Harry Potter and the Attack of the Squibs

Chapter 84: Reinforce Lockhart

It was the twins who first felt something was wrong.

They are hitters, so they should deal with the Bludger and not let it interfere with their teammates.

Then the two Weasleys soon noticed something strange. There had never been a Bludger so crazy.

And, because of their hustle, Slytherin was scoring like crazy.

George signaled to Wood.

"We have to pause!"

Wood hesitantly signaled to Mrs. Hooch, and then they landed on the ground, looking at the Bludger in amazement as it continued to chase Harry crazily.

"What happened? Why didn't you watch the Bludgers?"

Wood was very dissatisfied with the Twins' performance. They did make a mistake just now.

But the twins certainly had plenty of reasons: "We were dealing with another Bludger, did you want Harry killed?"

Wood glanced at Harry hesitantly.

The twins sighed: "Someone has done something, we should ask for an investigation..."

But Harry insisted: "We should keep playing."

The twins looked at Wood together: "You should see what you've forced him into."

But in the end, Wood did what Harry wanted.

The game continues.

At this time, everyone still didn't know what happened.

Except for one person.

Lu Ke was looking for Dobby in the audience.

This is not easy, a house elf is already very thin, and when he is about to hide, almost no one can grab them out of the corner.

Except Lu Ke.

Of course he didn't want Dobby's actions to ruin Wood's last Quidditch match, so Lu Ke was running wildly in the audience at this time.

Lu Ke didn't know what he had learned since passing Gryffindor's test, but he knew very well that now he could easily defeat Dobby.

Almost no one noticed Lu Ke's actions. He was like a silent shadow in the heavy rain, silent and almost like a ghost.

At this time, Harry was flying on the court, surrounded by the Bludgers that were chasing after him.

Lu Ke glanced at the court and then jumped.

He jumped from one stand to another.

At that moment, Lu Keren saw Dobby's figure in the air.

He was hiding under a bleacher.

It was a huge stand supported by tall wooden pillars, and Dobby was hidden behind the wooden pillars.

Almost no one will pay attention here.

Dobby also saw Lu Ke.

He raised his right hand.

A transparent barrier suddenly appeared in the sky.

Lu Ke smiled and hit the barrier, but he exerted force on his limbs and the buffer made Lu Ke unharmed.

Then he slid down the pool of rain water.

At the edge of the barrier, Lu Ke jumped.

Like an elastic object, he jumped on the wooden stand on the other side, and then rushed over again.

This time Dobby's barrier failed to stop Lu Ke.

The transparent existence was like a crystal that shattered into countless pieces under Lu Ke's brute force, cutting through the rain and bringing up complicated water splashes.

Lu Ke landed on the wooden pillar under Dobby.

The entire stand shook.

Dobby still didn't realize that his opponent had changed.

At this time, Lu Ke was no longer the Lu Ke who lost to Dobby.

He ran upwards like a bolt of lightning, weaving back and forth between the wooden pillars, easily dodging all of Dobby's spells.

Now, Dobby finally sensed the danger.

The facts are so clear, Lu Ke has been transformed.

He can handle all of Dobby's moves with ease.

Then Lu Ke grabbed Dobby's neck and lifted him into the air.

"I know that everything you did was to protect Harry, but now let me give you a formal answer. Harry is protected by Hogwarts. What you have done so far makes you unwelcome here."

After saying this, Lu Ke let go.

Dobby casts a spell to levitate himself in the air.

He panted heavily and looked at Lu Ke in front of him. He wanted to take action but didn't dare.

Lu Ke's actions just now made Dobby know without thinking that no matter what he did, he would never succeed.

"If you want any reason to leave here, let me tell you that Harry is absolutely safe."

Dobby nodded, and then disappeared into thin air like the sound of firecrackers.

Lu Ke turned around and looked at the court.

The Bludger suddenly regained its composure.

Harry seemed completely oblivious to the sudden deceleration as he sprinted towards the Snitch.

Johanna was right behind him, but it was too late.

Harry raised the Snitch in his hand.

There were cheers amid the heavy rain.

Johanna returned to the hall and sat at the long Slytherin table with a gloomy look on her face.

The other Slytherins were equally silent because this was a crucial match.

Then Lu Ke sat next to Johanna.

The rain on Johanna's body had been evaporated by the magic spell. She turned and looked at Lu Ke: "Have you recovered?"

Lu Ke nodded: "Sorry, I watched the game."

Johanna nodded: "It would be better if there wasn't this heavy rain."

Lu Ke smiled: "Without heavy rain, Slytherin couldn't win. I kicked all the suitable players out of the team."

Johanna shook her head silently, she was in no mood to talk now.

"Harry and the others...are going to make a mirror shield."

Lu Ke was stunned for a moment: "What a great idea. Did Hermione come up with it?"

Johanna nodded: "So that story is really famous among Muggles?"

Lu Ke shook his head: "Probably only Granger knows so many things at this age."

Johanna smiled proudly: "You also think this method is useful?"

Lu Ke nodded: "The basilisk is a... beast, so it probably doesn't know how to be afraid of mirrors. As for the dark wizard in the notebook... Harry and the others probably only have one chance."

Johanna nodded: "So what is your suggestion for this plan?"

Lu Ke smiled: "When Dumbledore feels that Harry and the others should take action, let them take action. The two of us are responsible for this in the Order of the Phoenix."

Johanna sighed: "Dumbledore gave you a definite reply, that's good."

Lu Ke nodded: "Everything will go according to a perfect script. Harry should also learn to see the disadvantages of vanity. In a sense, Dumbledore is really a very cold wizard."

Johanna was stunned for a moment: "But now they are still trusting Lockhart because of his cock, and are preparing to ask Lockhart to help..."

Lu Ke nodded: "It's hard to change your nature. If Lockhart wasn't a strong-willed person, his vanity would probably not be so obvious. Dumbledore's age does allow him to see through almost anyone."



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