Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 901: The uncle of the master is also the master

Huangtian pays off. After Ma Yaozi leaped up a low **** in front of him, he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was a team of Qing troops in front of them who were desperately beating their horses to the north, and in front of them, there were more Qing troops. Obviously, the Qing army's brigade was not far away.

"Follow me!"

Horse Harrier didn't say much, yanked on the reins, squeezed his legs, and the horse swooped downhill with a neigh. I really don't know where he got his hard work.


Hundreds of Taiping cavalry, consisting of Han, Manchu, and Mongolian tribes, immediately followed the commander and rushed towards the fleeing Qing army. Now, this posture is completely beating the underdogs. Although the body and mind are tired, everyone is scrambling for the first place. Officers should make meritorious deeds, and soldiers should also make meritorious deeds. In the Taiping Army, if you want to stand out, you only talk about military merits, regardless of your background.

Seeing the Taiping cavalry chasing after them, the Qing troops running north whipped their whips louder, and the pain caused the warhorses under their crotch to step up their hooves even more.

One chases and one runs.

There are few people chasing, and many people running, but the one who runs is unwilling to stop.

After chasing for less than two miles, the road ahead had a vague bend, and I couldn't see what was going on at the bend. Ma Yaozi was also a daring artist, so he followed directly. At that corner, the sight ahead made his heart skip a beat. I saw that on the winding road, thousands of horses and horses ran to the north, and the icy road was trampled by countless horses' hooves. On the ground, there are deep and shallow hoof prints. On both sides of the road where the horses ran, all the mud was thrown out, and after a rough sweep, even the roots of the poplar trees beside the road were black.

"Nan Manzi is catching up!"

Exclamations soon sounded in the Qing army brigade, whether it was full of soldiers or Mongolian soldiers, all of them panicked. The ones in front are not afraid, there are people behind them anyway, they just need to restrain the horses and avoid bumping into other people. The ones at the back were terrified, and the horsewhips were whipping, but the road was so wide, and the front was full of people, so they couldn't get up at all, and there was no place for them to rush to the front.

Thousands of Manchu and Mongolian cavalrymen who were once invincible gathered together like this, stretching for more than ten miles. It was so long that it was impossible to see the head at a glance, only to see countless spires glowing in the sun. Accompanied by the sound of people shouting horses is the sound of the armor grinding.

The Manchu and Mongolian languages ​​fluctuated in an endless stream on this unknown Huaiyang Road. As the Taiping army got closer and closer, the Qing army inevitably panicked again, and the backward Qing soldiers rushed forward desperately, causing chaos in the already sustainable order. When the people in front heard the movement behind, they also squeezed forward in fright, which would be fatal.

"Don't mess, don't mess!"

Several generals with eight banners tried their best to maintain order, but to no avail, they had to draw their swords to kill. Outer Mongolian soldiers, Inner Mongolian soldiers, and even Manchu children, they all slashed and killed mercilessly, just to calm the chaos. However, the result of this was to make the scene even more chaotic. A Manchurian ginseng was directly cut to the ground by a Mongolian soldier from behind.

All the way chaos, all the way to run, all the way to kill each other, along the way do not know how many corpses were left. In the end, no one was going to maintain order. The big guys ran forward together. Whoever ran fast was lucky, and whoever ran slowly, he deserved his back.

At the very center of the team, there were layers of armored soldiers from the Eight Banners of the Forbidden Brigade of the Two Yellow Banners surrounded by one person, and this person was Ao Bai.

When the sound of fighting and shouting reached the camp, Obai already knew that he had to leave. He did not order to retreat, but directly led the Eight Banners soldiers he could control to fight Ma Beiben. Zuoba, the general of the eight banners, could not do this. They abandoned the Mongolian army and escorted Aobai to hurriedly retreat north.

The retreat of Aobai and the Eight Banners of the forbidden brigade gave the rest of the Qing army no hope, and was soon overrun by the cavalry led by King Ma Yaozi. The army was in turmoil, the officers and soldiers were separated, and the Qing army was completely chaotic. Whether it was facing the wolf-like cavalry under Ma Yaozi or the infantry of the Taiping Army, they were all being slaughtered one-sidedly.

The moment Ao Bai turned his horse's head, he knew that he had lost again, and he lost very thoroughly and was very embarrassing. Compared to the Battle of the Three Bays, this time he didn't even touch the edge of the thief scholar, and speaking of which, he himself didn't want to believe it.

The master's personal expedition has also become a joke. The defeat is a sure thing. Now the only thing he can do is to take these elites back, and then tie the master back to Beijing.

This Yangzhou, can not stay.

As for how to deal with the next crisis after returning to Beijing, how to deal with the encroachment of Jianghuai by the thief showcai, the threat of Wu Sangui from Guanzhong, or the panic of people in the north, Aobai can't care. His only confidence and fortunate is that although this battle was defeated, it was not considered a complete annihilation of the army. The Qing always had a little strength, and he would not be as helpless as when Chongzhen was beaten to Beijing by Li Chuang.

There is a saying in the Han people that if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of running out of firewood. Ao Bai used to think that this was a shameless word of the Han people, and he failed to comfort himself, but now, he has to use these words to comfort himself and his master. Otherwise, he really didn't know how to meet the master and how to speak to the master.

After returning to Beijing, what Daqing really worried about was not the thief scholar, but Wu Sangui. That shameless man had more than 100,000 elite teachers under his command. The important thing was that he was too close to Gyeonggi. Daqing's life and death were really buried in the hands of the thief Xiucai. But if the Qing Dynasty was buried in the hands of Wu Sangui, Ao Bai would never accept it.

In the chaos of the rear army, Ao Bai didn't have to look back and heard it clearly. He didn't bother to care about it, and only ordered the forward to speed up. He now only hopes that Sony has sent out a horse to know the situation here, and is already preparing for the imperial drive to return to Beijing.

Ma Yazi is really taking advantage of the fight now, killing people like killing chickens. He doesn't even need to carry a gun. The Qing soldiers in front jumped off their horses by themselves and knelt on the side of the road begging for surrender. The subordinates are also excited again and again, and they are all grateful for the courage and choice of their own leaders. If it wasn't for the Lord's determination to pursue this, how would they have gained so much. Today, the so-called Eight Banners soldiers are showing their buttocks in front of them, waiting for them to fight. They will not give up such a good thing. It is true that everyone is bravely moving forward, and no one backs down. Some soldiers even compared what happened in front of them with the scene when they chased the Ming army back then, and came to the conclusion that it was more enjoyable now.

At this moment, even Zhou Shixiang came here in person, and it was hard for him to believe that his own cavalry of several hundred people would beat the more than ten times more Qing troops so miserably.

Ao Bai didn't expect that the army would disintegrate in a flash, and he had heard the screams of killing approaching. His brows were deeply furrowed, and he suddenly stopped the horse, and turned his head back when the horse moved. The screams of the Taiping Army are getting closer and louder, and the sound is getting louder and louder. The Manchu generals of Zhou Zuo, Obai, are all apprehensive, and they don't know why Obai stopped.

Wu Keshan, Prince of Horqin, also rushed over with a group of princes and Taiji, all of them with personal guards, and many defeated soldiers who wanted to fight for the road were also beaten on the road.

All Horqin ministries~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Because of Wu Keshan and others and their relatives attached to the Qing Dynasty, the military rations and armaments were provided by the Qing army, so there was no complaint like the Outer Mongolian soldiers. In addition, Wu Keshan had great prestige in Horqin, so all the ministries listened to him, and he was the only one who followed his lead, and Aobai couldn't mobilize them.

"Aobai, why don't you leave?"

Wu Keshan came over on a horse and found that Ao Baile was fixed there, so he couldn't help but ask.

Ao Bai glanced at the master's eldest uncle, and complained very much to the prince in his heart. During the Battle of Three Bays, Wu Keshan refused to work hard, and was the first to lead his troops to flee north, resulting in a major collapse. Today, the same prince moved the king's flag north before he moved. At this moment, he came to ask him why he didn't leave, which made him very angry, but he didn't dare to express his anger. vent out. The master's uncle is also the master, not to mention that this sister is the current queen mother, and Ao Bai can't afford to offend.

The Horqin princes who came with Wu Keshan ignored Aobai and surrounded Wu Keshan with horses. They only had Wu Keshan in their eyes. Horqin's Mongolian soldiers also subconsciously surrounded the princes and isolated them from the Manchus. This time it took up a lot of space, making Man Baqi unable to move. Some Manchu soldiers who were eager to get past inevitably pushed the Horqin people, but the other party refused to let them, so they couldn't help but yell and scold them. (To be continued.)

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