Han’s Son is Not a Slave

Chapter 857: Young Master, you don't want to die!

Under the rounds of fire from the Fifth Town, the Mongolian army of the Esen Department suffered heavy casualties and had to withdraw from the battlefield.

The fifth town suffered more than 1,000 casualties in the two battles at Guazhou Shuiying and Bianjiahekou, and half of the two battalions were missing. Therefore, the strength of the Qing army in person was twice that of the fifth town. Although there was Daijiazhuang's defense line to rely on, the casualties of the fifth town gradually increased due to the continuous onslaught of the Qing army. After all, since crossing the river, the fifth town has been fighting continuously, marching without fighting, digging fortifications if not fighting, and has not rested for a day. This is also one of the reasons why Yu Shizhong strongly opposes the decisive battle with the Qing army after the Bianjiahekou victory, because from top to bottom, the soldiers can't bear it!

The consequences of not resting and replenishing were not obvious before the war, but at the beginning of the war, the consequences were immediately apparent. Yu Shizhong saw that many soldiers who were fighting were suddenly stabbed by Qing soldiers with spears, and some had to stop and gasp when they were fighting.

Yu Shizhong shook his head, and now, he can only blame him for not persevering. Now he can only hold on to his teeth, and where the flag is, is where he is in Shizhong, even if it is the place where his soul returns to Shizhong, he must be nailed here!

Chang Adai issued a strict order, and the Han army and the green camp were not allowed to take a step back. Tong Guowei, Gang Atai and other Qing generals pressed down the pressure layer by layer, and the Manchu and Han superintendents almost slashed bare-chested. Thousands of Green Battalion soldiers from the north were advancing little by little and advancing among the corpses. They had to work hard, because the Manchu soldiers in the rear were watching them.

In Daijiazhuangbei, tens of thousands of people were killed together. The three Niu Lu with the red flag in Manzhou approached from the flank, and they smashed the Taiping army of a guard, but the Taiping army that was washed away did not flee, but combined small groups to fight back against the Qing army desperately. This level of strength shocked and admired the Manchu soldiers. They had never encountered more than half of the casualties, and the scattered Ming troops could reunite again. If there is, it is probably that their father and grandfather saw it in Hunhe more than 30 years ago.

These Nanbanzi are a bunch of men!

Wu Ku, the leader of the Manchu Association, who was in charge of the three red flags, couldn't help but praised it, but after he praised it, he cut off the head of a southern barbarian with a single knife.


"Father, go to block the Manchu Tartars!"

Seeing a Manchurian soldier with a red flag on the flank rushing over, threatening the rear of Brigade A and B, Yu Youming, who was only promoted to the town guard a few days ago, roared, and did not wait for his father to say. What, he slapped the horse with a whip on the horse's buttocks, and the horse under the crotch hurt, neighed, raised its hoof, and galloped out like an arrow.


Seeing this, Wang Guotai, the general banner of the town guard who was born in the family, was so frightened that he brought more than one hundred town guards and cavalry to follow closely. The cavalry of the town guards are the guards and horses of the town generals directly under the township. They are selected from the brave soldiers of each battalion. The easy town guards don't move, as long as they move, it means that the battle has reached a fever pitch and has to be fought.

Seeing that his son ran out without waiting for his order, Yu Shizhong was a little annoyed, but he knew that he couldn't call his son back. At this moment, he couldn't care about his son. The Qing army attacked too fiercely, and the soldiers and horses in his hands may be difficult to stop. If the defeat of the fifth town leads to the defeat of the Chinese army in the battle, he will be a sinner through the ages!

It's just that while worrying about the war, his hand tightly holds a jade pendant. It was his deceased wife's belongings, to be left to her future daughter-in-law.

"Brothers, be optimistic about the young master, kill the Tartars!"

Following Wang Guotai's roar, the cavalrymen of the town guards galloped. The warhorse struggled with its four hooves, carrying its master, and marched forward bravely.

Hundreds of warriors stabbed the Manchurian Tartars like a sharp arrow.


"Who is the commander of the Taiping bandit on the opposite side, but he is capable. If the order goes on, if you can capture this person alive, don't kill him yet."

The Han army and Lvying were still entangled with the Taiping army, but Chang Adai appreciated the general of the Taiping army, thinking that if he could capture this bright general alive, he might as well persuade him to surrender. But he waited for a long time, and the Han army and the green camp could not advance further, and were still firmly blocked by the Taiping army in front of the second line of defense they built relying on Daijiazhuang.

In the ears, the sound of guns and cannons exploded with a "humming" sound, and from time to time, the Taiping army could see an explosive thrown out, and one was injured when it exploded.

Thinking of Ao Bai's instructions, Chang Adai couldn't hold back his breath. He was originally a prince, but because of the sin of his father Mandahai, he was downgraded to Dorobel, which made him reconciled. This battle may be an opportunity for him. Ji Du and Yue Le are both dead, and that kid Donny is also as timid as a mouse. If he can make a great contribution, I am afraid that the little uncle will look at him and treat him with respect. Return the throne to yourself.

"Tell Mo Luohong to take the flag of the thief general."


Immediately, Ghoshha was sent to give orders. Mo Luohong is the deputy capital of Zhenghongqi. Chang Adai asked him to win the flag of the Ming Army. Naturally, he should stop watching and lead Manzhou Erlang, who is Zhenghongqi, to make contributions. This battle has been fought so far, and the Taiping bandits can hardly hold it any longer. The last straw that broke the camel's back is to let the Manchu disciples come.

The three Niu Lu in Xianghongqi, who were approaching from the south, under the leadership of the co-leader Wu Ku, first broke up the Taiping army of a Wei Wei, and after killing the Taiping army who were still trying to resist, they rushed to the battlefield where they were fighting together. On the way, they were blocked by a group of more than 100 Taiping cavalry.

Yu Youming led these more than 100 town guard heroes to fight with three Manchu soldiers with red flags in Niu Lu. However, more Manchu soldiers were galloping here.

Wang Guotai saw that Yu Youming was going to be injured several times by the Qing army despite the danger, and he was very anxious. The Yu family was such a single seedling. several uncles.

"Master, come back!"

Wang Guotai shouted for Yu Youming to come back, but he shouted loudly, but Yu Youming couldn't hear a word. His eyes were already bloodshot, his spear was already stained with blood, and there was even more blood on his tiger's mouth, but he was injured by a Manchurian soldier just now.

"Follow me all!"

Seeing that the young master was surrounded by soldiers, Wang Guotai was also anxious. Although the number of these 30-odd cavalry guards was small, they rushed forward desperately, and their momentum was also frightening.


Spell it tonight, everyone encourages it, and it is guaranteed to be no less than 10,000 words. (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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