Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1117: . Spring Farming (35)

Wang Bo had no interest in rugby. When he saw a group of men subdued, he did not continue to sting. Of course, if these people dare to speak hard, he really wants to show his skills.

Many people on the field are throwing rugby and then playing. In his opinion, the sport is too simple.

Seeing that he had no intention of ending, some townspeople were unwilling to come and invite him to play together: "Come on, mayor, this is a football game, we all have to participate!"

Wang Bowan refused: "I haven't played, I won't play this thing."

"Then I'll introduce it to you, it's very simple." The man said immediately.

The rugby field is a rectangular turf with a length of 100 meters and a width of 70 meters. The two long sides of the court are the sidelines and the two short sides are the touchlines.

There is a touchdown zone with a depth of 10-22 meters behind the touchdown line, and the bottom line of this zone is the dead ball line. There is a goal in the center of the touchdown line, the goalposts are 5.6 meters apart, and a crossbar is connected at a height of 3 meters.

"As long as the ball is brought in or kicked into the opponent's touchdown zone, the attacking player's physical pressure on the ball is called a touchdown, which can score 5 points."

"After the touchdown, the attacker can also launch an attack. Any player can hit the goal again from any point on the vertical line between the touchdown point and the touchdown line. If he hits the goal, he can score another 2 points.

"There is also a way of scoring. In the game, the player can use the kick to hit the goal and score 3 points. The penalty kick after the opponent fouls can be directly hit the goal and 3 points can be scored.

"The main thing is this, let's play together." Several people beckoned to Wang Bo.

It ’s hard to be friendly, Wang Bo asks a few humanities: "Do you want to play?"

Asturu said happily, "That couldn't be better."

Pharaoh looked at him with fatness and said, "You can run like this?"

Atulu said: "This sport does not only require quarterbacks and running backs, but also centers. You look at my size and athletic ability, it is the most suitable for center."

When constructing this rugby field, Oakley also donated fifty sets of rugby sportswear and sports helmets.

This sportswear is just like armor, with a hard shell and a plastic brace on the outside. He tried it on him and slammed it into Aturu.

The Maori screamed and was knocked down ...

This was a serious flight, and everyone who saw this scene was stunned. Some people asked, "Police Officer Aturu looks very tall and strong. How can he be so bad?"

"Did anyone think it was because the mayor was too sturdy?"

Unable to play sports, Wang Bo hit Aturu a bit, then the ambulance arrived, the medical brother took him away, and hit him with a layer of plasterboard on his knee.

Seeing this, Wang Bo was ashamed, holding Aturu's hand and saying, "Sorry man, I didn't control my power just now."

The Maori man wailed, "No wonder Bing called you a human-like tyrannosaurus, boss, I'm serving now!"

This incident blame Pharaoh. His previous impact was too strong. For fun and novelty, he launched a full-force jump and hit Aturu.

We need to know that the latter also wore protective gear and was hit so miserably, so we can see how terrible the impact was.

In order to express his remedy for Aturu, Wang Bo applied for work injury, paid his salary, did not need to go to work, and had a work injury meal every day as a subsidy.

Work injury meals were created by Kobe himself. Three meals a day are changing the pattern, and the amount is full. Aturu can't even eat, but he has a wife who can eat better than him, so don't worry about waste.

Fortunately, two new police officers were recruited at this time, so although Atulu was not present, the work of the police station could be maintained as usual.

On October 31, Halloween, Wang Bo hosted a theme party returning from the ghosts in the central square. Zombies, vampires, skeletons and werewolves were everywhere that night.

Atulu even participated, and he dressed up as a Frankenstein in a wheelchair and ate and drank at the party.

Wang Bo patted his shoulder after seeing him, "Man, why don't you take a good rest here?"

A Tulu left-handed cake and right-handed barbecue, said: "Can't miss any chance to eat a big meal!"

In November, it is the spring of the New Year in New Zealand. The temperature between them rises. The north wind from the equator is warm and gentle. The branches sprout and the grass turns green. The entire sunset town has entered a good season for viewing.

The road to the birth of flowers is so beautiful, and the lavender garden is full of purple, and the whole town is immersed in floral fragrance.

With the increasing number of tourists, Wang Bo finally decided to open the route of mountain forest tourism. Although this may affect the growth of black truffles and ginseng, black truffles cannot be seen in spring, summer and autumn, so it is better to earn tourists money.

Another important thing is that the farm is about to start.

One winter, the farm constantly turned over the ground and sprayed herbicides constantly. Wang Bo was worried that the herbicide would not grow even after the herbicide concentration was too high.

Now the farm is no longer that wasteland. A fence surrounds this land, which houses granaries, farm implements, parking lots, and small apartment buildings. It looks like a complete large farm has been established.

Motak was responsible for seed selection. He submitted to Wang Bo a plan for the construction of the farm, which included a planting plan. He planned to plant a batch of green corn first.

Seeing this suggestion, Wang Bo considered it.

When he first arrived in New Zealand, it was the midsummer season, especially when he was traveling from Austria, he often saw corn growing in the farmland on both sides of the road.

Unlike domestic corn, New Zealand corn is densely planted, one by one, which is obviously much denser than domestic corn.

He didn't understand it at the time, thinking it was a new planting technique used by farmers in New Zealand to increase yield.

Later Charlie told him that in fact, these planted corn were not eaten to produce golden yellow corn, but were green fodder for dairy and beef cattle in New Zealand.

Motak meant that. He saw the ranch in the sunset town continuously expand its territory and increase the number of livestock, and proposed to grow green corn for the animals to reserve for winter rations.

In addition to being able to use it yourself, the climate of New Zealand has been problematic in the past two years, and the pastures have grown poorly. In this case, the price of green stored grains produced by fermentation of green corn remains high.

This suggestion is okay. It is a good idea for the farm to make a profit now, but Motak didn't know that the farm had the heart of the farm in control.

Wang Bo knows that under the control of the farm's heart, the farm's grain will be rich and delicious. If it is only used to serve livestock and livestock, it will waste his potential.

(To be continued.)

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