Happy Little Mayor

Chapter 1072: . Dive, dive (35)

Wang Bo shook his head. He was interested in this novelty, but he didn't want to buy a submarine. He only had a lake, and because of the heart of the lake, there was no secret to the lake for him.

So, why did he buy a submarine?

Song Zijun is going to take the submarine down, saying that this thing has reliable performance, the speed of underwater can reach about 10 knots, and if it sinks at full strength, it takes only more than ten seconds to get the depth of one hundred meters.

On the contrary, Wang Bo was a little scared. If the submarine did not have an accident, it would be more dangerous than using a diving suit to dive down. It would be really terrible.

The diving team has a heavy-duty diving suit, a bright yellow appearance, a huge helmet and two oxygen tanks. Ignoring the height is a small gundam.

"Can you do that, brother?" Asked a savvy young man. "This thing is not easy to wear. How is your physical fitness?"

Song Zijun said, "Xiao Wang, don't force it. My diver needs to run five kilometers three times a day with weights, 100 squats with weights, 100 push-ups, sit-ups 100, and swim in the mine pool in order to equip this guy. 3 hours, just exercise like this. "

"Yes, reloading can't be done overnight," the smart youth friendly reminded.

Wang Bo smiled and said: "I must have no problem with my physical fitness and the snorkeling skills, but I have not worn such a heavy diving suit before. Does this have any impact?"

"If there is no problem with physical fitness, then the problem of wearing it will be small." Said the youth.

However, he is obviously very skeptical of Wang Bo's 'no problem in physical fitness'.

To wear this diving suit, you must first wear special diving shoes. The round toe of the shoe is made of brass, and the sole of the lead is riveted with screws. One shoe is more than thirty centimeters long. It weighs more than ten kilograms.

After Wang Bo put on, he tentatively lifted his feet and walked two steps. It was really heavy, but he was not faltering. He could accept the weight.

Seeing this scene, the ingenious young man showed a surprised expression. As a connoisseur, he knew how hard it was to walk like Wang Bo, at least not by his strength.

The hardest thing is to put on a wetsuit. In order to ensure the diving effect, the clothes have 40 kilograms. It is said that it is steel armor. This is not an exaggeration.

Four strong men came up to help him wear it, lifting the wetsuit up rhythmically while shouting the slogan.

Wang Bo stretched his arms straight and crossed, and squatted slightly. After putting on his clothes, he first felt a sense of heaviness, which he could bear, but the sweltering sensations that followed appeared uncomfortable.

Deep diving sea water is cold and the temperature is extremely low, so it is necessary for the wetsuit to have a strong thermal insulation ability. After wearing it, the body's heat cannot be emitted, which is such a stuffy effect.

You also need to wear a collar and a helmet. The collar is 5 kg in weight. It was the first time to wear this Wang Bo. It was painful for the first time. Without buoyancy sharing, this caused a lot of pressure on the cervical spine.

The helmet is made of copper and weighs more than ten kilograms. When connecting with the collar, you need to use a wrench to screw on.

Little Loli took two pictures of him on the front, and then showed them to him.

The vision of the helmet is very good. Wang Bo saw the mobile phone like himself as a robot.

A protective front panel is attached to the chest, and an oxygen tank is attached to the back. A vent tube is connected to the helmet. This vent tube is long and will be connected from the ship.

The oxygen tank can only be opened when there is a problem with the snorkel. This is a double insurance to ensure the safety of people in the deep sea as much as possible.

After being enclosed in a diving suit, Wang Bo suddenly panicked at the reality he was about to face.

Although he lived by the sea from a young age, although he was the son of a fisherman, to be honest, he had a fear of the ocean since he was a child. This was the driving force behind his efforts to study and be admitted to a good school.

But that was the end, and it was too late to regret it, and he wanted to challenge himself.

Life in New Zealand is too comfortable. For the country, war is bound to perish and forget to fight. It is not a good thing for individuals to be too comfortable.

Wang Bo is also adventurous this time, this is his first adventure after getting the heart of the lord.

Li Chen and Na Qingyang also wore diving suits, but they wore shallow-water diving suits, which were mainly used to keep warm. They only weighed more than ten kilograms.

The smart young man kept asking him about his situation through the walkie-talkie, telling him some tricks to deal with the variables, soothing him to calmly face the underwater situation.

Everything is ready, followed by oxygen test, oxygen is transmitted through the snorkel, Wang Bo said, "No problem, you can go into the water."

"Be careful, remove the lead block and the copper plate on the bottom of the foot if there is a problem, so that you will float under the buoyancy. Also, the button below your waist is the inflation valve. After you press it, oxygen will be filled in. You can float faster. "

"However, unless it is a matter of life and death, don't press the button, or it will float too fast. Do you know the consequences?"

Wang Bo nodded, and the people outside responded that he could not see him and said, "Well, I'm sick of diving, I know."

"Fine, follow me, go to the diving ladder, and finally ask, do you want to go down first?" The youth asked.

Of course, Wang Bo has to go first, or else he can't change some large seabed stones in the public eye?

The ladder descended slowly, and he slowly sank into the seawater. As the seawater conducted heat, he no longer felt very hot and comfortable.

The diving ladder sank ten meters and stopped. This was a safe adjustment of height. The rest was for him to dive.

However, the place they chose was not deep, only forty meters.

The visibility of the seawater was average. After diving, Wang Bo looked up and could see the bright sea, but the surroundings were quite gloomy and dark.

There was no fish, and the sea was dead.

"Adjust your breathing, make good use of the oxygen, and pay attention to the exhaust valve on the upper right of the helmet, which can control your dive speed and direction of movement ..." Someone has been talking to him.

In the slow sinking, Wang Bo didn't feel any discomfort. I don't know how long it was. In this kind of seawater, the lack of timing tools and the special environment made by oxygen, so he didn't know the time passing.

Finally, sinking under his feet, he fell to the bottom of the sea, at this time a number appeared on the submersible on the mask: 34.22, he dived more than 34 meters.

There are still no living beings waiting for fish and shrimp here, only countless stones appear in his vision.

Seeing these stones, he knew that he had thought about it before, so many submarine reefs were missing, and no one could find them! (To be continued.)

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