius Black.


Sirius Black said nothing, just handed the note in his hand to Kreacher.

Kreacher glanced at it, then showed an angry expression.


Although he did not dare to speak loudly or look at Sirius Black, in the end, Kreacher put away the note as if it were an edict, then turned and walked into the darkness.

Harry was stunned for a moment: "Succeeded?"

Sirius Black watched Kreacher's back disappear into the darkness and shook his head casually: "I don't know."

The three of them stood in silence together in the darkness.

Then after an unknown amount of time, Kreacher came back.

The old house elf only had a key to Gringotts.


Sirius Black no longer cared about Kreacher's attitude. He reached out to take the key and laughed: "Success!"

He turned and looked at Harry: "Want to go for a walk around Gringotts?"

Harry smiled and nodded: "Of course!"

This is the success he has been waiting for for a long time, and of course he must enjoy the happiness of success.

Lu Ping quickly stretched out his hand: "Wait a minute!"

"Harry had better not go."

Sirius Black shook his head: "What danger can there be in going to Gringotts?"

Lupine was silent.

Harry smiled: "Diagon Alley is safe, Gringotts is even safer."

Lupine finally reluctantly agreed to Sirius Black's plan, and the three of them went to Gringotts together.

They were looking forward to the zealous Death Eater's vault.

"Okay, okay Kreacher, poor old thing, don't be sad, I will help you teach that thief and spendthrift a lesson."

Bellatrix Lestrange stood in the darkness, looking at Kreacher and smiling.

She was happy and bored.

Although she doesn't like house elves, they are indeed reliable tools, and it only takes a few pretentious words to make Kreacher die for her. Bellatrix Lestrange is still a little proud. of.

Sirius Black had no idea of ​​their actions and Bellatrix Lestrange knew everything.

Of course that was a fool, Bellatrix Lestrange had known that.

The only regret is probably that she can only kill Sirius Black. Harry Potter, that is what Bellatrix Lestrange wants most. Unfortunately, he is destined to die in In the hands of the Dark Lord.

So Bellatrix Lestrange decided that he would kill the Lupin who was following him, so that Harry Potter could lose two of his closest people in one day and feel the despair. Feel.

Although many people believe that killing is forbidden in Gringotts, for Bellatrix Lestrange, this is not the case.

"Are you going to Gringotts?"

Dumbledore glanced at Lu Ke in surprise.

The summer vacation was very leisurely. Although Lu Ke was required to recuperate in the school hospital, in fact, no one would say anything when he stayed in the hall most of the time. After all, he would return to the ward when the time came. Mrs. Pomfrey's acquiescence More effective than anything else.

But this time in order to leave Hogwarts to go to Gringotts, Lu Ke was asked by Madam Pomfrey to get Dumbledore's permission.

After all, in order to recover from his injuries, he even completed the Animagus certification at Hogwarts and did not go to the Ministry of Magic at all.

Although Dumbledore was a little surprised, he didn't ask any more questions: "Then go. Do you need any professor to go on your behalf?"

Lu Ke smiled and shook his head: "No, although the fire dragon cannot enter the place where Muggles gather, the wilderness outside Hogwarts can. I can fly there very quickly."

Dumbledore shook his head: "But your right arm..."

Lu Ke smiled: "It doesn't matter."

Dumbledore nodded: "Okay then."

After speaking, Lu Ke left the principal's office.

He walked out of Hogwarts and transformed into a fire dragon outside.

This is a black fire dragon, even bigger than Iron Belly.

Lu Ke flapped his wings and rose slowly.

Just as he had expected, his right wing was in severe pain as if it had been torn apart, but Lu Ke didn't care.

The advantage of being tough-minded is that he can tolerate or even ignore such feelings.

After walking through the wilderness outside Hogwarts, Lu Ke transformed into himself in a remote town, then bought a train ticket and rushed to London.

At noon, Lu Ke came to the Leaky Cauldron. He ate here and then walked towards Gringotts.

To Lu Ke's great surprise, he bumped into Harry and three other people here.

Sirius Black and Lupine were equally surprised. They looked at Lu Ke and even forgot about the goblin in front of them.


Harry shook his head and walked towards Lu Ke: "Wait a minute, we have a friend, he told you."

Then Harry rushed to Lu Ke: "Lu Ke, can you help me?"

Lu Ke nodded: "What happened?"

Harry sighed: "Sirius has a key to the vault. He wants to go in and get something, but Gringotts said the owner of the key is not dead yet, so we can't let us in."

Lu Ke nodded, reached out and took out the gold coin given to him by Slytherin.

"I think this kind of thing needs to be handled with more flexibility."

Lu Ke walked up to Sirius Black and Lupine with a smile, and took out the gold coins pretending to be casual.

"These three gentlemen are my friends. Do you have any questions?"

The originally impatient goblin looked respectful and surprised when he saw the gold coin in Lu Ke's hand.

"Hello sir...do you need anything?"

Lu Ke nodded: "I heard that this gold coin can be exchanged for respect and a promise."

The goblin nodded: "Please wait a moment, I'll call the manager over."

He bolted away.

Sirius Black glanced at Lu Ke: "You seem to have some magic power..."


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