Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1139: . The opportunity for dirt dogs (55)

Time entered December, and there was nothing to prepare for the sleigh race, and Wang Bo felt that he had no work.

He is now mainly focusing on the location of the new Lincoln University. He must win this school now.

As he learned about Lincoln University, he became more and more convinced that the school was a good match for Sunset Town.

This is New Zealand's only university in the world that focuses on "land" as the core of the discipline. It is closely centered on New Zealand's national pillar industry, development strategy and economic and social development needs.

Lincoln University focuses on land productivity, from agri-food to the entire industry chain environment, production, distribution, marketing, end consumers, land planning and sustainable development, including landscape design, environmental management planning, land and property Management, tourism management, etc ...

These are all the properties of the sunset town, land and tourism.

According to his speculation, as long as Lincoln University builds a school in Sunset Town, he will no longer need to hire people on his farm and ranch, and arrange these students for internships.

Interns are more enthusiastic and more educated than workers. They also have lower salaries and are simply the perfect candidate.

In the afternoon, some influential alumni Wang Bo graduated from Lincoln University suddenly received a call from Tony.

The call was connected, and he was about to ask Tony what had happened, and he was already shouting, "Hey, my dear, can you come to the outdoor shop at the foot of the mountain? Here are a few dogs. These dogs who?"

Wang Bo asked: "Are they yellow dogs and friesian dogs?"


He laughed: "That's mine too. They're the little ones I picked up. What's wrong?"

Tony asked, "Did you bring these dogs from the northern hemisphere? Did you bring them from China to New Zealand?"

Wang Bo hesitated and asked alertly, "Uh, what's wrong?"

The dogs came from China, of course, but they did not pass through customs, but he sent them directly to the sunset town with a sand table, which was then handed over to the queen to raise them.

Tony said, "They're good to go in a sled!"

Wang Bo felt a little incredible. The Chinese pastoral dog is very good, he knows this.

He also kept dogs in his family until he went to college, because there were so many dog ​​thieves in the village. He lost the dogs several times and did not raise them.

In his impression, if you do not use the heart of the soul, Chinese pastoral dogs are smarter than foreign dogs, especially the old dogs in native dogs, which are almost human.

But when it comes to sledding, he doesn't think Chinese pastoral dogs are suitable for this job.

This is related to the direction of evolution. Chinese pastoral dogs are unique in terms of site, alertness and care, because their mission on the Chinese land has been this for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

This is the result of a manual screening, but it is also a screening. For example, sled dogs are screened to pull sleds. They are definitely more endurance than Chinese pastoral dogs.

However, Tony is an expert on this side, and what he said naturally has his reason, and Wang Bo drove over to see it.

This time he drove the predator again. It was domineering to drive this car, but it was a bit awkward, especially now that the sunset town is becoming more and more prosperous, and there are so many cars and people.

"Hemp eggs, go back and buy a car." Wang Bo said to himself, he was going to buy a scooter for Eva, because she was driven away by the classic Aston Martin car.

He drove to the location of an outdoor store, and the staff shrugged his shoulders. Someone asked, "Boss, that guy is your friend? He just teased rhubarb and white flowers and almost got bitten!"

Tony also saw Wang Bo, mainly because the predator's figure was too domineering, it was difficult not to notice.

He waved excitedly at Wang Bo, and several Chinese idyllic dogs stayed vigilantly around him, some still grinning.

But when they saw Wang Bo, they relaxed and immediately ran up in excitement and wandered around his legs.

With Tony's reminder on the phone, Wang Bo noticed that the Chinese idyllic dogs he brought were so big!

When he was in China, he saw more idyllic dogs. They belong to medium-sized dogs, but now they are very large, smaller than Alaskan sled dogs, but the muscle lines are smoother.

Wang Bo thought about it, but he understood this situation. After all, they have the influence of the heart of the beast farm. From a young age, they also eat beef, sheep and pork from the ranch, and they grow naturally and robustly.

Tony came over, a few dogs immediately protected Wang Bo in the middle, stared at Tony with wide eyes, and the vigilance in his eyes was clear.

This is the biggest advantage of Chinese pastoral dogs. Loyal caregivers, such as Husky, Samoyed, and Golden Retriever. When people choose to breed, they deliberately control their personality and make them warm and friendly.

Chinese pastoral dogs are loyal to their owners and wary of strangers. They belong to guard dogs and home care homes, while golden retriever and labrador dogs belong to **** dogs and are used to accompany people.

Seeing this, Tony became more excited: "These dogs are also yours? You are really amazing, Wang, you are friends of dogs, what kind of dog can be the best in your hands!"

Wang Bo disguised the origin of these dogs and asked, "Do you think they are suitable for sledding? Isn't it good?"

Tony said, "Why not? First of all, look at their size, so strong and so good in line, it can reduce the resistance of the wind and make them shuttle faster in the snow."

"Then, Wang, you look at their muscle masses. They definitely have very strong endurance. This is not my guess, but I observed them one morning and one half afternoon. They ran between the mountains and forests, and went up and down the mountain. Stop, chase rabbits, chase pheasants, almost never stop! "

"Finally, it is their hair. They still grow thick dog hair. What does this mean? It means that they have strong cold protection ability!"

When these dogs were sent to the setting sun town, the town was winter, and they were little puppies, which happened to have long hairs. When they came to the town, they had been furry to protect themselves from the cold.

Wang Bo hesitated and said, "They are relatively young."

Not too small, but too small. These children are half a year old. The reason why they grow so fast and so big is all thanks to the quality of food and the heart of the beast.

To participate in a sled race, you must be at least two years old, and that's when your dog's physical strength and endurance will be at its peak.

Of course, the dogs produced by the animal farm can be used for one year, but less than half a year is too short.

Tony asked: "How old are they?"

In order to protect the rural dogs, Wang Bo honestly said, "About six or seven months."

When he got the hands, the dogs were only three months old and one winter was over, and it was estimated that they were at most seven months old.

Tony didn't believe it: "Six or seven months? So big? So stamina?"

Wang Bo smiled bitterly: "Really."

Tony said, "I don't believe it. It's better to let them take a long journey. How about their physical strength? Let them show their abilities by themselves."

(To be continued.)


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