Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 880: corpse and top

It was very quiet upstairs at the city gate, it could be said that there was no sound.

The young emperor of Qing Dynasty stood above the city gate, staring blankly at the red light that reflected half the sky in the south.

The city tower at his feet was once bombed and collapsed by Hongyi cannons. Here, Shi Kefa, the governor of the Ming Dynasty cabinet department, died for the country.

Not far behind the city wall is Zuowei Street. At the end of the street, turn left and there is an alley that is dozens of meters long. When night falls, you can't see your fingers there, and it's very eerie. There were rumors in the city that there were grudges in that alley, so no one dared to walk through that alley after dark.

A few years ago, Yangzhou Prefecture asked people to hang six lanterns in the alley, but as long as the lanterns were hung, they would be extinguished that night. The outside is complete. Since then, no one has dared to hang lanterns in the alley again, and even if a pedestrian walks into the alley with a lantern, it will be inexplicably extinguished. Not to mention outsiders, that is, people nearby will not come out at night. It is said that when someone passed by here late at night, they heard someone crying in the alley, and some people saw someone watching them from a distance.

In short, the rumors about this alley are very scary, this is the restricted area of ​​Yangzhou City. Fifteen years ago, this was the largest slaughterhouse in Yangzhou City. At that time, the Qing soldiers spread the corpses layer by layer in the alley, and kept the corpses piled up as high as the roofs on both sides. After the corpses were piled up, dozens of Manchu officers excitedly climbed onto the corpses, cheered and jumped on it, singing the songs of their hometown.

After hearing about this, Prince Yu Duo Duo was very happy and said to the people below, "Building a corpse and a top" is the greatest military feat of Manzhou Erlang!

Fifteen years have passed, and the original "corpse" has long since become the bones of the mass graves outside the city, and most of the original Manchu Erlang is not in this world. But the deeds of building the corpse knot have been handed down forever (more than 200 years later, the corpse knot has evolved into a screw and a top, and the residents of the city have forgotten the true meaning of these four words.)


Of course, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty would not run into the alley behind the city wall late at night, nor would he do rituals for the dead souls, and even he could not even hear the four “corpses and tops” from the mouths of his ministers. words. He only knew that Yangzhou City was conquered by the Qing Dynasty, and after conquering the city, the Ming officials in Nanjing were terrified, so they surrendered. The Qing soldiers occupied the most elite land of the Han people without a single soldier.

This is obviously a good thing.

The Qing Emperor was still very young, so although the military situation was urgent and the war was not going well, it did not affect his interest in visiting the famous scenic spots in Yangzhou. He took the time to visit Baobao Lake (Slender West Lake), Wenchang Pavilion, and the White Pagoda. The officials in Yangzhou really wanted to present a few beauties to make the emperor happy, but they searched around the city, but they couldn't find a few of them. I can't blame them for that. Who killed all the people in this city more than ten years ago. Most of the current residents of Yangzhou are not from Yangzhou. Therefore, no matter how good the water and soil in Yangzhou are, no matter how beautiful it is, it will take decades or even a hundred years for Yangzhou to produce more beautiful women.

Fortunately, the officials in Yangzhou did not present beauties to the Qing emperor, because the young emperor now only loves his concubine Dong E, and other women, no matter how beautiful they are, are far inferior to his concubine Dong E in his heart. Even if Concubine Ai is now seriously ill and is thousands of miles away from him, in the heart of the young emperor, that woman will always be the most beautiful. Therefore, the flattering behavior of Yangzhou officials will be patted on the emperor's hoof if it is not good.

The Han people have an emperor named Tang Minghuang, who said that he loves beautiful people but not Jiangshan. I am not Tang Minghuang, and I love Jiangshan and beauty more. Country and beauty are like fish and bear's paw, as long as I am the emperor, I can get it.

The loyal and skilled servant Aobai went to preside over the Sanwan Camp, and all the tens of thousands of troops went to the south. Aobai and Sony spent a whole night in the imperial camp planning for their masters, doing their best, and taking into account all the details. In the end, they came to a result that made the masters very excited, that is, in this decisive battle, the Qing Dynasty will win!

Shunzhi didn't doubt that the minions were coaxing him to be happy, because he invested too much effort in this war, money, grain, weapons, military and manpower, whatever he could take out, he could take out. Even in order to support this war, he tacitly agreed that Ebilong would expand the "inspection of silver" in Shanxi, and behead those loyal slaves who had been designated as imperial merchants by himself and who had made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty. Kill them all, just to get the money that can keep the treasury running from the pockets of these minions.

At the same time, as the emperor, he turned a blind eye to the disaster that happened in Zuojinzhou County, Yangzhou. Compared with the Jiangshan Sheji in the Qing Dynasty, the lives of the Han people are really not worth mentioning. They were originally slaves in Manchuria, and the meaning of their lives was only to serve and support Manchuria as cattle and horses. Therefore, now they pay a little extra for the Qing Dynasty, even if it is their lives and wives and daughters, it is nothing. They are pigs and sheep raised in captivity in the Qing Dynasty.

Shunzhi believed that Aobai would be able to win. Tens of thousands of Manchu and Mongolian cavalry and two or three Han army green battalions came together. He never thought that the thief show would have any chance of winning. Although the previous Qing Dynasty lost two consecutive battles and lost more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, most of the people who died were the green battalions of the Han army, and the vitality of the Mongolian soldiers was still there. The army is still much stronger than the Ming army, and even if it fails to win, it is a good thing for the Qing Dynasty, a big good thing.

To a certain extent, Shunzhi regarded the thief Xiucai as the Li Zicheng of the year. He believed that the thief Xiucai with a shallow and solid foundation could not withstand a defeat, and he did not even need to defeat him. Will this Ming Dynasty really be able to resume?

After Aobai sent a report from Sanwan to send troops, Shunzhi was very excited. He was gearing up, and told Fei Yanggu, the guard beside him, that he wanted to go to the front line to cheer for the soldiers, and saw with his own eyes how the thief show that he hated deeply. perish.

Just when Fei Yanggu was instructed to prepare the emperor to visit the front line in person, the experienced Sony rushed to dissuade the master in a hurry. Under Sony's persuasion, Shunzhi gave up the idea of ​​going to the front line~www.wuxiamtl.com~ sat behind the imperial table and waited anxiously. How he looked forward to the good news of Ao Bai, and how eager he was to hear the good news that the thief Xiucai had been captured. However, what he got was news that the Sanwan Camp was on fire.

Sanwan is very close to Yangzhou South City. Standing on the tower, in the dark night, without a telescope, Shunzhi can see that the sky in the south is bright red.

"how come..."

Shunzhi murmured, his face became ugly. Although there is no definite news, the fire in the camp has already explained everything to the Manchu generals and officials on the tower. That is, Aobai is likely to lose.

No one dared to speak, and everyone stood there quietly.

"How can... how can it be!"

Suddenly, everyone fell to their knees in fright, because they saw the emperor's fist smashed against the city wall.


Sony kowtowed in fright when he saw blood running down his fingers from his master's right hand. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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