Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 874: Baturu

There are more than a thousand soldiers of the two yellow flags around Aobai, and there is also a soldier of the red flag from Niu Lu. He leads the army in the capacity of an internal minister, not a prince and a county king, so there is no king umbrella, only the life flag given by the emperor.

No one expected that the people of the old white flag would suddenly attack. The chaotic white flag soldiers almost easily crossed the defense line of thousands of Manchu generals on the outside and killed them towards the place of Aobai.

That night, taking advantage of the wine, Wu Erte, Gong Jianse, Yue Deji and other officers of the white flag signed the document. After sobering up the next day, none of the nearly 30 Manchu officers in the secret meeting regretted it. Wuer asked Gong Jianse to get in touch with the Taiping Army, and he led his troops to defect. But then there was an decree from His Royal Highness King Qi of the Ming Dynasty, which meant that Wuerte and the others would rebel against each other during the war, which would make the meaning of returning the white flag to the Ming Dynasty even more important, and could also seriously damage the Qing army. At the same time, His Royal Highness King Qi promised to guarantee that after the Taiping army entered Beijing, he would absolutely guarantee the safety of the families of the soldiers and soldiers in Manchuria, and at the same time, they would increase the ranks of the officers and soldiers of the white flag.

Gong Jianse was very proud and told Wu Erte and the others that, with his efforts, if things were to succeed, there would be at least one marquis and two earls in the Ming Dynasty, and the rest of the officials in the North, and the governor and below would even be rewarded with Youjia. . In the future, the Manchu disciples will follow Suna’s example and change to Han nationality, learn Chinese dialect and know Chinese characters. In the future, their children and grandchildren will all be Han people, and they will do things for the people of the Ming Dynasty just like the Han people. They are also all officials, not native officials. The King Qi of Daming was about to write a blood letter and swore to God that he would never pursue all the crimes they committed in the Qing Dynasty in the future.

Wuerte and the others were very satisfied. After discussing with his officers, Gongjianse, and Yue Deji, Wuerte agreed to rebel against the enemy, because doing so would have a great chance of ruining the Aobai army, so that there would be no more soldiers in Shunzhi's hands. , that way, they don't have to be afraid that the Aixilla Jue family can still sit on the throne of the emperor, and they don't have to worry that their family members in Beijing will be killed.

After the war started today, Wu Erte, Yue Deji, and others delayed the attacking order, and they acted in a negative way, and their performance was not positive. However, because of their status as soldiers in Manchuria, no one doubted that they had become two-hearted. They only said that they were supervising the battle, and finally grabbed the fruits of the Han army, the green camp and the Mongolian army. In the past, it was almost the practice of Manchu soldiers to go into battle.

As the war progressed, Wuerte and the others found that the center line of the Taiping Army kept retreating, and they couldn't help being a little shaken by the Taiping Army. The premise of their willingness to cooperate with the Taiping army in their rebellion is that the Taiping army itself must be tough and can withstand the Aobai army, so that their rebellion will have a fatal impact on the Qing army. If the Taiping army can't stop the Qing army's attack at all, and the Qing army has the upper hand, even if the two thousand of them are in chaos, the impact on the war will probably be very weak.

In view of this, Wu Erte and the others began to hesitate, and even Gong Jian, who had been contacting in the center, was in a state of confusion, lest he would end up with a corpse separated in the end. Fortunately, just when they were about to give up their rebellion, the Taiping army did not know what kind of powerful weapons they used, and the Qing army that rushed into the center line collapsed.

Seeing that all the soldiers and horses on the center line retreated, Wu Erte made a decisive decision, and led three Niu Lu from the headquarters to rush to Ao Bai from the left rear, and Manchu officers such as Gong Jianse and Yue Deji led four Niu Lu attacked Ao Bai from the front.

The location of Obai is the location of the central army of the Qing army. There is both the command center and the flag of Obai. Killing Ao Bai will destroy the command system of the tens of thousands of Qing troops; cutting off Ao Bai's general flag will instantly drop the morale of the tens of thousands of Qing troops to freezing point. In this way, under the pursuit of the Taiping Army, most of the tens of thousands of Qing troops may not be able to escape back to Yangzhou City.

The development of the situation was just as Wuerte and the others expected. The unsuspecting remaining Manchu bannermen were at a loss when faced with the sudden attack by the old white bannermen. They didn't know how to deal with it at all. There were casualties, and it was on the verge of collapse in an instant. As far as Wuerte himself saw, there were one or two white flags of Niu Lu who did not stop them.

The Manchu soldiers around Ao Bai were also caught off guard. If Ao Bai personally commanded Goshha to suppress his position, he would have been disrupted by Wuerte and the others.

Aobai fought extremely bravely, and was awarded the title of "Baturu" warrior by Hong Tai in his early years. He was a famous hero in Manzhou. However, bravery is second. The more terrifying thing about Aobai is that this person can be in danger without panic. Even if he panics in the face of a crisis, he can quickly calm down and quickly come up with a countermeasure.

When Hong Tai died that year, Dorgon relied on the strength of the two white flags and Hauge to compete for the throne. The two yellow flags also had different opinions, and many people took refuge in Dorgon. At this time, Ao Bai and other ministers of the two yellow flags, Sony, Tan Tai, and other eight people gathered at Hauge's mansion, and made an oath, wishing to live and die together, and conspired to make Hauge the emperor. Later, the first generation of the four Baylors was good at Chongzheng Hall and held a meeting to discuss the successor. In the early morning of the same day, Aobai swore an oath with the ministers of the two yellow flags at the Daqingmen, firmly supported the son of the late emperor, and ordered the elite guards of the two flags to be fully armed to guard the Chongzheng Hall, ready to meet at all costs.

When there was a lot of debate in the meeting, Ao Bai and a group of generals who were loyal to Huang Taiji left their seats, pressed their swords forward, and said in unison: "We ministers eat the food of the late emperor and wear the clothes of the late emperor. , UU reading www.uukanshu.com The grace of the late emperor for our upbringing is as high as the sky and the ocean. If we don't establish the son of the late emperor, we would rather die the late emperor and go underground!"

Aobai's move was actually a threat to Dorgon not to covet the throne by force. Under this situation, Dorgon had to make concessions and proposed to support the ninth son of Huang Taiji, 6-year-old Fulin, to succeed him. Together with the prince of Zheng, Jier Harang, he served as an assistant. Because of this, Aobai was severely suppressed during Dorgon's reign and was executed several times. Until Dorgon died of illness and Shunzhi took charge of the government, the little emperor heard that Aobai, Sony and others had sworn "one heart, life and death", and they were loyal, so they respected Aobai and regarded him as a confidant. From then on, Ao Bai accompanied Shunzhi and directly participated in the management of various affairs of the country. He was one of the most trusted servant ministers in Manzhou and even in the Qing Dynasty.

Now, Aobai's fearless character has appeared again. After the initial panic and anger, Obai immediately mobilized the two yellow flag soldiers and horses around him to curb the offensive of the old white flag rebels. Under the desperate resistance of the two yellow flag soldiers, the offensive of Wuerte and others was effectively contained, and more Manchu soldiers and horses loyal to the emperor arrived.

A team of more than 700 Han troops also came to support under the leadership of Du Tong Shang Zhixiao. This Shang Zhixiao is the second son of Shang Kexi, the king of Pingnan who was killed in Guangdong, and his brother is Shang Zhixin. At that time, Shang Kexi sent Shang Zhixiao to Beijing because he didn't want his two sons to fight for infighting after his death. After the news of Guangdong's breaking news reached Beijing, Shang Zhixiao knelt in front of the palace gate all night, just to get Shunzhi to send troops to avenge his father and brother, but he failed to do so. This time, when I heard that the emperor wanted to go on a personal expedition, Shang Zhixiao knelt at the palace gate again and asked to join the army. This time he was specially summoned by the emperor at the Qianqing Palace, and then ordered him to be the general of Zhennan and go out with the army.

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