Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 52 The mystery of Crookshanks’ life experience

Hermione had indeed stopped crying when Harry found her with Ron.

But it seemed that Hermione was still in a bad state, and even Johanna seemed unable to change Hermione's bad mood.

Then Ron told Hermione Lu Ke's speculation.

Hermione was obviously very surprised: "Crookshanks and Neko are nothing alike..."

"I've obviously read the entire textbook, and it mentions the catnives, Crookshanks..."

Harry smiled and shook his head: "Of course there are many differences among mixed-race people."

Ron nodded quickly: "In short, there is no need for you to be sad about Banban now."

Hermione nodded.

Both Harry and Ron could see that although she stopped saying anything, the expression on her face was still very forced.

But the two of them had no other choice.

Johanna looked at Hermione and nodded: "If you don't believe it, there is actually a very simple way. In the entire Hogwarts, the person who knows the most about magical animals is Professor Hagrid."

Harry and Ron both looked overjoyed: "Yes!"

They were now starting to wonder why they hadn't thought of this before.

"We can go find Hagrid and show him if Crookshanks is a Catnivet hybrid!"

After all, Hagrid's hut and the Forbidden Forest were a nice place with few other people to disturb them.

If Hermione needed to relax now, there was no place more suitable than Hagrid's hut.

"let's go!"

Harry and Ron turned around and were about to leave, but Hermione behind them hesitated: "But my homework..."

Johanna smiled: "It doesn't matter, I will teach you your homework when you come back."

So Hermione followed Harry and they walked out of the castle.

They walked across the meadows where the snow had just melted and arrived in front of Hagrid's hut.

Hagrid didn't seem to be inside. They walked around the hut and walked to the edge of the Forbidden Forest where they usually held the Care of Magical Creatures class. Then they saw Hagrid busy in the forest glade.

He was among a group of tall flying horses, trying to keep them calm.

But taking a closer look, Harry and the three of them realized that it was not a Pegasus at all.

This is a magical animal that is taller than an ordinary Pegasus and has a giant eagle head. It looks far more dangerous and violent than a Pegasus.


Harry was a little hesitant. He was afraid that he would disturb these magical animals.

But Hagrid didn't care. He turned around and looked at Harry and the three of them and laughed: "Harry, Hermione, Ron? You guys can't wait to see the next lesson?"

Harry shook his head. The three of them were a little afraid of the very tall animal: "Hagrid, is it too dangerous?"

Hagrid smiled and shook his head: "Of course not. This is a hippogriff. It usually lives with Pegasus. Lu Ke said that now students are used to dealing with Pegasus, so it's okay to get to know them. Danger."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Ke was Hagrid's teaching assistant in their first Magical Creatures Care class this school year. Compared to Hagrid, the cautious Lu Ke was obviously more reliable.

After all, Hagrid's love of dangerous magical animals is too fanatical.

"If you are willing, you can get to know them in advance."

The expression on Hagrid's face was clearly showing off.

But the three Harrys still chose to refuse.

"Actually, Hagrid, we came to you because we have something we want you to help with..."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment, then he waved his arms to make the hippogriff turn and walk into the clearing, then turned around and came to the three Harrys.

"what happened?"

Hermione hesitated for a moment, then said: "Crookshanks, that cat you saw, Hagrid."

Hagrid looked up and recalled: "Have I seen it?"

Harry and the other two were stunned for a moment.

Hermione had never had trouble remembering things, but now it seemed that she had really remembered it wrong.

Hermione shook her head awkwardly: "Then I remembered it wrong..."

"That's a cat I bought from the pet shop in Diagon Alley. Lu Ke said it seemed to be a cat-nives hybrid."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment: "Cat cats are a fairly rare magical animal, but the Ministry of Magic keeps a close eye on it because it is easy to mix up with ordinary kittens, and if a Muggle encounters it, it will violate the secrecy law... …can I see that cat of yours?”

"To be honest, I've known Mao Lizi for a long time, but I've never seen him before."

Hermione nodded, and then the four of them left the Forbidden Forest and walked towards the castle.

"It wouldn't surprise me if you really had a cat-nive mixed-breed cat."

As Hagrid walked, he looked at Hermione and smiled: "Cats can tell whether a person's heart is good or bad."

Hermione shook her head, "I just...but Crookshanks ate Ron's rat."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment: "Scabbers? That mouse doesn't seem to be a bad person... But if a twelve-year-old mouse leaves you, don't think it is something worth regretting. Without that mouse, he would not stay." Twelve years with a wizard."

Ron nodded quickly: "I'll just say it, Hermione."

Hermione shook her head.

Harry, who was walking at the back, didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Together they found Crookshanks under the corridor outside the castle. At that time, the big orange cat was lying in the sun not far from Lu Ke.

Hagrid saw Lu Ke and laughed: "Hey, Lu Ke, you know, I'm ready to let them see the Hippogriff in the next class."

Lu Ke was a little surprised: "So fast?"

Hagrid smiled and nodded: "Of course, I have discovered that as long as I let them stay with the Pegasus for a while, they will be less irritable, because now the Pegasus all have the smell of students."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "I didn't expect this... It's amazing, Hagrid, you really gave me a surprise."

Hagrid laughed: "Ha! I'll just say it!"

Then he turned around a little embarrassed and looked at Hermione who was picking up Crookshanks: "Ah, yes, is this the cat?"

Hermione nodded: "Crookshanks."

Hagrid nodded, then looked down at the face that looked like it had been knocked flat.

Crookshanks remained surprisingly calm when facing the giant Hagrid. He didn't seem to think Hagrid was strange or dangerous at all.

"It doesn't have big ears or a lion's tail..."

Hagrid nodded thoughtfully: "But its expression looks unusual..."

Lu Ke came over and smiled: "So do you think Crookshanks and Mao Lizi are related by blood?"

Hagrid nodded, then straightened up: "Its mother is a catnivet."


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