Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1091: Elections Begin (25)

As the last rays of the sun fell below sea level, a flash of light burst into the skies.

The deafening music stopped, Wang Bo jumped onto the stage with a short step, raised his beer bottle and shouted, "Ok, gentlemen, ladies, boys and girls! The carnival moment arrives, let's raise the glass and enjoy it! "

"Hi! Hey !!! Hey !!!" The crowd screamed wildly.

Everyone held up a bottle of wine. A group of Maori big men, Ben McGee looked bleak: "My God, still drinking? I can't stand it, I'm going to vomit!"

At this time, as the protagonist, the local tyrant Jin also came out to show his face. When he saw so many people appearing here, he was instantly excited and turned his hoof to drill into the crowd.

Malone only grabbed him by desperately, always trying to appease him: "Good boy, good boy, my tyrant gold is a good boy, my God, don't drag me!"

Wang Bo poured a bottle of beer into his hand, and local tyrant Jin rolled his tongue and drank it all.

Parker stared in amazement and said, "Oh my God, how can horse racing be drunk?"

"The tyrant gold is not an ordinary horse race." The writer Hill laughed beside him, he looked at Parker and stretched out his hand. "Dude, have a drink?"

Parker wears sunglasses and a baseball cap. After all, he is a star, and his appearance at a party may cause confusion.

In fact, it ’s more attractive to dress up in a party. Fortunately, it ’s winter and the weather is cold at night. Many people wear hats, and some people worry that the wind is wearing sunglasses, which made him successfully hide into the crowd.

As Parker was about to lift the bottle, Hill suddenly stunned: "Sher, Craig Parker?"

As soon as he was recognized, Parker suddenly yelled.

Fortunately, Hill responded quickly, seeing his expression to understand what he was thinking, and lowered his voice and laughed: "Haha, it really is you? Don't worry, other people will not recognize you as easily as I do. Your appearance successful."

"But I haven't lied to you," Parker smiled bitterly.

Hill Road: "Of course, this is different. First of all, I am your fan, especially sincere. Second, recently, my friends and I have been studying your information, do you know why?"

"Want to kidnap me?" He joked.

Hill shook his head: "No, it's because we're casting for the big screen of Deadly Notes. Both Mr. Barnett and I think you are best suited to play the role of Sergeant Reis!"

As Parker hesitated, he pondered: "Is Mr. Barnett John Barnett?"

John Barnett, the boss of South Pacific Films and one of New Zealand's most prolific TV producers, bought the rights to Deadly Notes and was preparing to make TV shows and movies.

Hill said, "Yes, this is Mr. Barnett. I think you should be familiar, right?"

Of course they were very familiar. Parker looked at Hill again, and said, "Then I just walked away. You turned out to be the new writer Mr. Hill!"

It was a fate to meet here. Hill didn't expect to meet one of the candidate protagonists of his movie, so he happily dragged him to the Daqin cafe to talk about things.

Parker is also very happy that the popularity of "Deadly Notes" has rushed out of New Zealand and Oceania. After the same hot sale in Australia, the novel has been listed in Europe and the United States with great success.

Hill didn't know that Parker had been paying attention to this book. He was keenly aware that once this book was adapted into a movie and TV series, it would definitely be popular, because the charm of this book relies on story and logic, which is dedicated to Adapted and born.

The two left happily, and someone saw their back saying to the people around them: "I seem to see Craig Parker."

"Who? Craig Parker? Then you must have taken a look. How could he be here? Where must he film you?"

"Alright, come, toast, I must have taken a look at it, obviously I drink a little bit."

Wang Bo didn't know that the celebration would happen by accident, and this good thing happened. He communicated with the townspeople at the scene, and found someone to take Dr. Ben McGee, who was drunk and paralyzed on the ground.

This party can also be regarded as the beginning of the election. After entering September, various places began to raise votes, and the biennial prime ministerial election finally entered the countdown.

After the Prime Minister's election, small township elections began in various places. Therefore, September is also known as the 'Month of Madness', and voters everywhere are frantically supporting their candidates.

Wang Bo often sees some election-related news. Every day, people show their support for a candidate by going naked, hitting public places, and creating topics.

The candidate elected by the Workers and Greens Party is Carmati Johnson. He has a great chance of being elected this year, and his voice is now louder than the still-elected Prime Minister of Lawrence.

On September 10th, people across the ocean in China celebrated the festival for teachers, and in New Zealand, formal elections began.

Early in the morning, Wang Bo rushed to the government to sit in town. There are a total of five ticket counting machines. This is similar to the automatic ticket collection machines of airlines. However, the usage is the opposite. Go online for statistics.

According to the election rules, New Zealand has implemented a "hybrid proportional system" since 1996, and the party that has obtained the most seats in the parliament has priority to obtain cabinet power.

The New Zealand general election is a directly elected ruling party. Every New Zealand citizen and approved permanent resident must participate in voting in accordance with the law, including legal voters overseas. They must also go to the government's overseas polls or vote by mail.

If you are unable to vote on the spot, you can vote in advance, and now there are more than 100 results in the voting machine in Sunset Town.

In addition to the ticket counting machine, there are many things hanging in the government hall, such as the avatars of the candidates and their promised governing policy after taking office.

There are not only two candidates. Other parties have sent candidates, but everyone knows that the final result was born between the IGF and the National Party. Others came to accompany them.

The IGF is very clever. They have not talked about environmental protection and greening in general, but have proposed many livelihood policies to society.

For example, the recent sensitive policies on real estate, taxation, education, health care, foreign investment and immigration, welfare, etc. The IGF has listed its detailed plans after it came to power.

Wang Bo printed these policies and put them in a conspicuous place for people to see. As for the National Party's policies? Sorry, there is no place to post here.

Of course, he did it intentionally. The headshots of the major party candidates were printed very large, occupying the main part of the wall, and the remaining space was given to the policy guidelines of other party candidates. (To be continued.)

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