As long as you sneak away in advance, no one will notice the guests who quietly disappear at the party.

What Lu Ke didn't expect was that Harry was also invited.

When they returned to the hall for dinner, Harry and the other three came over and asked Lu Ke what a death anniversary party was.

From Hermione's point of view, she thought this was a rare opportunity, but Ron felt there was no need to leave the Halloween dinner to attend the ghost party.

Harry was caught in the middle and didn't know how to choose. He thought he should first find out what a death anniversary party was.

When Johanna heard Hermione's words, she glanced at Lu Ke in surprise.

"I completely forgot that you are a friend of ghosts... Ghosts usually only have one death anniversary party in a hundred years. There are probably less than ten living wizards in the world who have attended it."

Lu Ke nodded: "So in fact, the death anniversary party is completely worth going to, but after the novelty wears off, there is no need to stay. There is no food that humans can eat, and there are no living people who will dance with you, but it's okay to sneak away early. It’s okay, the host of the party knows you, but he definitely doesn’t have time to keep an eye on you.”

Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

He originally wanted to give up after hearing Lu Ke say that there would only be ghosts at the banquet.

Fortunately, he could sneak away in the middle. If he really had to stay among the ghosts and miss the Halloween party, Harry would definitely regret it.

Johanna gave Lu Ke a meaningful look: "You actually know what the death anniversary party will be like?"

Lu Ke smiled: "What was it like when you held a birthday party?"

Johanna was stunned for a moment: "So you just guessed everything?"

Lu Ke nodded: "But I think there is nothing wrong with being prepared for the worst. Sir Nicholas is not a particularly thoughtful and prepared ghost, and he seems to be in a bad mood, right Harry?"

Harry nodded: "I heard him say, like there's no way to join the Headless Hunters or something, it should be a ghost team?"

Johanna nodded: "A rare ghost polo team once competed with us."

Harry and the other three looked surprised: "What?"

Johanna smiled: "That was the only time Lu Ke flew into the sky. Before you entered school, there was a very good ghost team. Of course Nearly Headless Nico wanted to join."

Harry nodded: "Understood, we'll be ready to slip away early."

So that's what they decided.

Halloween is coming soon.

I don’t know why, but it has been raining continuously these days, which makes Lu Ke’s job as an assistant teacher in the Care of Magical Creatures class complicated.

Because Professor Kettleburn insisted on having the students learn about salamanders in the rain.

This is a kind of lizard whose whole body is burning with fire. They don't like rainy days very much.

But Professor Kettleburn no longer has the interest or energy to revise the courses he has long been accustomed to.

So Lu Ke had no choice but to hold an umbrella in the continuous rain, hand out umbrellas to each student, and then look at each student carefully as if walking under a mushroom forest.

Still, he accidentally missed the twins' performance.

After the class, Lu Ke helped Professor Kettleburn count the number of salamanders and found that one was missing.

Lu Ke knew very well that of course it was stolen by the twins.

But Professor Kettleburn didn't care. He thought a salamander was nothing.

"Besides, this little thing knows how to escape. Look, a student doesn't know how to trap it."

Lu Ke could only forget this matter.

But soon he no longer had time to think about it.

Halloween is coming. Lu Ke and Hagrid braved the heavy rain to select the most suitable giant pumpkin in the pumpkin patch, then moved it into the castle and asked the professor to carve it using magic spells. The house elves couldn't wait, and the live bats used for decoration were also ready. .

The autumn rain seemed to never stop, and Pallas on Lu Ke's shoulders looked listless. He carefully took care of the golden algae and Lamorra fish in the dormitory, so that they would not be in a bad mood.

Just the day before Halloween, Lu Ke followed Hagrid to meet the skeleton dance troupe from afar.

It seemed to be a very famous dance group in the wizarding world. Lu Ke didn't know very well, but Hagrid looked very excited.

Halloween is finally here.

It's just raining, but it doesn't have a big impact.

But when the dinner was about to begin, the trio of Lu Ke and Harry left the warm and comfortable hall together.

In front of them was a narrow, dark aisle lit with blue candles.

There was a sound like a saw at the end of the aisle.

Harry was beginning to regret it.

But Hermione stared at him sternly: "Keep your promise!"

Lu Ke shook his head helplessly: "Go back quickly, we just want to make Sir Nicholas happy."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the other side of the corridor.

Harry followed reluctantly.

Nearly headless Nico welcomed every guest at the door. He was covered in black velvet and bent over the four people: "Welcome, I'm so happy that you can come..."

But Lu Ke didn't see any happy expression on Nico's face.

He seemed to be recalling the day he died, his face full of sadness.

Lu Ke could only nod helplessly, and then walked into the banquet hall.

Just as Lu Ke expected, there were terrifying sounds like saws everywhere, hundreds of white shadows waltzing to the music, and this place was full of ghosts.

Even if Lu Ke had attended a ghost meeting, he had never seen so many ghosts, and he didn't even know that there were so many ghosts in Hogwarts.

Even if some of them were foreign, the total number was completely beyond his expectation.

The three of them, Harry, could no longer bear the cold.

Lu Ke had no choice but to untie his robe and hand it to the three of them. They huddled together, surrounded by the warm robe, but they still couldn't help but tremble.

Because the chill comes from within their bodies.

Although Lu Ke also felt that the temperature was abnormal, he did not find it intolerable at all.

They walked past the long table in the middle of the hall together. It was all covered with rotten food, which even shocked Lu Ke.

Harry and the other three were even more horrified.

Then they watched in stunned silence as a fat ghost bent down and walked directly through the middle of the table with his mouth wide open.

Harry couldn't help but ask: "Can you taste it if you put it through directly like this?"

The ghost gave Harry a resentful look, then turned and walked away.

Lu Ke couldn't help but laugh.



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