Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 547: . Chicken (35)

Hill blinked and asked, "If I don't publish, how do I sell?"

Wang Bodao: "You have to do a good job positioning, man, this book is of high quality. Then there are only 4 million people in New Zealand. There are still many people who don't understand English. How much can they sell? How many royalties can they have?"

"and then?"

"Then I tell you that the value of copyright can only be raised after the book is adapted into movies and TV shows, so you have to look at the future and focus on copyright creation."

"Listen to me. If you don't publish it first, send this story to the newspaper for serialization, and simultaneously send it to the largest domestic forums on the electronic forum. It will publish a thousand words a day. If necessary, I can also help you hype. "

In the field of culture, New Zealand is developing very slowly. There are no brilliant works in TV series, novels, and movies. The "The Lord of the Rings" series is amazing. It was really shot in New Zealand, but it was an American blockbuster. New Zealand was just an environmental surrogacy.

The novels published by writers in this country are still the traditional publishing route. In fact, this wastes the advantages of information circulation on the Internet and electronic media. Because New Zealand has a strong copyright protection, no matter what it is, as long as it can prove that the copyright belongs to itself. , Then you can enjoy protection.

Hill asked weakly, "I think what you said makes sense, but is it useful? If it is, why hasn't anyone done it before?"

Wang Bo dismissed: "Because your country is a cultural desert, this method is only useful for the creation of big IP copyrights, and you writers usually only look at the channel of publishing."

Hill continued weakly, "This is also your country."

Wang Bo thought about it. Although he has lived here for more than two years, he still hasn't completely changed his identity, and his sense of belonging is not strong.

The propaganda plan was so decided. He came to help Hill operate. In addition to writing novels and walking the dog, the fat otaku was amazing in other aspects.

He called Mo Yuning, after all, this host belongs to the cultural circle.

After receiving his call, the beauty host teased: "Hi, my fellow, I thought you forgot me, and I was addicted to power, huh?"

Wang Bo was wronged: "Oh my God, obsessed with power? I'm just a town leader, or a small town that was only two years old. How can I have any power?"

Mo Yuning comforted him: "Don't be arrogant. Although the setting sun town has not been established for a long time, but now it is very famous. I heard that your town is developing very fast and very well."

This is indeed, the sunset town is very famous, and its construction is too fast. Wang Bo has been investing money in it, and many New Zealanders who do not know the truth have thought that the Chinese government has cooperated with the New Zealand government. Here Established a cooperative town.

Speaking of the topic, Wang Bo asked if she knew the head of any major newspaper, and he wanted to post an article on it.

Mo Yuning asked: "Is it a soft article to promote the town of Sunset?"

Wang Bodao: "No, it's a novel written by one of our townspeople. I'll tell you that this novel is awesome. My townsman will definitely be a great writer."

Mo Yuning said: "Oh, then you are really freaking out, in order to promote the town to find someone to write this novel?"

Wang Bo is speechless. Does this count as recognition of his work? The beauty host believes that as long as he cooperates with the media, he is promoting his town.

With a few jokes, Mo Yuning said, "In fact, you shouldn't ask me for this kind of thing. You have to go to Miss Britney-Kakira, who is a reporter for the New Zealand Herald."

Britney-Kakira? After hearing the name, Wang Bo scratched his head before he remembered that the lady had been to the town and reported the original cat abuse case.

To be honest, he really forgot about this person, and even the two parties did not exchange contact information, so if there is no contact afterwards, it is normal to forget.

Fortunately, he remembered that the young woman seemed interested in Charlie. He could ask Charlie to help.

Mo Yuning didn't let him look forward in vain, she promised to help him find friends in the press and see if he could publish Hill's novels.

He hung up and asked Charlie, asking, "Britney-Kakira, do you still have an impression?"

Charlie shrugged. "Oh, a reporter lady, what's wrong? I'm impressed, but I don't get in touch."

Wang Bo told him the original story, and Charlie laughed after listening: "Rest assured, leave it to me. Absolutely no problem ... hey, what's your look?"

Pharaoh stared at him and said, "Are you raped, right?"

Charlie said dissatisfied, "What is adultery? We are just friends."

"Then you said just now that you don't get in touch so much but have impressions?"

"Because I didn't know what you were trying to do, to be honest, there is nothing good for you to find me. I need to be on guard."


Things about the dissemination of the novel were basically done, and it must have cost money in the early stage because Hill was not a writer, and these newspapers and media did not make sense to publish his novel.

However, he is full of confidence in this novel and will surely detonate the calm New Zealand market. At that time, these media would have to pay for the novels to be published.

Wang Bo supported Hill's initial publicity expenses. Hill promised to give him 20% of the novel's revenue, and he felt that the business would definitely be profitable.

After work, he brought the novel to Eva, and after reading it, Eva also praised it, saying that the novel must be popular.

Cousins ​​called him on the road and said today that he found a Dongtao chicken in the ranch had his leg broken by a wild boar and asked him what to do.

Cowboys know that Wang Bo treats these ugly and thick-legged chickens as treasures. These chickens have never been out of cages, but are kept in the ranch for breeding, so any problems will be reported in time.

Wang Bo learned that the Dongtao chicken was only trampled to death and did not die. He drove over and walked away. The castle has the heart of a lair and can heal animals and poultry.

He threw the chicken at the heart of the lair, then went back to the bath to change clothes.

After changing clothes, Dong Tao chicken disappeared, so he looked at the tumultuous young men, the queen and the fat cats, and asked, "Where is the chicken? The chicken I just put here?"

The little ones blinked, confused, wondering what he was talking about.

Wang Bo went up and scrambled Zhuang Ding's neck and shook his head: "What about chickens? What do you think I do? I asked you where the chickens went? Was it because you ran away?"

These little guys are too hesitant, and it is indeed possible to flee that Dongtao chicken.

Zhuang Ding was rolling his eyes and sticking his tongue out, and the dog's face had an unlovable expression.

At this time Bo Da came out with a rubbed hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wang Bo said: "I brought back a Dongtao chicken just now. I asked if these little guys had driven him away."

Bo Da asked: "Is the chicken with two ugly thick legs?"

Wang Bo turned back, a bad guess came to mind ...

(To be continued.)

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