Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1098: . I am the one who admires you most (45)


Successful re-election!

Although this is a matter of no doubt, Wang Bo was very excited after receiving the news.

A large number of townspeople are waiting on the central square. This square has just been built. Of course, what is coming out is just a prototype. There is still a long way to go before it is completed.

However, this is already available. The large ld display in the town was moved to the square. When the results appeared, the townspeople gave a warm cheer.

Wang Bo said, "Everyone is really nice to me. I never knew that everyone was looking forward to my success ..."

"Part! Part! Part!"

"Celebration feast! Celebration! Celebration!"

"Meat flesh! Wine and wine! Hurry up and sing and eat!"

The central square shouted all these words.

Wang Bo had already prepared food and drinks in advance, and the central square was set up for large parties, so when designing the plan, he added a lot of things that could serve it.

For example, stone grills in the barbecue area, such as electric plug-in boards hidden in stone pillars, such as super-bright neon lights, rotating colored light balls, and of course, the stage.

Although the sky has already darkened, but after the neon lights and the rotating colored light **** are turned on, and the iodine tungsten lights around the circle, the whole square is illuminated as daylight.

When Wang Bo arrived at the square, he first found Aturu and Uncle Bing and others, and said, "Let's see how I look and act, don't let me step on the horse chain!"

"You can rest assured that we are most reliable in doing things." Atulu slaps his chest and swears.

Eva was beckoning him, and Wang Bo was inconvenienced and walked over to look at the square together.

The square is very large. At first it was expected to be close to one square kilometer. Later, it was changed after field exploration, leaving about half, about forty hectares.

At present, only a half can be used, which is about 100 acres, but it is still 60,000 square meters, which is already a considerable area.

However, almost all the townspeople have arrived. In addition to the tourists who are stranded and heard, it is possible that 6,000 people will come to participate in this election part.

The part of the sunset town has become a gimmick in the tourism industry. Not only New Zealand, but also Australia and Fiji and other countries know the existence of the large part of the sunset town.

Therefore, every time a part is opened, it will attract a lot of people, because these parts are often free and you can eat and drink.

In a part, Wang Bo had to throw at least 10,000 dollars into it. The cost alone tonight is 100,000 dollars, but he is happy, not that he likes to show off wealth, but this can bring to Sunset Town. Additional consumption, more than 200,000!

Each part carnival is also the town's shopping carnival, hotel and hotel carnival, and food carnival, which attracts many shops.

The large musical fountain in the center of the square has been put into use, and as a ‘God Chooses You’ sounds, the fountain surges into the sky.

"Do you know, more than four years ago, this place was still a barren land, and now, people's voices are boiling!" Wang Bo said with emotion.

Eva said with a smile: "You are a magician, dear, the central square is only a small miracle, and the sunset town is a great miracle!"

In the cheers of the crowd, the two of them came onto the stage, and the singing band of the popular hot chicken group sunset band bowed to make way. The main character tonight is Wang Bo.

In the face of the crowds under the stage, Wang Bo couldn't help laughing: "I had expected that I would be successfully re-elected because I was a good town mayor."

A kind boo sounded from the audience, and someone shouted to him, "You're too arrogant, the mayor!"

Wang Bo laughed: "No, no, no, listen to me, everyone. Because I expected this, when I was running, I was a bit out of form, not working hard enough, not good enough, and not attentive."

"I regret it now, I really regret it. Until now, I stood here and looked at everyone, and I didn't know what the mayor's position meant. I should do everything in my power, and I can't be sorry for anyone in the audience. One! "

Wang Bo's words were very sincere. He stood on the stage, looked at the black people, and looked at thousands of eyes staring at himself. For the first time, he felt that his duties were heavy.

"Mayor you've done a good job!" Anderson shouted.

"If there is paradise on earth, then it should be in the sunset town! If there are saints on earth, it must be the mayor of King!" Rudi, as the bishop, said that there was depth.

"Why do you do it, applaud!" But Mexican pretty guy is the one who knows Wang Bo best.

Thunderous applause.

Wang Bo raised his hand and said, "I don't want to say anything. Although spring has arrived, but the night is still cold, I know everyone hopes that they can eat and drink as soon as possible.

The applause is even louder. This is indeed the voice of everyone.

Wang Bo said: "But I have to delay everyone a little time, because tonight will be a big day in my life, especially a big day!"

Some people showed helpless expressions. They had expected that a lengthy report would be brewing.

But Wang Bo didn't do this. After he finished speaking, he looked at Eva and held her hand, "This girl around me should be known by most people present."

"Ms. Eva is the head of the first school in Sunset Town. She has been doing a great cause, and she also supports me in doing a very great cause."

Eva's popularity is really high. Her image may be the best in Sunset Town, even better than the mayor of Wang Bo.

So when Wang Bo brought the topic to her, the following cheers suddenly sounded, unprecedented fierce:

"Teacher Eva is a saint who walks on the earth. Our family is always grateful for what she has done for our children!"

"No one can treat children better than Teacher Eva! No one can admire us more than Teacher Eva!"

"Eva, you are the best girl!"

Eva shrugged with a smile, her eyes soft and gentle: "I just follow God's plan and do what I should do."

Bishop Rudy said below: "If the position of the Virgin is still retained, no one can do it unless Eva goes!"

A group of Christians nodded again and again.

Wang Bo took her hand and said, "What I want to do today is not to praise you, girl, what I want to say next is: Ms. Irina Sharapova, would you marry me? I'm Wang Bo , The mayor of Sunset Town, the man who admires you the most! The man who admires you forever! "

This is his plan to propose to Eva in the eyes of everyone!

He and Eva have been engaged, but it is just in front of their parents. If they marry directly, it is a thing of the past, but he hopes to give Eva a more decent marriage proposal, nothing better than when he was re-elected mayor.

This time he did not kneel on the ground, but was a girl staring at the heart with passionate feelings. The true feelings, his affection for Eva was very pure! (To be continued.).

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