Lu Ke said helplessly from behind Hagrid: "Hagrid! This is not what we agreed."

Hagrid nodded reluctantly: "Ah, yes, that's right..."

Harry said quickly: "No, Hagrid, I think it's better for you to listen to Lu Ke. We don't want to face a gryphon."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment: "Why, griffins are very rare and very powerful magical animals!"

Ron shook his head helplessly: "That's for you, Hagrid. For students like us who haven't graduated yet, maybe the power of the gryphon is dangerous, and the rareness is terrifying."

Hagrid was stunned.

He was silent for a long time, then nodded slowly: "I always thought that Lu Ke was too different from you, so I didn't understand what you wanted at all..."

Hermione shook her head: "Actually, you're not wrong, Hagrid, but we'd better not let us see the gryphon next class."

Hagrid nodded: "Okay..."

His mood seemed a little down.

Although a little worried, Harry and the others left. In Hermione's words, "Only professors can make decisions, and Hagrid is also a professor now."

They returned to the castle and sat together excitedly talking about the feeling of flying in the sky just now.

In fact, among young wizards, only a very small number are proficient in flying on broomsticks. Many young wizards only felt the joy of flying at high speeds during this class.

Harry sighed sincerely: "It would be great if Professor Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts class could be so interesting."

On one side, Ron and Hermione both looked at each other.

Only Malfoy shook his head: "I don't think it matters, he can only teach us for one year."

All three of Harry turned to look at him.

Then Hermione said helplessly: "It's time for you to sit on the Slytherin table."

Helping Hagrid drive all the Pegasus into the Forbidden Forest, Lu Ke left the Forbidden Forest alone.

He walked into the castle and went to the Room of Requirement.

No one has entered the small house where Lu Ke and Pallas can talk for a long time.

The last Gryffindor test had such a profound impact on Lu Ke that he spent a long time without thinking of continuing the test.

But now the Dementors are coming.

Lu Ke sat on the chair, and Slytherin's voice came from his mind.

"So you're finally ready to move on?"

Lu Ke nodded.

"In the end, all that's left own test."

"While I'd like to say you're close to success, that's not the case."

"My test is the least likely of the four to complete, although you are indeed a born Slytherin."

Lu Ke sighed: "Tell me."

Slytherin let out a long sigh: "You need to become the master of darkness and prove your ability. Only darkness can fight against darkness."

Lu Ke shook his head: "I don't want to become a dark wizard."

Slytherin smiled: "You don't have to be a dark wizard, you can be a pure ordinary wizard, as long as you become the master of darkness."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "So what exactly do you want me to do?"

Slytherin was silent for a moment.

"Acquiring the allegiance of the dark race, even the dark wizard counts."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "Like dementors, like giants, like werewolves?"

Slytherin's voice was elegant and cold: "For example, the fire dragon, such as the Acromantula, it doesn't matter which one or several you choose, I just need enough power."

Lu Ke was silent for a long time.

Then he nodded: "And the dark wizard, right?"

Slytherin didn't answer.

Lu Ke sighed slowly: "Will you teach me the language of those dark magical animals?"

Slytherin gave a definite answer: "If you can learn."

Lu Ke nodded, then stood up: "How to teach?"

Now that he had left that weird machine, Slytherin's voice still rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Like every Hogwarts professor."

Lu Ke suddenly turned around: "What did you do?"

Owl Pallas jumped on Lu Ke's shoulder: "Because Slattery's test has already begun, I can do this kind of thing."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment: "Do you have a secret? The kind that allows me to learn several languages ​​easily?"

Pallas turned his neck and glanced at Lu Ke: "No."

Lu Ke let out a long sigh: "Learn from Dementors first."

Pallas shook his head: "I suggest you learn from the fire dragon first."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

Slytherin's voice was full of sarcasm: "Dementors don't talk to weaklings."

Lu Ke sighed: "Will the Fire Dragon Club?"

Pallas nodded: "Fire dragons are always willing to take care of their young."

Lu Ke let out a long sigh: "Then let's learn from the fire dragon first."

As he spoke, he walked towards the exit.

Then there was a growl in his heart.

Lu Ke was startled.

Slytherin's soft and hoarse voice continued: "The word just now means flame..."

Lu Ke nodded helplessly: "Remind me before teaching next time..."

Slytherin's smiling words continued: "It is also a declaration of death before hunting, a declaration of determination in a fight, and a declaration of love."

Lu Ke sighed longly: "Forget it, take your time."

Very early on Thursday morning, Luke walked into Snape's office alone.

He hasn't been to this place for a long time.

Snape was standing in front of a large cauldron with a gloomy look on his face.

It was a mixture of endless concentration and anger at being interrupted.

"I am coming."

This morning was the first Potions class for third-year students, and the second for the entire Hogwarts within a week, so Snape had to leave his office.

And Lu Ke came to replace him and complete the potion in the crucible in front of him.

It used the eggs of the rune snake, an extremely precious and rare potion that could enhance the wizard's wisdom.

Snape glanced at Lu Ke: "Although you are a potion master, you are very good at following instructions step by step... so I won't remind you anything."

Lu Ke nodded.

Before this, he had carefully seen what he should do countless times, and even practiced it many times.

Then Snape walked out of the office, leaving Lu Ke standing alone in front of the crucible and continuing to work hard.

This was a potion that took Snape a long time to make, and Snape even missed Harry's summer vacation because of it.

But he has no regrets.

Unlike the Felixir, this potion was more precious. Snape had never even thought about studying its principles. As long as he could successfully produce it, he would be satisfied.

But that takes a lot of time.


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