Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 640: .Frozen Ranch (15)

This winter, the weather in New Zealand was extremely cold.

In the evening, Wang Bo cut the prepared tofu into pieces and brought it to the kitchen balcony. After a while, the tofu became hard, so he picked up a bit and tried it in his mouth. It had the strength of frozen tofu. Already.

The fat cat brothers couldn't help it. They saw the old king bit a piece of frozen tofu, ran across the little short legs, each picked up a piece and turned to run.

After running a few meters, they turned around and watched Pharaoh vigilantly, seeing that he hadn't chased them, so they stopped to eat frozen tofu in peace.

As a result, he took a bite, and immediately ran back with frozen tofu, put it down honestly, and then spit out the tofu residue left in his mouth: what a **** is this, ye do n’t eat it!

Pharaoh laughed and made you talk.

After two laughs, he couldn't laugh anymore. The two fat puppets ate all the frozen tofu and ate it cleanly!

Eva and Little Rory are still sleeping at school. The punishment for Little Rory is one week. During this week, she is not allowed to return to the castle, but Eva stays in bed.

Wang Bo was about to go back to sleep. The little white cow stood alone at the door and looked at him timidly, and his eyes made him think of the orphan, which was pitiful.

He followed Loli's bad luck, and in order to punish the latter, Eva was not allowed to see all pets, including the little white cow, this week. For this reason, Little Loli cried a lot of resistance, but the resistance was invalid, and Eva's heart was iron.

Pharaoh combed it in the past, patted his strong little head, and said, "Don't worry, the troublemaker in your family hasn't disappeared. She is living well now, and it ’s delicious. You ’ve grown two pounds. You ’ll stay by yourself, okay? ”

The little white cow has no cute heart, so it is very stupid, but this time it seems to understand what the king said, raised his head and screamed a few times, and slowly returned to the heart of the lair, staring there. Look at the door.

In the evening, Pharaoh lay down and had a good dream, and then a heavy snow storm hit New Zealand.

Now the ranchers don't have to be happy that the water is plentiful. Mid-to-July is the coldest time in New Zealand, and soon after the snow falls, it freezes and turns into ice and snow.

At such temperatures, forage grasses can easily freeze to death.

So after dawn, looking at the whiteness outside, the old king lamented and punched the little king with a sorrow, and shouted, "Mash, it's time to clear the snow!"

A lion and tiger is strong, and it doesn't shake when it takes a punch. It just grinned aggrievedly and ran away unhappyly: I don't know how to offend you, so why hit me without a word?

When they arrived at the ranch, the cowboys looked dignified. After seeing Wang Bo, Cousins ​​came up and said, "Head, it's a bit too cold. This morning we picked up two dead hens and froze to death."

This is the first non-combat attrition in the ranch. In the past, no matter whether it was livestock or poultry, the cause of death was either fighting each other, or they were fighting each other. They were struck by the fire at the city gate and pond fish.

The heart of the second-level pasture is powerful and supports the vitality of poultry and livestock. In this case, their ability to resist cold and heat is very strong, and no animal that has died of heat or freezing has appeared before.

Wang Bo looked at the two fat chickens on the ground cold and hard, and sighed: "The temperature is abnormally low today, and low temperature warnings have already appeared in many places. Is there any way for you?"

He didn't pay the cowboys in vain, the cowboys had to solve them if they had problems.

"Now it is too late to build a shed, and there is no need for it. According to the past, as long as there is no extreme change in temperature, open-air farming is reliable."

"So, we might as well buy some warm dry fur grass and set up a hatchery. Do n’t worry about the long hair of cattle and sheep, so long as chickens, ducks, geese and the like can keep warm and not die."

Wang Bo looked around. The livestock and poultry were honest, and they all came together to warm up.

It may be because of the heart of the pasture. Like some people, they have a herd of cows, herds, and chickens and ducks together, with cattle, sheep, and deer as the backbone.

The only exception is the yak and white yak herds. This temperature is a piece of cake for them. From time to time, they walk past the herd of herds that have shrunk together.

So the soldiers split in two ways, Peterson went to call the dry grass, Cousins ​​and others drove a snow shovel to clear the snow on the pasture.

"Is the snow still piled where it was last time?"

Wang Bo shrugged: "Are there any more suitable places besides that? Just go there, and I think I can make a ski resort now."

Having fun in pain, a group of people took off their cotton clothes and began to work.

Xiao Wang and Zhuang Ding ran in the snow, and a wild boar came out. Xiao Wang was startled. He approached the wild boar quietly from behind, and opened his mouth to bite the wild boar's neck.

The wild boar was so cold that it couldn't run, and wailed, and straightened his limbs motionless, and let Xiao Wang drag in the snow.

Wang Bo swept through the snow and saw a nest of eggs. He tried it when he got it. The temperature was scary. The eggs were useless and it was impossible to hatch. His losses this winter were also great.

Compared to other ranches, this loss is small.

Peterson, who ordered the dry grass, then returned, booing, "Xuete, the price of fine grass has skyrocketed. It used to cost 80 yuan per ton, but now it costs 150 yuan!"

Wang Bo said: "I knew we would also get some fine grass for planting, so maybe we can still sell some money."

Peterson shook his head and said, "Then you have to build a pasture, and the price of fine grass on the pasture has increased, not only because of the high demand now, but also because of the lack of water in summer. The growth of the grass this year is very poor. Most can also lose money. "

Maori rancher Motak called him from behind and asked, "King, how are you doing there?"

"It's terrible. Several chickens and a lot of eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs and the like have been frozen to death. Damn weather, when can it get warmer?"

Motak lamented: "Kill you a show dog! Lao Tzu ’s cows are frozen to death with two cubs! There are more frozen sheep, I did n’t dare to count, you just froze to death How many chickens and ducks? "

Wang Bo laughed: "Of course, cattle and sheep are also frozen to death, I just didn't say anything."

New Zealand has strict food safety and sanitation regulations. This kind of non-naturally dead livestock cannot enter people's dining tables, so it can only be dug and buried, and ranchers have suffered great losses.

Peterson said: "Boss, we have to increase the amount of feed in the spring. Now, the price of beef and mutton in New Zealand will definitely increase next year."

Pharaoh waved the broom like an electric fan and said, "You make the plan and I'll pay."

The idea of ​​a dead friend is immortal. Although this idea is shameful, the truth is that Pharaoh was not in a good mood. He learned that other ranches were worse than himself, and his mood suddenly improved a lot ... (To be continued.)

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